
Hu Youping: A memorable name|Children who have no borders outside the horizon

author:Wellness Club

Recently, the attack on a Japanese mother and son in Suzhou was like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, stirring up complicated waves in my heart. As a Chinese mother living in Japan, I was shocked and saddened by this incident. This is not only an injury to innocent lives, but also a test and torture of human nature.

In the incident, Hu Youping, a Chinese female staff member, did not flinch in the face of danger, stepped forward and used her body to protect a group of Japanese children on the school bus. Her behavior is out of duty, but also out of maternal instinct. However, the woman, who was about to celebrate her 55th birthday, lost her life in this tragedy. Her name deserves to be remembered by every person with a conscience.

Hu Youping: A memorable name|Children who have no borders outside the horizon

Hu Youping's behavior made me see the brilliance in human nature. In the face of hatred and prejudice, she chose to protect and understand. With her actions, she proved that no matter how different nationalities, races, and beliefs are, kindness and bravery in human nature are universal.

In the announcement released by the Suzhou police today, we can't read more details, but there are a few words that are shocking - "She was stabbed several times", what a sad few words.

Hu Youping: A memorable name|Children who have no borders outside the horizon

She is 55 years old this year and is about to celebrate her birthday, but she didn't wait for that day, her name deserves to be remembered by everyone - Hu Youping.

Hu Youping: A memorable name|Children who have no borders outside the horizon

Beijing Youth Daily reported some details of the case,

According to a report by Beiqing Daily, according to the statement of the Japanese adult injured person involved, when the suspect committed the murder, Hu Youping stopped the suspect and was stabbed and fell to the ground, and the son of the Japanese adult injured person involved was able to take the opportunity to escape. Witnesses at the scene saw that Hu Youping first grabbed the suspect, and then hugged the suspect from behind, and the suspect stabbed her with his backhand, causing her to fall to the ground and continued to chase and stab, when she was subdued by citizens, passing drivers and patrol police on the road. Witnesses said: "If the suspect had not been stopped at that time, more people would have been injured." ”

Beijing Youth Daily

I saw an old friend in the circle of friends say, I was thinking, when Ms. Hu stood in front of the brutal murderer. She probably didn't think about the debate between China and Japan on the Internet today, and she didn't think about whether it was worth sacrificing herself to save foreigners. I guess her reaction at the time was, one was that as a job, she wanted to protect the students; One is that as an ordinary woman, she wants to protect her children.

The unarmed weak woman, the great courage that arose at that moment, no matter how you evaluate it, can't be overstated.

Yes, an ordinary person stands between the demon and the child! She's a hero! She has saved so many children, so many families, and saved China's face and even Sino-Japanese relations with her flesh and blood.

The most difficult thing for me to accept is that the victims of this incident are children, and it can be said that the murderer went to Japanese children. I can't understand, what kind of person would choose to attack a child?

What kind of national mood and environment will make a person point his blade at an innocent mother and son?

Maybe the person is sick, but it's not just his personal pathology, it's a deeper social problem.

He must be a loser in life, a coward who can only vent his frustration on the weakest children.

China is a society governed by the rule of law, does he think that under the guise of patriotism, he can escape the punishment of the law, or does the murder itself make him feel that he is extremely noble and has the principle of "grander, more correct, and more just", under which the lives of foreigners are like mustards?

This is tarnishing all true patriots.

Some netizens applauded their comments under the news, and some even accused Hu Youping of being a "traitor", believing that her protection of Japanese children was a betrayal of the country.

This reminds me of the attack on four American teachers in Jilin a few weeks ago, which is also an "accidental" incident.

In recent years, some ideas full of hatred for Japan and the West have risen to the top, and many so-called intellectuals have also been caught up in them. The passion for "patriotism" has caused many people to lose their basic humanity and the ability to think independently, and of course many people have made a profit from this performance.

I saw a friend write: "I am sad that a group of people who have read books, both in the media and in the legal profession, think that there is something that can be above the good of human nature, and that it can yield to the evil of human nature. ”

Another friend said, "I understand the importance of national interests and international competition, but we also have a more important universal value – the protection of children." Everywhere in the world, the safety of children is a top priority, and harming children is tantamount to terrorism, is a criminal act, and should not be confused with patriotic feelings.

