
The aftermath of the "Xuanwumen Change" reflects Li Shimin's superb political wisdom

author:Brave Grapefruit 0


The "Xuanwumen Change" was a major political event in the early days of the Tang Dynasty, and Li Shimin quickly stabilized the situation after killing the crown prince Li Jiancheng and the king of Qi Li Yuanji, showing his superb political wisdom.

He decisively appeased the courtiers, took control of the army, and showed a generous and benevolent side, winning the support of the government and the public.

The aftermath of the "Xuanwumen Change" reflects Li Shimin's superb political wisdom

Li Shimin reused talents and implemented a series of policies conducive to the development of the country, laying a solid foundation for the "rule of Zhenguan".

Not only did Datang not fall into turmoil because of this coup, but quickly prospered.

1. The first step after the "Xuanwumen Change": quickly calm the situation and stabilize people's hearts

It is said that Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty experienced the changes of Xuanwumen, and it can be said that overnight, he broke free from the nine deaths and became the successor of the Tang Dynasty.

He was faced with a devastated and panicked court. But Li Shimin is worthy of being a generation of heroes, and he quickly took action, bloody purging with one hand, and showing mercy with the other.

The aftermath of the "Xuanwumen Change" reflects Li Shimin's superb political wisdom

The remnants of the crown prince and the king of Qi were still eyeing each other, but Li Shimin did not relent, and ordered the son of the prince and the king of Qi to be killed to prevent future troubles.

He chose to be tolerant of their daughters, and this kindness made everyone in the world see the heart of the new monarch.

Li Shimin also listened to Wei Chigong's suggestion, and for those generals who were originally loyal to the crown prince and the king of Qi, as long as they were willing to submit, they would not blame the past.

There is a story among the people that Li Shimin, after quelling the chaos in the imperial court, personally went to the streets to talk to the people and appease the people.

He said: "I am your Li Shimin, I will make Datang prosperous again and let you live a stable life." When the people heard this, they were all moved and expressed their support for the new monarch.

The aftermath of the "Xuanwumen Change" reflects Li Shimin's superb political wisdom

After the Xuanwumen Incident, Li Shimin quickly stabilized the situation through a strategy of hard and soft on the other, laying a solid foundation for his governance.

2. Repaying grievances with virtue: how Li Shimin turned enemies into friends

Li Shimin is not only a politician, but also a gentleman with a heart. He knew very well that if he wanted the Tang Dynasty to have long-term peace and stability, he had to turn enemies into friends and let those who originally opposed him become his supporters. Among them, Wei Zheng's transformation is a typical example.

Wei Zheng was originally a strategist of the crown prince Li Jiancheng, but after the Xuanwumen Change, he was captured and awaited the judgment of the new monarch.

Li Shimin did not kill him, but pardoned him and promoted him to the position of counselor. This move shocked everyone, but it was also this move that made Wei Zheng completely return to his heart.

Li Shimin said to Wei Zheng: "I know that you are a talented person, as long as you are willing to work for me, I will ignore my past suspicions." After hearing this, Wei Zheng was moved to tears, and since then he has become Li Shimin's right-hand man.

The aftermath of the "Xuanwumen Change" reflects Li Shimin's superb political wisdom

He was outspoken and dared to raise objections to Li Shimin, but Li Shimin never got angry, but respected him even more. Such a relationship between monarchs and ministers is really enviable.

Wei Zheng's loyalty and outspokenness had a positive impact on Li Shimin's regime. He helped Li Shimin resolve many crises and make Datang's politics clearer.

Li Shimin also received many valuable suggestions from this to make his rule more stable. It can be said that it was Li Shimin's mind to repay grievances with virtue that allowed him to win loyal ministers like Wei Zheng and the hearts of the people of the world.

3. Political Marriage and Family Alliance: Li Shimin's Harem Scheme

Li Shimin not only had superb political wisdom in the previous dynasty, but was also a master of power and scheming in the harem.

He cemented his rule through political marriages and family alliances. One of the most famous is the story of him and Princess Yang of Qi.

The aftermath of the "Xuanwumen Change" reflects Li Shimin's superb political wisdom

Yang was originally the princess of King Qi, with beautiful beauty and extraordinary temperament. After the Xuanwumen Change, Li Shimin forcibly married the Yang family, which seems absurd, but in fact it is deeply mysterious.

The Yang family was born from the Hongnong Yang family, a family with a pivotal position in Tang Dynasty politics. By marrying the Yang family, Li Shimin successfully encircled the Hongnong Yang family, adding a powerful force to his rule.

When dealing with other princes' old families, Li Shimin also showed superb scheming methods. For example, when it comes to the Zheng family, he does not take a one-size-fits-all approach, but formulates different strategies according to the specific situation.

Such a delicate arrangement allowed Li Shimin to defuse potential hostility and consolidate his rule.

Li Shimin said to the Yang family at a banquet: "You married me, not only for love, but also for the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty." I believe that together, we will make Datang more brilliant. ”

The aftermath of the "Xuanwumen Change" reflects Li Shimin's superb political wisdom

After hearing this, Yang's heart was filled with gratitude and admiration, and he supported Li Shimin more firmly from then on. Such a political marriage not only allowed Li Shimin to win love, but also allowed him to win political victories.

4. Pardon and rehabilitation: how Li Shimin reshaped the court and welcomed the prosperous era of Zhenguan

During Li Shimin's reign, he implemented a series of policies of amnesty and rehabilitation, which not only allowed the opposition forces in the court to let go of hostility, but also made everyone in the world see the broad-mindedness and superb wisdom of the new monarch.

He first gave amnesty to the whole world, and did not blame those who had opposed him as long as they were willing to submit. This policy came as a surprise to many, but it also saw the sincerity and open-mindedness of the new monarch.

Then he rehabilitated Zhaoxue for Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji, and restored their reputation and status. This move made everyone in the court see Li Shimin's determination and courage.

At the rehabilitation ceremony, Li Shimin personally issued a pardon to the families of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji and expressed his condolences. He said: "Let the past pass, let's work together for the future of Datang." ”

The aftermath of the "Xuanwumen Change" reflects Li Shimin's superb political wisdom

Such words touched everyone present, and also let them see the new monarch's broad mind and noble character.

Through this series of policies and actions, Li Shimin successfully reshaped the court, eliminated the hostility of the opposition forces, and rallied the people's hearts. These measures by him made the political environment of Datang look new and laid a solid foundation for the arrival of Zhenguan Shengshi.

On the day of Li Shimin's rehabilitation, he specially invited many ministers and ordinary people to come to watch the ceremony. He stood on the high platform, facing everyone, and said loudly: "What I am doing today is not for personal grievances, but for the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and the well-being of the people." I hope we can all forget the past grievances and work together for the future of Datang. ”

Before the words fell, everyone gave a standing ovation to express their admiration and support for the new monarch. Li Shimin's words flowed into everyone's hearts like a warm current, making them feel the broad-mindedness and noble character of the new monarch.

It is Li Shimin's series of measures that have greatly improved the political environment of Datang, and the lives of the people have become better and better. Under his governance, the Tang Dynasty gradually ushered in the prosperous era of Zhenguan, which became a glorious period in history.

The aftermath of the "Xuanwumen Change" reflects Li Shimin's superb political wisdom

Li Shimin is not only a monarch with superb political skills, but also a gentleman with a broad mind and noble character.

His practices and decisions not only won the support and trust of the people, but also allowed Datang to usher in an era of prosperity under his governance.


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