
After divorcing her husband, she had a relationship again, I don't know what he thinks?

author:Wanwan Emotional Zone

"After divorcing her husband, she had a relationship again, I don't know what he thinks? 》

After divorcing her husband, she had a relationship again, I don't know what he thinks?

The picture comes from the Internet

At the moment of divorce, Lin Xiao thought that the story of himself and Zhang Yu had come to an end. However, fate always seems to like to play jokes with people, so that after separation, they fall into a tangled entanglement.

After the divorce, Lin Xiao worked hard to adapt himself to a new life. She found a new job, rented a small apartment, and tried to keep all the past hurts and memories behind her. She told herself that it was a chance to start over and to face the future with courage.

One weekend night, Lin Xiao attended a gathering of friends. Originally, I just wanted to relax, but I didn't expect to meet Zhang Yu there. The moment the four eyes met, Lin Xiao's heart tightened suddenly. The once familiar face is now a little unfamiliar, and Zhang Yu's eyes also reveal complex emotions.

The atmosphere of the party was relaxed and lively, but there was an awkward silence between Lin Xiao and Zhang Yu. The friends seemed to notice something strange and made excuses to leave, leaving them room to be alone.

"Lately, how are you doing?" Zhang Yu was the first to break the silence, and his voice was a little low.

Lin Xiao took a sip of wine lightly and replied with a smile: "It's not bad, what about you?" ”

After a brief pleasantries, the two fell silent for a longer time. Until the end of the party, Zhang Yu offered to send Lin Xiao home. Lin Xiao hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

After divorcing her husband, she had a relationship again, I don't know what he thinks?

The picture comes from the Internet

Sitting in Zhang Yu's car, Lin Xiao looked at the night scene outside the window, full of thoughts. Once, they had spent countless nights like this together, but now they were different. The car stopped under Lin Xiao's apartment, and she was about to get out of the car when Zhang Yu suddenly grabbed her hand.

"Xiao, I want to hug you." Zhang Yu's voice carried a hint of pleading.

Lin Xiao's body trembled slightly, and the inner defense line collapsed in an instant at this moment. She turned around and threw herself into Zhang Yu's arms. At that moment, the familiar breath and warm embrace made her feel as if she had returned to the past.

I don't know if it was the effect of alcohol or the long-suppressed emotional outburst, they hugged each other and walked into the apartment and had a relationship.

The next morning, when the sun shone on Lin Xiao's face, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at Zhang Yu who was sleeping beside her, her heart was full of confusion and confusion. She didn't know what everything meant last night, and she didn't know what Zhang Yu thought.

After Zhang Yu woke up, he looked at Lin Xiao, his eyes were full of guilt and helplessness.

"Xiao, I'm sorry, I ......" Zhang Yu stopped when he wanted to speak.

Lin Xiao interrupted him: "Don't apologize, I just don't understand, why is this happening?" ”

After divorcing her husband, she had a relationship again, I don't know what he thinks?

The picture comes from the Internet

Zhang Yu lowered his head and was silent for a long time before he said slowly: "I thought I could let go after the divorce, but the moment I saw you, I realized that I couldn't forget you at all." However, there were still problems between us, and I didn't know what to do. ”

Lin Xiao listened, tears rolled in his eyes: "Then why do you want to do this?" Gave me hope, but left me confused? ”

In the following days, Lin Xiao and Zhang Yu fell into a delicate relationship. They would occasionally meet, eat together, and talk, but neither of them would mention the events of that night again, as if it were a taboo that could not be touched.

Lin Xiao's heart was tormented, and she didn't know whether she should accept Zhang Yu again, or completely draw a line with him. And Zhang Yu seems to be hesitating, on the one hand, he can't let go of his feelings for Lin Xiao, and on the other hand, he is afraid of repeating the mistakes of the past.

In an in-depth conversation, Zhang Yu finally opened his heart to Lin Xiao. It turned out that after the divorce, he had been trying to find new feelings to fill the void in his heart, but found that no one could compare to Lin Xiao. However, the conflicts they had accumulated before because of personality conflicts and trivial matters in life made him full of fear of getting back together.

Lin Xiao listened quietly, with mixed feelings in her heart. She knows that the problems between them will not be solved overnight, and that if they want to be back together, it will take huge changes and efforts from both parties.

After divorcing her husband, she had a relationship again, I don't know what he thinks?

The picture comes from the Internet

After careful consideration, Lin Xiao decided to give each other a chance. She told Zhang Yu that she was willing to re-examine their relationship with him and try to solve the problems of the past. Zhang Yu listened, and a trace of surprise and firmness flashed in his eyes.

Since then, Lin Xiao and Zhang Yu have embarked on a difficult restoration journey. They attend marriage counselling sessions together to learn how to communicate and understand each other; Facing the difficulties and challenges in life together, supporting and encouraging each other.

In the process, they gradually discovered that the gap that they once thought was unsurpassable is not insurmountable. As long as you truly love each other and are willing to give and change for each other, there is still hope for everything.

After a period of hard work, the relationship between Lin Xiao and Zhang Yu finally ushered in a turning point. They regained their trust and intimacy, and decided to join hands in the palace of marriage again.

This time, they know very well that marriage needs to be managed with heart, and it needs to be tolerant and understanding of each other. And the unexpected relationship after the divorce became a turning point in their lives, making them cherish their hard-won happiness even more.