
The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him


First, the wave of reform and opening up has swept the country, and Beijing, an ancient city, has also ushered in earth-shaking changes. The youth inspirational period drama "The Sea in the Dream" starring Xiao Zhan, Li Qin, Liu Ruilin, Cao Feiran, Zhang Lingxin, etc., with its strong Beijing flavor and strong sense of age, shows the audience the story of a group of Beijing young people chasing their dreams in the changing times.

In the play, we see all kinds of young characters. There is Xiao Chunsheng who has the dream of joining the army, Qi Tian who does odd jobs everywhere, and the protagonist of this article - Heizi. As Qi Tian's younger brother, Kuroko is also a well-known figure in Sijiu City.

The relationship between him and Xiao Chunsheng, from the initial saber rattling to the later brotherhood, witnessed the complex and sincere friendship between young people in this era. Among this group of young people, Kuroko is a group of people who went to the sea to do business relatively early.

When Xiao Chunsheng was still running around for his dream of joining the army, and Qi Tian was still doing odd jobs everywhere, Heizi had already started a business of buying and selling with his connections. Silk scarves and school boots became his main business objects, and soon, he became the first of the group to get rich.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

However, the wheels of the times are rolling forward, and the rules of the market economy are constantly improving. With the consolidation of the market, the business of buying and selling sunspots gradually became unsustainable. Faced with such a predicament, Kuroko had to find another way.

He rented a small house in Qitian's supermarket and started selling malt cream. "This business will either not be opened, or it will be held for three years as soon as it opens." Kuroko always comforts himself like this.

But the reality is often not as good as it should be, and the bleak business makes him feel pressured. The burden of rent and the ups and downs of the business have filled Kuroko's heart with anxiety and unease. In this way, in the tide of reform and opening up, Kuroko and his partners, with their own dreams, began a new journey in life.

Second, their stories, like this era, are full of opportunities and challenges, hopes and losses. In the ups and downs of his career, Kuroko meets the most important person in his life - Xiaohui.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

Recalling the scene when she first met, Xiaohui's eyes always flashed with a gentle light. It was an ordinary day, and although Kuroko couldn't swim, he resolutely jumped into the water to save people.

Looking at his thin and pitiful appearance, Xiaohui's heart fluttered involuntarily. This bravery and kindness became the starting point for Xiaohui to fall in love with Kuroko. As time passed, the relationship between Kuroko and Xiaohui gradually deepened.

Even after Kuroko lost her sight, Xiaohui still insisted on marrying him, and the sincerity and steadfastness of this emotion were touching. However, the burden of life and the pressure of their career began to slowly erode their feelings.

When Kuroko's malt milk essence business was in trouble, Xiaohui saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart. In order to help Kuroko tide over the difficulties and realize her self-worth, Xiaohui made a bold decision - to become a model.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

She hopes to keep up with the trend of the times and contribute to the family. However, Xiaohui's decision ignited the flame of jealousy in Kuroko's heart. Bound by traditional concepts, Kuroko stubbornly believes that Xiaohui's behavior is insulting to Sven.

He couldn't accept his wife showing off her figure in front of everyone, and the anxiety and anger in his heart continued to accumulate. Finally, in a heated argument, Kuroko loses her mind.

Third, he beat Xiaohui and vented his inner dissatisfaction and frustration with violence. At this moment, Xiaohui's heart was broken. She couldn't believe that the sunspot who used to fight to save people would punch and kick herself.

With deep disappointment and pain, Xiaohui left the divorce agreement and resolutely left Kuroko's life. Her departure was like a heavy hammer, hitting Kuroko's heart fiercely.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

However, at this time, Kuroko did not realize that it was his actions that drew an unbridgeable gap between him and Xiaohui. The test of love, he failed.

And this is just the beginning, Kuroko's next choice will push him into an even more irreparable situation. Xiaohui's departure became a turning point in Kuroko's life, and also laid the groundwork for his future tragedy.

