
Married to my lover for two years, I regret it every night and talk about what I went through

Married to my lover for two years, I regret it every night and talk about what I went through

It's dawn

2024-06-28 10:37Emotional field creators

Married to my lover for two years, I regret it every night and talk about what I went through


We don't have any regret medicine to buy in this life, you said you regretted it, what is the use, why did you go earlier.

Everything is the result of one's own choice, and I can only accept it, and I don't have to dwell on it, always thinking about going back to the past, and I can't go back.

On his 45th birthday, Chen Ye ate and drank late with a few iron buddies, and Chen Ye drank a little too much at the dinner table. The phone kept coming, Chen Ye didn't want to answer, pressed it one after another, and then simply turned it off.

People drink too much and can say anything.

A buddy asked Chen Ye how his life was after remarriage?

Chen Ye smiled with a wine glass: "A word of advice to you, you are all middle-aged, if you can not divorce, you will not divorce, don't toss, you are tired." You have to coax you to marry a little wife, how can I have that kung fu. I don't think it's useful, and I won't really understand you. ”

If it were in normal times, Chen Ye would definitely not tell the truth, but wasn't he confused?

After saying goodbye to his friends, Chen Ye came home at one o'clock in the morning, took off his shoes casually, and sat down directly on the sofa in black and black.

"You're so capable, you don't answer so many calls I call you."

A sharp voice floated in, and Chen Ye didn't even lift his eyelids.

The light turned on suddenly, and the white light tormented Chen Ye's eyelids, but he still didn't want to open them.

"You haven't called me for this month's living expenses, don't you even want to support your family now?"

When it comes to living expenses, Chen Ye is angry, he hasn't given much money when he and his ex-wife haven't divorced before, but the money is always enough to spend. Now, 10,000 yuan a month is not enough for living expenses, and he doesn't know where he spends his current money. It's easy to say if his income hasn't dropped, but the problem is that the current economic environment is not good, so how easy is it to make money.

"Everyone is downgrading consumption, just you, you want to buy everything all day long, and you don't know how to think about it, don't you know that I'm stressed?"

"You are under a lot of pressure, shouldn't a man earn money to support his wife and children?"

"You can also find a class to go out and go to school to subsidize the family."

"What class do I go to, when I married you, I was more than ten years older than me, didn't I just fancy you to support me? What a joke, let me go to work, then what do you want to do? What did I want, I found an old man, but as a result, even my living expenses were deducted. ”

It's noisy, it's endless, and almost every night it's about money. Chen Ye doesn't know what he is doing with his lover? I thought it was a gentle township, but who knew that as soon as I got married, my true form was revealed. is also said, is it really to marry you emotionally, adults are in their teens, they must be trying to make money. Don't expect her to share it with you in terms of money.

After two years of marriage with his lover, Chen Ye regretted it every night, regret was useless, everything was his own fault.

Married to my lover for two years, I regret it every night and talk about what I went through


What is Chen Ye still worried about recently?

His father was going to have heart surgery, and his mother had high blood pressure, and the old man was in a hurry and was sick.

Fortunately, Chen Ye has a sister, they can bear it together, and everything is discussed.

"The one in your family doesn't go to work either, let her help take care of the second elder, first, we can rest assured, and second, we can save a little money for hiring a nurse. I can't always be left to stare at alone, and I can't hold on. You still have to go to work, there are so many things to do every day, and it's not a way to run like this. ”

Chen Ye didn't speak, let her come over, is this possible?

If it's an ex-wife, then it's definitely nothing to say when you come to take care of it; But now this one is a delicate vase, can she be a nanny for you? In addition, there is a little milk baby less than a year old at home, and it is difficult for her to pull out. Chen Ye just mentioned it to her to come and see the second elder, and she was angry: How can I have time to let me drag a child there? Hospitals are full of germs. If you can't help me take care of the children, forget it, and it's all trouble.

Chen Ye didn't say a word, and his sister knew what was going on.

Help the second elder pour water and fold the quilt, and continue to say to Chen Yedao:

"What do you say you are doing to marry her, aren't you making trouble for yourself out of thin air? Originally, you and Huifen (Chen Ye's ex-wife) were doing well, and the two of you had to divorce, and they were in time for the critical period when the children were in high school. Hui Fen is so good, you just don't know how to cherish. Huifen people are filial and treat our parents well. Finally, when the child is older, our parents can enjoy their old age in peace, what about you, found a small, ignorant one, and gave birth to a small one. I really can't say you, are you Musk? Do you have money? Liu Qiangdong, a scholar, marries a wife who is more than ten years younger, can you afford it? ”

I can't afford it, but if I can't afford it, I have to raise it hard, who let Chen Ye already embark on this path.

