
My sister's best friend: 35 years old unmarried, happy time under the mask

author:Guoguo aesthetic space
I am an ordinary person who loves life and loves to share happiness with my friends. And in my sister's circle of friends, there is a special existence - her best friend Xiaolin, a 35-year-old unmarried woman, has lived an enviable wonderful life.
My sister's best friend: 35 years old unmarried, happy time under the mask

It was a weekend afternoon, and the sun was shining through the windows in the cozy living room. I was immersed in the world of books, when suddenly the doorbell rang, I ran to open the door, only to see Xiao Lin walking in with a big bag and a smile on her face.

"Hello, little one! I'm bothering you again. Xiao Lin greeted and walked into the house familiarly.

"Where, where, welcome, welcome!" I smiled in response and led her into the living room. My sister had already made tea and was waiting for her arrival.

"Is there anything good about coming today?" My sister asked curiously while pouring tea for Xiao Lin.

"Hehe, I'm here to rub your mask today!" Xiao Lin winked mischievously and took out a bunch of colorful masks from her bag.

"Oh, you mask control, you're here to harm our faces again!" My sister joked with a smile.

My sister's best friend: 35 years old unmarried, happy time under the mask

So, the three of us sat around on the sofa and started the happy time of applying the mask. While applying the mask, Xiao Lin shared with us the trivial things about her life, from her travel experience to her work anecdotes, to her view of love.

Her voice is gentle and powerful, as if there is a kind of magic that makes people unconsciously immersed in her story.

"Actually, I never got married, not because I couldn't find the right person, but because I enjoyed my current life." Xiao Lin suddenly said, "I think that marriage is not the whole of life, everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle."

I don't want to get married for the sake of getting married, I want to find someone who really understands me and loves me. ”

My sister's best friend: 35 years old unmarried, happy time under the mask

Hearing this, my sister and I were silent. In a society where marriage and childbirth are a major life event, Xiao Lin's views are undoubtedly a challenge.

But she lived so freely and happily that people had to admire her courage and wisdom.

When the mask was finished, the three of us looked at each other and smiled. Xiao Lin stood up, packed her mask and bag, and prepared to leave.

"Next time, we still have a lot of masks waiting for you!" My sister smiled and sent her to the door.

"Definitely, definitely!" Xiao Lin waved her hand and disappeared around the corner of the stairs.

My sister's best friend: 35 years old unmarried, happy time under the mask

At that moment, I suddenly understood that happiness does not depend on whether you are married or have children, but whether you find a lifestyle that you really like and whether you have the ability to make yourself happy. Xiao Lin is such an enviable woman, she interprets what true happiness and joy are in her own way.

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