
Win hemp! Fat Donglai rolled the dough and refunded the scene of a long queue, and the waiter sent a bench and water!

author:A crow that drinks water

Recently, netizens have posted a hilarious video. As an Internet celebrity, Fat Dong actually asked for a refund because he ordered the wrong dish, and there was a long queue at the scene. What's even more surprising is that the attentive waiter not only sent the bench, but also did not forget to provide water to each waiting customer. Netizens have said that this is really a win!

Win hemp! Fat Donglai rolled the dough and refunded the scene of a long queue, and the waiter sent a bench and water!

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoxia, the editor of Toutiao. Today, I'm going to bring you a ridiculous story! Recently, Internet celebrity Fat Dong actually asked for a refund because he ordered the wrong dish, and announced on the spot that any customer waiting for a refund can provide a free dough rolling tasting. As you can imagine, this caused a stir and attracted many netizens to witness the grand refund.

Win hemp! Fat Donglai rolled the dough and refunded the scene of a long queue, and the waiter sent a bench and water!

Facts have proved that Fat Dong's appeal is still very strong. According to reports, it was not only netizens who went to the scene that day, but also a large number of fans and passers-by joined the team. In a short period of time, there was a long queue at the refund site, and it was crowded and lively. Everyone wants to see this unique refund process for themselves.

Win hemp! Fat Donglai rolled the dough and refunded the scene of a long queue, and the waiter sent a bench and water!

Heartfelt waiters also played an important role in the event. In order to make it easier for the waiting customers, the waiter took the initiative to send rows of benches so that everyone could take a break. I couldn't help but be blown away by the people who were excited to wait for their refunds. Fat Dong's behavior not only brought joy to everyone, but also created an unforgettable interactive experience for his fans and viewers.

Win hemp! Fat Donglai rolled the dough and refunded the scene of a long queue, and the waiter sent a bench and water!

What's even more surprising is that the waiter also provided water for each waiting customer, so that everyone was taken care of in the hot summer. Everyone praised such an intimate service, and thought that Fat Dong's refund event was completely a win!

Win hemp! Fat Donglai rolled the dough and refunded the scene of a long queue, and the waiter sent a bench and water!

This story teaches us that sometimes being happy is as simple as that. Through his nonsensical behavior, Fat Dong made people laugh again and again, and also made everyone re-examine the small luck in life. Refunding was a troublesome thing, but under the leadership of Fat Dong, it became a joyful feast.

Win hemp! Fat Donglai rolled the dough and refunded the scene of a long queue, and the waiter sent a bench and water!

Finally, for Fat Dong's behavior, I want to say: "Fat Dong, you are so good at playing!" "I hope everyone can stay optimistic about life and enjoy every day. If you have similar happy stories, welcome to share them in the comment area, let's win hemp together!

Win hemp! Fat Donglai rolled the dough and refunded the scene of a long queue, and the waiter sent a bench and water!

The above is what Xiao Xia brought to you about winning hemp! Fat Donglai rolled dough to refund the scene of the long queue. I hope this story will bring joy and inspiration to everyone. If you find this story interesting, please remember to like and retweet it! Thank you!

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