His parents also have opinions about his current position, and said to Chen Ye: "You just do it, you still have to be a little selfish, a woman who doesn't care about you in terms of money, she just uses you as a meal ticket, she has been a junior herself, maybe she will do the same thing in the future." You're not a good thing either, how can I raise a son like you. ”

If it weren't for lying on the hospital bed, the old man really wanted to beat Chen Ye, and if he didn't fight, it would be okay, this family would be lost in his hands.

At the beginning, Chen Ye divorced, and the old couple stopped them, especially the old man could see clearly: What are you doing with divorce, I really think that a man is forty, and he is divorced, so he still has to remarry? Looking for a wife is also looking for the kind of person who can live, instead of being coaxed, held, and spoiled by you all day long, how can you live a good life? He is not a master who can live.

In the past two years of marriage with his lover, Chen Ye has had countless thoughts of divorce, and he is embarrassed, besides, is he divorced and looking for his ex-wife to remarry? How could someone be waiting for you where you were? divorced, there is no way out; If you don't get divorced, you will be miserable, but you can only continue like this.

When you reach middle age, don't easily overturn your emotional marriage, you shuffle the cards, and all the hard work you worked in the first half of your life was in vain.

Married to my lover for two years, I regret it every night and talk about what I went through


Chen Ye cheated a few years ago because he was tired of marriage, and his marriage with Huifen was too boring. At that time, he was doing well in his career, but he was also a little floating, and there were brothers playing around him, and he also played one. Brother didn't play out of the fire, he fell in and couldn't get out.

The brother reminded him: I'm just playing, you're fascinated. I know how much it costs to divorce and remarry at this age, so I've always been more leisurely. I know better what the women who are looking for us are up to. Why don't you listen? If you have to fall in love with her, you have to get divorced.

Chen Ye did not listen to persuasion, and firmly believed that after the divorce, he married a little wife, and his life would be very nourishing.

It's not been a month yet, and it's full of contradictions.

The little wife doesn't cook or do housework, and her ten fingers don't touch the spring water. After pregnancy, it became even more delicate, so Chen Ye booked any confinement center in advance, bought everything expensive, and never saved him money. At first, Chen Ye would be spoiled, after all, his income was quite high and he could afford it. But a few years ago, it became more and more difficult to earn, and he was more or less powerless.

Every time he talks about money and lowering his living expenses, the current one quarrels with him, makes trouble to death, and threatens him with his unborn child.

is holding on, Chen Ye is really a little unable to hold on now. I lost money when I didn't make any money in business, and I was harvested countless times when I invested in stocks, and I regretted that my intestines were green, and I continued to put hundreds of thousands of dollars into it. He hid this matter from the current one, otherwise he would have made a fuss.

Even his birthday, the current one can forget, and he only knows how to raise money with him all day long, and never cares about him. What was he to her? A tool man?

Chen Ye's ex-wife Huifen is still doing well, she is a capable woman with a stable job, and divorcing him will only make her life better. Huifen didn't look for it again, Chen Ye went to bother, Huifen said: "I can live alone, now I think that my son can be admitted to a good university, I will arrange my own life."

Huifen didn't complain about him, Huifen had already guessed that Chen Ye was the end.

The old man's love is like a house on fire, and he can't be saved at all, so when Chen Ye said that he wanted to divorce, Huifen hurriedly fulfilled him, and the two of them divided the money, and Huifen didn't want any additional compensation.

It doesn't matter, and it doesn't really have anything to do with her.

Chen Ye also just wants to use his own experience to remind some men who have cheated and have thoughts of divorce:

Don't be too naïve, and don't glorify the path that you will become a winner in life if you marry a lover after divorce, everything has to pay a price, once you embark on this road, it will be difficult to turn back. If you have money, you can still toss, if you don't have money, forget it, if you don't toss, how good your life is. Now, I can only live in remorse.

That's it for this life, and there's no hope in sight.

There is also a little milk baby less than a year old, when Chen Ye is 60 years old, the little milk baby is in the rebellious period of youth and has not yet gone to college, can he still earn money at that time? Can you afford it? When he thought that there were many years to come, he was troubled, and he could not stop, and he toiled for his life......


Author: YIBAO, the original creator of emotions, millions of emotional bloggers, marriage and family counselors, practice writing the warm feelings of this world.

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  • Married to my lover for two years, I regret it every night and talk about what I went through
  • Married to my lover for two years, I regret it every night and talk about what I went through
  • Married to my lover for two years, I regret it every night and talk about what I went through

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