
Wholesale "Brother Demon" ceiling: The younger brother marries his wife and 6 sisters, each with a gift of 48,000 yuan, and a table of banknotes

author:Light Emotion

### Brother Demon Ceiling: Six older sisters go into battle, and the younger brother marries a wife full of bills

In our town, there is a young man named Li Qiang, who has just turned 28 years old this year, the seventh in the family, and has six older sisters. This Li Qiang, who has been spoiled by his six sisters since he was a child, is like a baby pimple. Although the family is not rich, his sisters always leave the best for him, and he is the first thing that comes to mind when there is anything delicious and fun.

Li Qiang has also lived up to the expectations of his sisters, he has been sensible and obedient since he was a child, and his academic performance has always been among the best. Later, he was admitted to a university in the provincial capital, worked in a large company after graduation, and is now a department manager, with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands. But even so, every time he goes home, he is still surrounded by his sisters as when he was a child, and the status of this "group pet" has not changed at all.

Wholesale "Brother Demon" ceiling: The younger brother marries his wife and 6 sisters, each with a gift of 48,000 yuan, and a table of banknotes

In a blink of an eye, Li Qiang also reached the age of talking about marriage. His object is called Xiaofang, a gentle and virtuous girl, and the relationship between the two is very good. No, the two decided to get married last month. As soon as the news spread, the six sisters of the Li family were busy. They felt that their younger brother's marriage was a big deal and they had to handle it well.

So, the sisters began to spread out. The eldest sister is responsible for contacting the wedding company and arranging the wedding scene; The second sister is responsible for purchasing wedding dresses and jewelry; The third sister was busy preparing the banquet and inviting guests; The fourth, fifth, and sixth sisters were not idle, they were busy preparing red envelopes for their younger brother, wanting to surprise him.

Speaking of this red envelope, there is something to say. The sisters discussed that this time the younger brother would have to give him a big surprise when he got married. They decided to give 48,000 gifts per person, which adds up to nearly 300,000! That's a lot of money in our town.

On the day of the wedding, the scene was beautifully decorated, and relatives and friends also came. Everyone looked at the newlyweds and was happy for them. When the wedding is carried out to give red envelopes to the newlyweds, the sisters can take out all the red envelopes prepared in advance.

I saw six sisters lined up, all holding a thick red envelope in their hands. They walked up to Li Qiang and Xiaofang and handed them red envelopes one by one. As soon as Li Qiang saw this formation, he understood what was going on. He was moved to tears, and took his sisters' hands and said thank you.

Xiao Fang was also very moved. She didn't expect that she would be so blessed if she married into the Li family. Looking at the red envelope in her hand, she thought to herself: These six sisters are really good, and she must be filial to them in the future.

Wholesale "Brother Demon" ceiling: The younger brother marries his wife and 6 sisters, each with a gift of 48,000 yuan, and a table of banknotes

After the wedding, everyone got together and chatted. Someone asked Li Qiang: "Your sisters have given you so many gifts, how do you feel in your heart?" Li Qiang smiled and said: "Of course I am happy in my heart, but I am even happier that there are six such good sisters who have always supported me and helped me." I feel that this is the most precious treasure in my life. ”

As soon as he said this, everyone nodded in agreement. Yes, in our China, family affection is the most valuable wealth. With loved ones by our side to support us and help us, we can go further and fly higher.

Speaking of which, I am reminded of my own childhood. At that time, the family conditions were not good, but every time we celebrated the New Year, my grandparents would give us red envelopes. Although there is not much money in the red envelope, that heart makes us feel extremely warm and happy.

So, I think, no matter where we go, no matter how much we achieve, we must not forget the support and help of our families. We must cherish this family affection, be grateful for this love, and repay this affection. Only in this way can we become truly happy people.

Wholesale "Brother Demon" ceiling: The younger brother marries his wife and 6 sisters, each with a gift of 48,000 yuan, and a table of banknotes

Okay, that's all for today's story. I hope that after listening to this story, you can feel and be inspired. In the days to come, we should cherish our relatives and friends more, work and live harder, and face the challenges and difficulties in life more positively. Only in this way can we live a happier and more fulfilling life!

Finally, I also wish all the newlyweds who are preparing for the wedding can enter the palace of marriage happily like Li Qiang and Xiaofang! At the same time, I also wish all readers and friends can have a warm and harmonious family and a happy life!