
Lu Qiyuan: "Pseudo-expert" and misleading person in the financial field

author:Grand Master

In today's era of information explosion, various voices and opinions emerge one after another, but there are also some "pseudo-experts" who mislead the public and confuse the public. Lu Qiyuan is one of them, and with a series of specious financial theories, he has constantly created panic and misunderstanding among the public, which has had a great negative impact on the mainland's financial policy and social and economic development.

Lu Qiyuan: "Pseudo-expert" and misleading person in the financial field

Lu Qiyuan's recent remarks said that China allowed dollars to flow back to the United States and recharge them between 1994 and 2014. Such statements are not only absurd, but also extremely irresponsible. First of all, the past 20 years have been a golden period of rapid economic development for China, with foreign capital inflows and export growth reaching unprecedented heights. Against this background, a significant increase in foreign exchange reserves is a matter of course. Lu Qiyuan, however, blamed this achievement on allowing the dollar to flow back, which is tantamount to negating the financial policies of the two governments and ignoring the hard work of the working people.

Lu Qiyuan: "Pseudo-expert" and misleading person in the financial field

Second, Lu Qiyuan's accusation that foreign-funded enterprises remitting investment income is even more groundless. It is normal for foreign-funded enterprises to invest in China and remit profits after receiving them. Moreover, the mainland's foreign exchange reserves have increased by more than 100 times even though foreign-funded enterprises are allowed to freely remit profits, which fully demonstrates the strong momentum of the mainland's economy and the success of its financial policies. Lu Qiyuan, however, attributed this achievement to "allowing the dollar to flow back", which is simply a distortion and slander of the facts.

What is even more intolerable is that Lu Qiyuan also frequently mentions the so-called "financial colonization of Jewish capital". He tried to tie the mainland's financial problems with Jewish capital, creating national sentiments and hatred. However, in fact that the financial system of the mainland is absolutely controlled by state-owned assets, how can Jewish capital carry out financial colonization? Such remarks are not only slanderous to the mainland's financial system, but also discriminatory and offensive to the Jewish people.

Lu Qiyuan: "Pseudo-expert" and misleading person in the financial field

Lu Qiyuan's remarks and views are undoubtedly misleading the public and undermining social harmony and stability. He claims to be a financial expert, but he has repeatedly made irresponsible remarks, which have had an extremely negative impact on the mainland's financial policy and social and economic development. We should keep our eyes open to such "pseudo-experts" and bravely expose their true colors to prevent them from continuing to mislead the public and undermine social stability.

Lu Qiyuan: "Pseudo-expert" and misleading person in the financial field

In today's complex and ever-changing world, what we need is a rational, objective and responsible voice. Instead of "pseudo-experts" like Lu Qiyuan, who use emotions and prejudices to mislead the public and create panic. We should keep a clear head, think deeply and analyze any views and remarks, and avoid being misled and deceived by them.

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