Hu Youping: A memorable name|Children who have no borders outside the horizon

I couldn't agree more.

Some people question why there are Japanese-run schools in China that only enroll Japanese children.

I would like to share with you a data from China Daily:

Think about how many jobs these businesses bring in addition to these economic contributions and the real money they pay in taxes?

These Japanese companies are investing in China, Japanese employees are coming to China with their families, and their children need to be educated.

Japanese schools in China are designed to solve the problem of these children's schooling, and the school will follow the pace of teaching in Japan, so that the children can also follow when they return home. At the same time, Japanese schools also teach Chinese and Chinese culture to help children better integrate into the local area.

Previously, there were rumors on the Internet from time to time that the Japanese school in China was a spy base to collect intelligence. These rumors are all traffic passwords, the cost of rumors is so low, the traffic return is so good, and there is no need to bear any consequences, and they are also waving the "patriotic flag", no wonder many people rush to them.

For some of the so-called patriotic self-media, this is their business.

I occasionally see it, often gliding quickly, thinking that rumors stop at the wise, who will believe it?

It seems that there are still people in the constant flow of information, believe! not only believed, but also made his hatred grow day by day, and even acted.

Hatred keeps us stuck in the past and unable to move into the future, it makes us no longer who we are. And many people live in hatred and can't see the truth, and they don't want to see the truth.

Is hatred to be passed down from generation to generation? Like Israel and Palestine, there will never be peace.

Sometimes, I don't really know if I should express these feelings or not, and I feel discouraged.

Whenever I mention Japan, no matter what my content is, even if it's a topic related to education, the comment section is always full of negative comments related to Japan's nuclear sewage or national hatred, as if the truth is irrelevant.

When I talked to my Japanese friends about this, their first reaction was that this Chinese woman was too brave and a hero, and although she could not express condolences to her family, Japan should let more people know about her and the kindness of the Chinese.

The Japanese friend pondered for a moment, and then said that the assailant may have encountered some problem and needed help......

I can't help but have red circles in my eyes, kindness knows no borders.

Thank you Ms. Hu for giving us confidence, and thank you to the friends who reflected on the circle of friends and were willing to share, you made me re-energize in the discouragement of the previous few days, there were so many companions.

Hu Youping: A memorable name|Children who have no borders outside the horizon
Hu Youping: A memorable name|Children who have no borders outside the horizon
Hu Youping: A memorable name|Children who have no borders outside the horizon
Hu Youping: A memorable name|Children who have no borders outside the horizon

Today, I saw the Japanese embassy flag at half-mast.

You may not know that in the past, the Japanese embassy would only fly the flag at half-mast under two circumstances, the first was a national disaster and major event, such as the 311 Japan earthquake;

The second scenario is the death of an important leader: the last time was when former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe died.

Today, the Japanese Embassy in China lowered the flag at half-mast for our heroic hero, Hu Youping.

"I believe that her courage and kindness also represent the vast number of Chinese people!"

I am convinced.

Let's think for ourselves and believe in what is truly valuable. Only in this way can we transcend hatred, see the goodness and courage of humanity, and find the true path to peace.

Hu Youping: A memorable name|Children who have no borders outside the horizon

Some people have a prejudice against foreign countries, believing that foreign things are not as good as domestic ones, but this idea is actually unnecessary. Taking probiotics as an example, many high-quality foreign products, such as Chr. Hansen's probiotics in Denmark, have been widely recognized for their quality and efficacy. In fact, many well-known domestic brands will also choose to use these excellent foreign strains to improve the quality of their products. For example, Baiyunshan Weiyi Compound Probiotic uses the strain of Chr. Hansen from Denmark, which not only improves the functionality of the product, but also shows that the combination of high-quality resources at home and abroad can bring better health benefits to consumers. Therefore, we should be open to people and things abroad, make rational choices, and do not have to blindly reject them.

Hu Youping: A memorable name|Children who have no borders outside the horizon

In closing, I would like to say that we are all part of the human family, regardless of nationality, race, or creed. We should face each other's differences and differences with an understanding and inclusive attitude, and promote the progress and development of the world in a cooperative and win-win manner. Only in this way can we create a better future together.