Xiaohui's departure cast a shadow on Kuroko's life. The pain of losing love and the dilemma of her career are intertwined, and Kuroko feels unprecedented pressure.

In order to paralyze himself and revive his career, Kuroko began to get involved in the business of buying and selling cigarettes. However, fate played a joke on him again. A batch of cigarettes of unknown origin was seized by the customs, and Kuroko suddenly fell into a dilemma.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

When he was desperate, Kuroko thought of his old friend Xiao Chunsheng. As a member of the anti-smuggling team, Xiao Chunsheng may be able to help him get out of trouble. However, the upright Xiao Chunsheng refused the request to bend the law for personal gain.

This refusal made Kuroko feel even more desperate. At this moment, a seemingly tempting opportunity appeared - Chen Hongjun came to the door. Chen Hongjun is an ambitious man, and he has always wanted to get rid of Xiao Chunsheng.

He cleverly took advantage of Kuroko's predicament and proposed a seemingly perfect plan: as long as Kuroko cooperated with him to set up a situation to frame Xiao Chunsheng, he could not only solve the current predicament, but also see Xiaohui again.

Fourth, this proposal caused Kuroko to fall into a fierce inner struggle. On the one hand, he knew that to do so would betray brotherhood; On the other hand, the temptation to see Xiaohui again is too great.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

After learning that Xiaohui is now in the hands of Li Shang, who is in cahoots with Chen Hongjun, Kuroko's reason is finally overwhelmed by emotion. He made up his mind and agreed to Chen Hongjun's proposal.

Kuroko's decision, like the first domino, led to a series of disastrous consequences. Xiao Chunsheng was saddled with trumped-up charges and was forced to leave the anti-smuggling team; Qitian's supermarket was also forced to close its doors; Kuroko herself, on the other hand, was imprisoned for participating in illegal activities.

Chen Hongjun and Li Shangshang's plan succeeded, killing three birds with one stone. Behind bars, Kuroko finally has time to reflect on what he has done. However, he has never been able to recognize one fact: it was his betrayal that pushed Xiaohui farther and farther.

His behavior has gone against the kind and brave image that Xiaohui originally fell in love with him. Kuroko thinks that he is sacrificing for love, but he doesn't know that this kind of "love" based on betrayal and hurt has long lost its essence.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

His actions not only hurt his former brother, but also tarnished Xiaohui's fond memories of him. This betrayal has become the biggest stain on Kuroko's life. Not only did it ruin his career and friendship, but it pushed him down a path of no return.

Five, however, Kuroko at this time has not yet realized that this is only the beginning, and a greater test is still waiting for him. Time flies, and Kuroko finally ends his prison and regains his freedom.

However, fate always seems to play cruel jokes on him. Shortly after he was released from prison, he was once again caught in a dilemma. Li Shangshang, the person who was in cahoots with Chen Hongjun, found the sunspot again.

This time, their target is even more dangerous and unethical - the core technology of Chunxiao Medical. Li Shangshang used Xiaohui's safety as a threat to force the sunspot to do something that violated his conscience.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

Faced with this difficult choice, Kuroko's heart is once again caught in a fierce struggle. Reason told him that doing so would be tantamount to betraying his former brother, and might even endanger the lives of innocent people.

However, Xiaohui's figure is like a ghost, constantly hovering in his mind. His thoughts and worries about Xiaohui have become a fog that blinds his judgment. Eventually, the weight of love once again overwhelmed the moral scales.

Kuroko makes a heartbreaking decision - he once again chooses betrayal. Using the former brotherly relationship, Heizi successfully stole the core technology of Chunxiao Medical. However, Kuroko would not have thought that it was this second betrayal that completely cut off the possibility of his reunion with Xiaohui.

