
The woman has been married to Africa for 3 years, and only after she is pregnant does she report her safety to her parents: I will see you when I return to China after giving birth

author:Light Emotion

**#异国情缘: Three years of marrying in Africa#**


A young woman, for the sake of love, resolutely married far away from Africa, and there was little news for three years. It wasn't until she became pregnant that she reported her safety to her parents and promised to return to China to visit her after giving birth. In the past three years, what kind of emotional twists and turns has she experienced? What do we think about her choice?


The woman has been married to Africa for 3 years, and only after she is pregnant does she report her safety to her parents: I will see you when I return to China after giving birth

My name is Lin Xiao, I am 28 years old this year, and I was born in an ordinary urban family. My parents were both teachers, and they had high expectations for me, hoping that I would be able to have a stable job and find the right person. However, the trajectory of my life was changed by a cross-border romance.

Three years ago, I met my current husband, Eric, an international student from Africa. He was tall, handsome, humorous, and always able to give me warmth and support when I needed it most. We met, fell in love, and finally decided to enter the palace of marriage. However, when I told my parents the news, they were adamantly against it, believing that Eric's and I had too different cultural backgrounds and that there would be many unforeseen difficulties in the future.

However, the power of love is powerful. I was convinced that Eric and I were able to overcome all the difficulties, and in the end we got married despite the opposition of our parents. After we got married, I followed Eric to his hometown, a small country in the interior of Africa. The climate here is hot, and the living conditions are very different from those in China. However, with Eric's care and companionship, I gradually adapted to life here.

The woman has been married to Africa for 3 years, and only after she is pregnant does she report her safety to her parents: I will see you when I return to China after giving birth

In the early days, I missed my parents and loved ones who were far away every day. I wanted to tell them that I was doing well, but every time I picked up the phone, I didn't know what to say. I knew they must be worried about me, but I didn't want them to worry about me. So, I chose to remain silent and try to minimize contact with them.

As time went on, I came to find that the people here are very friendly and welcoming. Although they are poor, they are full of hopes and dreams for life. Together, Eric and I gradually built our own little family in this strange country. We rented a modest house and renovated it ourselves to make it cosy and cozy. We also had some vegetables and fruits in the yard and enjoyed being self-sufficient.

However, just when I thought I had adapted to life here, I found out I was pregnant. I was both pleasantly surprised and worried by this news. I know that this news will make my parents very happy, but I am also worried that they will be even more worried about my safety and health because I am marrying away from Africa.

After some thought, I decided to tell my parents that I was safe and that I was about to have a new life. When I dialed that familiar number, my heart was filled with apprehension and uneasiness. There was a mother's voice on the other end of the phone, and her voice was a little trembling and excited: "Xiaoxiao, you finally called!" How are you doing? How's the body? ”

The woman has been married to Africa for 3 years, and only after she is pregnant does she report her safety to her parents: I will see you when I return to China after giving birth

I tried to make my voice sound calm and firm: "Mom, I'm fine. I'm pregnant, and Eric and I are happy. You don't have to worry about me, I will take good care of myself and my children. ”

After being silent on the other end of the phone for a moment, her mother said in a choked voice, "Xiaoxiao, we know that you are not having a good time. But you have to be strong! When the baby is born, we will definitely go to see you! ”

After hanging up, my heart was filled with gratitude and warmth. I know that no matter where I go, no matter what difficulties I encounter, my family will always support me and encourage me. I also know that my choice was difficult, but not wrong. In this strange country, I have a small family of my own and a child who is about to be born. These are the most precious treasures of my life.

Now I am a happy mother. Whenever I see a child's innocent smile, I feel extremely happy and satisfied. I also often think of my parents and relatives who are far away and their love and support for me, which is what drives me forward. I look forward to the day when I will be able to bring my children back to my hometown to visit my parents and loved ones and let them see how I live and grow in a foreign country.

Lin Xiao's story shows us the power and courage of love. For the sake of love, she resolutely married in Africa, established her own small family in a strange country, and ushered in a new life. Her experience tells us that there will always be many unknowns and challenges in life, but as long as we stay strong and optimistic, we can overcome all difficulties and move towards a better future.

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