
Pei Wenxuan was not the only one who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian"! Li Rong, Li Chuan is on the list, and Su Rongqing is martyred

author:Sight entertainment
Pei Wenxuan was not the only one who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian"! Li Rong, Li Chuan is on the list, and Su Rongqing is martyred

The TV series "Spending the Year of China" delves into the complex world of court intrigue and emotional entanglement. The story features Pei Wenxuan, Li Rong and Su Rongqing as the protagonists, and the three of them launched a battle of life and death and emotional tests on the court stage.

Pei Wenxuan, as the chief assistant of the current dynasty, although he pursues power, he has always missed Li Rong in his heart. This relationship experienced love and killing in the previous life, and after being reborn, they faced each other again, Pei Wenxuan was not only for power, but also trying to pursue the true feelings of the eldest princess. This plot has won the resonance and love of the audience.

On the Internet, the discussion about "The Year of China" has never stopped. Netizens have their own unique views on the role interpretation of Pei Wenxuan, Li Rong and Su Rongqing. Some netizens said: "The emotional drama between Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong is really exciting!" Especially after they are reborn, they stand at the same starting point again, and their feelings are more complex and more real. This experience of complex relationships resonates deeply with the audience.

Pei Wenxuan was not the only one who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian"! Li Rong, Li Chuan is on the list, and Su Rongqing is martyred

As the eldest princess, Li Rong is in the whirlpool of palace politics, and her emotional life and power struggle are intertwined, which has aroused widespread attention from the audience. Some netizens commented: "The role of Li Rong is really hearty, watching her struggles and choices in the court, I feel the contradictions and firmness in her heart." Li Rong's growth and transformation in the play makes people feel distressed by what happened to her.

And Su Rongqing's road to revenge is also a highlight of the plot of "Du Hua Nian". Some netizens commented: "Su Rongqing's revenge journey is really worrying, he did not hesitate to be reborn twenty years ago for the sake of his beloved, in order to change his fate, and strive to stop the court's unrighteous actions." Su Rongqing's persistence and hard work made him a hero in the eyes of the audience.

Pei Wenxuan was not the only one who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian"! Li Rong, Li Chuan is on the list, and Su Rongqing is martyred

The intrigues and conspiracies within the palace are all around, making the plot of "The Year of China" even more confusing. Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong originally had deep feelings, but the struggle in the palace and the Qin Zhenzhen incident buried an indissoluble bond between the two. Pei Wenxuan, as the chief assistant of the current dynasty, knows the importance of power, but the longing for Li Rong in his heart has always been difficult to give up. He often thinks late at night that if he had been more decisive, he might have been able to avoid the tragedy of his previous life. Li Rong is extremely picky about feelings, and she can see Pei Wenxuan's inner contradictions clearly, she longs for true love in her heart, but she is unwilling to trust easily.

In this context, Shangguan Ya has become one of the most complex characters in the play. She lives with power and holds many secrets inside and outside the court. In her secret dealings with Su Rongqing, she tried to influence the fate of Great Xia and played a crucial role in the palace struggle. The ambition and calm scheming in her heart make people marvel at her methods.

Pei Wenxuan was not the only one who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian"! Li Rong, Li Chuan is on the list, and Su Rongqing is martyred

At the same time, Li Chuan's illness exacerbated the tension throughout the court. As an emperor, every decision he made could affect the future of Great Xia. Pei Wenxuan was well aware of Li Chuan's intentions and the contradictions of the people around him, and he spared no effort to try to change the course of history and stop the conspiracy of those who plotted against him. He often wondered if he could be smart enough to deal with these crises and protect the peace and stability of Great Xia.

In the end, Pei Wenxuan, Li Rong and Su Rongqing finally found their happiness after experiencing the test of life and death. This is not accidental, but the result of their efforts and persistence over the years. Through the fate of these characters, "Du Hua Nian" profoundly explores the complexity of human nature and the sincerity of emotions in the interweaving of court power. Each character shows different growth and changes in the face of the test of fate, revealing the true reactions and choices of human nature in the face of power.

Pei Wenxuan was not the only one who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian"! Li Rong, Li Chuan is on the list, and Su Rongqing is martyred

This drama is not only a performance of court intrigues, but also an exploration and interpretation of the depths of human nature. Through "The Year of China", the audience saw the integration of history and reality, as well as people's struggles and perseverance in complex situations. Every battle of power and strategy, and every intersection of emotions, give the audience a deeper understanding and resonance of the inner depth of the characters in the play.

As the heroine of this play, Zhao Jinmai, once commented on her: The competition in the entertainment industry is fierce, and there is a group of menacing post-00s actors who are preparing to go, Zhao Jinmai is one of them, she was born in 2002, she officially debuted at the age of 10, and her child star background makes netizens have a very high favorability, with a fresh appearance and skillful acting skills, and the future is also an infinite star of tomorrow.

Pei Wenxuan was not the only one who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian"! Li Rong, Li Chuan is on the list, and Su Rongqing is martyred

This news quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and major social platforms reposted and commented one after another. One fan wrote: "Zhao Jinmai's growth is really amazing, from the time she was a child star to the present, her progress can be described as changing with each passing day. Not only is the appearance fresh and lovely, but the acting skills are becoming more and more mature, and the future development potential should not be underestimated! This kind of support and expectation for her acting career fully demonstrates the high recognition and trust of fans in her.

Another netizen commented: "Among the post-00s actors, Zhao Jinmai is indeed a shining existence. Her performance in many works is very good, especially the natural performance style, which makes people feel very comfortable to watch. This praise for her natural and authentic performance style reflects her unique place and influence in the hearts of audiences.

However, some netizens expressed concerns and expectations for her future development. One commenter mentioned: "Although Zhao Jinmai's acting skills are good, the growth of post-00s child stars is not easy. The competition in the entertainment industry is too fierce, and I hope she can continue to improve in her future works and not be carried away by premature success. This kind of attention to her growth and development reflects the expectation and encouragement for her future.

Pei Wenxuan was not the only one who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian"! Li Rong, Li Chuan is on the list, and Su Rongqing is martyred

In addition to praise and expectations, some netizens also had in-depth discussions about her child star background and the challenges of the entertainment industry. A netizen expressed his opinion on social media: "An actor born as a child star has been under tremendous pressure and expectations since he was a child. Zhao Jinmai can thrive in such an environment, not only by talent, but also by firm will and hard work. This understanding of her background and upbringing shows a deep reflection and awareness of her career path.

Her fresh appearance, skillful acting skills and unlimited possibilities for future potential have become an important symbol of her becoming a rising star in the eyes of netizens. Although her acting career is full of challenges, her persistence and hard work have also won the recognition and support of the audience.

Pei Wenxuan was not the only one who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian"! Li Rong, Li Chuan is on the list, and Su Rongqing is martyred

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