The kind, righteous sunspot that Xiaohui once fell in love with has now disappeared, replaced by a stranger who does not hesitate to betray his friends for selfish desires. Kuroko's two betrayals seem to be for love, but in fact, they are destroying Xiaohui's love for him step by step.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

Sixth, he has never been able to understand that true love should be based on mutual respect and trust, not by hurting others. Every betrayal made him one step further away from Xiaohui's heart.

What's even more embarrassing is that Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his behavior was completely out of touch with Xiaohui. He is still immersed in his fantasies, thinking that as long as he can see Xiaohui again, everything will be fine.

However, the reality is harsh. Xiaohui has already seen the essence of the sunspot, the brave and kind sunspot she loves has been smoothed out by reality and turned into a person she can't know.

The tragedy of Kuroko is that he has never been able to understand the true meaning of love. He thought that sacrificing everything, even morality and conscience, could be exchanged for love. As everyone knows, it was these selfish behaviors that pushed him into an irreparable abyss.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

This second betrayal not only did not bring Kuroko closer to Xiaohui, but instead became a chasm between them that could never be crossed. Kuroko's obsession eventually led to his complete break with Xiaohui and ended his own tragedy.

In this mystery of love, Xiaohui's mental journey is also embarrassing. Recalling the scene of the first time she met Kuroko, Xiaohui's eyes still flashed with a complicated light.

Seven, although Kuroko at that time, although he couldn't swim, he resolutely jumped into the water in order to save people. Looking at his thin and pitiful appearance, Xiaohui's heart fluttered involuntarily. This courage and kindness became the starting point for Xiaohui to fall in love with Kuroko.

Even after Kuroko lost her sight, Xiaohui still insisted on marrying him, and the sincerity and steadfastness of this emotion were moving. However, the reality of life is always cruel. Kuroko's jealousy, violence, and two chilling betrayals are like sharp blades, cutting Xiaohui's love for him little by little.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

When Xiaohui decided to leave, Sister Yanqiu persuaded her to stay. But Xiaohui's heart is like a mirror, and she knows that the sunspot that once made her heart flutter no longer exists. She told Sister Yanqiu about the scene when she saw Kuroko for the first time, the thin figure who couldn't swim but jumped into the water to save people, and now she has been crushed by the burden of reality and has become a stranger she can't know.

Xiaohui understands that even if Kuroko can really see her again, she will not start again with him. That kind, righteous sunspot is now unrecognizable. Kuroko's two betrayals not only hurt others, but also completely destroyed Xiaohui's trust and love for him.

Love, like a delicate flower, needs to be watered with sincerity and trust. However, what Kuroko did was like a cold rainstorm that shattered the flower.

Eighth, from the moment he betrayed his brother, he had completely lost his love with Xiaohui. In this ocean of dreams, Kuroko and Xiaohui can't help each other after all, so they can only find their own harbor.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

Xiaohui's departure is not only a redemption for herself, but also a chance for Kuroko to reflect. However, Kuroko failed to comprehend this profound truth until his death, which may be his greatest sorrow.

The story of Kuroko can be called a modern version of "Paradise Lost". In the tide of reform and opening up, he had the opportunity to realize his dream and get sincere love. However, for the sake of so-called love, he deviated from his original intention step by step, and finally lost his true love and himself.

The lesson of this story is that true love should make people better, not become an excuse for betrayal and hurt. Kuroko didn't know until he died, but it was his two betrayals that pushed Xiaohui farther and farther.

His tragedy warns us not to lose ourselves and hurt others on the road of pursuing love. Through the story of Heizi and Xiaohui, "The Sea in My Dreams" not only shows the living conditions of young people in Beijing in the early days of reform and opening up, but also profoundly reveals the eternal themes of love and morality.

The sea in the dream: Kuroko didn't know until he died, and his two betrayals made Xiaohui completely dead to him

Ninth, it reminds us that in the process of chasing dreams and love, we should not forget our original intention and do not lose ourselves. Only by maintaining kindness and integrity can we find our true direction in the ocean of life.