
Standing at thirty, but I choose to be single? Uncover my extraordinary path

author:Guoguo aesthetic space
I stood under the neon lights of the city, looking at the bustling crowd in front of me, and an inexplicable irritability welled up in my heart. In my thirties, without a husband or boyfriend, I felt like a forgotten corner of the world. I began to wonder, how long can I carry such a single life?

"Are you really going to stay single like this?" Friend Xiao Yun asked casually at a party.

Standing at thirty, but I choose to be single? Uncover my extraordinary path

I smiled and tried to answer in a relaxed tone, "Maybe, who knows." "But deep down, I couldn't hide the uneasiness and anxiety.

The days of being single are not easy. When night falls, loneliness comes like a tidal wave, and I can't breathe.

I began to reminisce about the past, those past love experiences, those sweet and bitter moments. But every time I remember, it's like pouring salt on the wound, which makes me even more painful.

Standing at thirty, but I choose to be single? Uncover my extraordinary path

One day, while walking in the park, I met a strange old man. He sat on a bench with a yellowed photo album in his hand and a happy smile on his face.

I couldn't resist walking up and talking to him.

"Are these pictures of you and your wife?" I asked, pointing to the photos in the album.

The old man nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, we have gone through ups and downs together for fifty years. Although we have been separated forever, I feel extremely happy when I see these photos. ”

Standing at thirty, but I choose to be single? Uncover my extraordinary path

I asked curiously, "Do you have any tips for staying in a relationship for so long?" ”

The old man pondered for a moment, and then said slowly, "Actually, there is no secret. The reason why we have come this far is because we have always cherished and respected each other.

Love is not a game, but requires the joint efforts and dedication of both parties. ”

Standing at thirty, but I choose to be single? Uncover my extraordinary path

The old man's words made me fall into deep thought. I began to reflect on my single life, is it also because I am too demanding of perfection and miss out on those who are truly worth cherishing?

In the days that followed, I started trying to change my lifestyle. I joined social groups and participated in various activities to try to become more cheerful and confident.

I began to pay attention to the people and things around me, and listened to their voices and stories.

Standing at thirty, but I choose to be single? Uncover my extraordinary path

Gradually, I found myself getting happier and happier. Although my single life is still a bit lonely, I have learned how to live with loneliness and find my own joy and meaning in it.

One night, I met a boy at a party. He was sunny, humorous, and kind, which made me feel the excitement of my heart that I had not seen for a long time.

We started chatting, meeting each other, and sharing our lives with each other. I found myself becoming more and more dependent on him, and he developed a deep crush on me.

Standing at thirty, but I choose to be single? Uncover my extraordinary path

Finally, one night, he took my hand, looked at me affectionately, and said, "Would you like to walk with me through the future?" ”

I smiled and nodded, my heart full of happiness and anticipation. I know I've found my own happiness and home.

Standing at thirty, but I choose to be single? Uncover my extraordinary path

Although the melody of singleness is a bit lonely and bitter, as long as we keep an open mind and positive actions, we can find our own happiness and home. I believe that in the future, I will cherish this relationship even more and create more good memories with it.

Standing at thirty, but I choose to be single? Uncover my extraordinary path
Standing at thirty, but I choose to be single? Uncover my extraordinary path
Standing at thirty, but I choose to be single? Uncover my extraordinary path