
Xu Jiayin ushered in the finale? The lawyer said that he could face the death penalty and all his property was seized

author:Clouds in the sky


Business success and failure have always been a hot topic of social concern, successful business giants often become role models for people to learn, and failed business cases also sound the alarm bell for people to be sober and cautious on the road of business. Recently, a case of the collapse of a business empire has attracted widespread attention, and that is the tragic story of Xu Jiayin, the founder of Evergrande Group.

Xu Jiayin ushered in the finale? The lawyer said that he could face the death penalty and all his property was seized

1. The rise of business giants

As a well-known real estate developer in the East, Evergrande Group has a high reputation and reputation in the industry, and Xu Jiayin, the founder of Evergrande, has become a legend in the business world. At the beginning of Xu Jiayin's establishment of Evergrande Group, he did not have any background and resources, and with a diligence and perseverance, he had the glory of later.

Xu Jiayin ushered in the finale? The lawyer said that he could face the death penalty and all his property was seized

1.1 Seize the opportunity and rise successfully

The rise of Evergrande Group is inseparable from Xu Jiayin's keen market sense and risk-taking decision-making ability, after the Asian financial crisis, Xu Jiayin seized the trough of the real estate market and successfully developed Guangzhou Jinbi Garden, thus laying the foundation for the development of Evergrande.

Xu Jiayin ushered in the finale? The lawyer said that he could face the death penalty and all his property was seized

1.2 Leveraged development and rapid expansion

After the success of Jinbi Garden, Evergrande Group has risen rapidly, and through the leveraged development model, it has rapidly deployed and expanded across the country, not only with a large number of projects in first-tier cities, but also with extensive coverage in second- and third-tier cities, thus forming its own business empire.

Xu Jiayin ushered in the finale? The lawyer said that he could face the death penalty and all his property was seized

2. The collapse of the business empire

Just when the outside world was full of expectations for the development prospects of Evergrande Group, they did not expect that such a business empire would collapse overnight, and behind the collapse was Xu Jiayin's greed and speculation.

Xu Jiayin ushered in the finale? The lawyer said that he could face the death penalty and all his property was seized

2.1 Troubled and broken

In the context of the regulation of the property market in 2017, Evergrande Group, like other real estate companies, has fallen into a huge development dilemma, and the original high-speed growth performance began to decline, and at this time, Evergrande's capital chain has also shown signs of breakage.

2.2 Illegal fund-raising and speculation

Faced with the dilemma of broken capital chain, Xu Jiayin did not choose to solve the problem through legitimate means, but through illegal means, such as illegal fund-raising and huge speculation, to obtain the required funds, which not only did not solve the problem, but plunged Evergrande Group into a more serious crisis.

Xu Jiayin ushered in the finale? The lawyer said that he could face the death penalty and all his property was seized

2.3 Financial fraud and the collapse of business empires

In order to cover up the traces of his illegal activities, Xu Jiayin began to commit financial fraud, falsely reporting the company's performance and asset scale, just when the outside world began to doubt Evergrande, all the truth came out, Evergrande's financial fraud case was exposed, and the entire business empire collapsed.

3. Reflections behind the tragedy

Xu Jiayin's tragic story undoubtedly sounded the alarm bell for people, behind business success, there are often huge risks and tests, and greed and speculation make people lose their reason and bottom line, and finally embark on the road of no return.

Xu Jiayin ushered in the finale? The lawyer said that he could face the death penalty and all his property was seized

3.1 Reminder of Success

Both individuals and enterprises should learn from Xu Jiayin's tragic story and understand that business success is not achieved overnight, it requires hard work and sweat, and it is also necessary to maintain a cautious and sober mind, and not be blinded by immediate interests.

3.2 Reflection on failure

Xu Jiayin's tragedy also brought a trace of comfort to those who had failed, failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the loss of the courage to reflect and move forward, only in the failure of deep reflection, can find the root of the problem, so as to go more and more stable on the road in the future.

Xu Jiayin ushered in the finale? The lawyer said that he could face the death penalty and all his property was seized

3.3 Vigilantness of the rules

In addition, Xu Jiayin's tragedy also sounded the alarm for people about business rules, although the business world is full of competition and temptation, but also has strict rules and bottom lines, any violations and violations, will eventually be punished, such a story also brings a trace of positive energy to people, so that everyone understands that only under the premise of abiding by the rules, can we go more stable and long-term.

Xu Jiayin ushered in the finale? The lawyer said that he could face the death penalty and all his property was seized


Xu Jiayin's tragic story has undoubtedly brought a lot of conjecture and touch to people, although the world of business is full of countless variables and challenges, but only on the basis of diligence and integrity, can go more stable and distant. I hope that through such tragic stories, more people can understand that success and failure are the norm in the business world, and the key is how to deal with and sum up experience, so as to get better and better on the road ahead.