
It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god


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It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

Today's topic: It turns out that children are really easy to satisfy! #爆料 ##文章首发挑战赛#

Children's hearts are so easy to satisfy, take them to the food and enjoy the delicious drinks, and they will have fun all day and feel like the happiest people in the world.


Let's take a look at what my netizens have to say:

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

After the 70s, I lost four cents when I was a child, and I cried and looked for it all the way, feeling that I had lost a huge amount of money! Now I don't feel like I'm losing tens of thousands of dollars in Big A!

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

We would be very happy if we were content like children, and the day before yesterday was very hot, so I bought an ice cream for my two children and ate it separately, and they didn't cry, but they were very happy, and they said wow, we all had ice cream today

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

The child is really easy to satisfy, my 10,000-year-old antique laptop for my son to play, allowing him to pretend to be a game, that flattered look, although stuck into a dog, but still a baby, made me sad for a while

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

Yesterday I picked up my daughter from school and brought a piece of chocolate, and my daughter shared it with a good friend, so I was very happy.

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

I buy my daughter whatever she wants! When I was a child, I wanted to eat ice cream and buy spicy strips! I eat with her! I've tried it all, and it's not uncommon at all! Other children eat, she won't be hungry if she doesn't eat! If you don't want to eat, you want to eat hamburgers and fries! Anyway, adults are picking what they like to eat, why can't children!

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

I bought a shiny dress for my daughter, and he said thank you to me, Mom, it's so beautiful! I suddenly thought of myself when I was a child, and I could only wear other people's leftover clothes

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

I bought my six-year-old twin sons a pack of Ultraman card bags for one dollar, and they were so happy; If you buy a five-yuan bag, a ten-yuan bag, you will definitely hit the kind of good card, these two goods can happily jump to the sky; Before going to bed at night, you always have to ask me, Mom, why do you love me so much?

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

When my son was in kindergarten, he picked up a dollar coin on the road and couldn't sleep all night

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

I went to the baby school to help rehearse the dance, and the baby asked me where I bought the skirt and bag, and she was so beautiful that she also wanted to buy it, which made me feel confident

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

I went out to run errands yesterday afternoon, didn't bring water, went to KFC to buy a glass of juice, drank it and thought it was delicious, and bought a cup for the baby just to go to the kindergarten to pick him up, he drank to the two eyes lit up, 6-year-old boy, hugging you and saying you love mom, really, happy and funny.

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

My son ate ice cream for the first time, and he was holding the ice cream all the way and talking to himself, is it delicious, well

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

I took my little niece to the supermarket to buy snacks before, and when she came out, she asked me: Auntie, can I call your aunt Her grandmother said, your aunt will spend money on you again, and you will call your mother directly

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

I asked my son, what do you want to eat for your birthday? Fuding Meat Slices I thought to myself that I was so satisfied, this is not usually eaten often I like the most important thing

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god

My son is in the second grade, the football team, training at half past three every day, he is a little tired and doesn't want to go, I said that my mother will bring you something to eat every day, he doesn't order, I will bring a small bread, small cakes and the like, two days ago let me bring a cup of sour plum soup, must be satisfied

It turns out that small children are really easy to satisfy! Netizen: I made a handiwork, and he said that I was his god