
He said he would treat her well for the rest of his life, but in the blink of an eye he married his cousin

author:A small bok choy

A year ago, she followed him from the sea to Duanfu, and he said that he would treat her well for the rest of his life, but in the blink of an eye, he married his cousin.

Without saying a word, she took the long whip, broke into the happy hall, and threw the written letter of resignation on the negative person. "Duan Qu, you remember, I divorced you, not you!

When Duan Qu married his cousin, Xi Ningyue was sitting in the room changing clothes.

In her ears was the sound of festive gongs, drums and firecrackers, just like when she married into the Duan family a year ago.

But it was more than a hundred times more lively than she was at that time.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, Duan Qu's cousin is different from her, a female thief at sea, and it is not surprising that the treatment is very different.

It's ridiculous that when she first entered the door a year ago, she was still too arrogant, leading a group of brothers at sea, and she was used to being the overlord, and she couldn't turn around when she was snubbed for a while, so she pulled Duan Qu's sleeve and asked:

"Didn't you say that the Central Plains had the custom of haunting the cave house? Why is our house deserted?"

At that time, she was already using "our family", but she didn't know what kind of eyes the Duan family, including Lao Taijun, looked at her in private, let alone treated her as her own family.

Not long after getting married, she went to greet the old lady, specially brought the seafood that her brothers brought her, and remembered Duan Qu's instructions, and opened her mouth to shout, "Grandma."

Maybe it was because she was like thunder that scared the old man, and when she was invited out, she didn't see the old lady reply to her, let alone a smiling face.

The bag of seafood that she carefully selected and carefully wrapped was found in a cart of scum transported out of the house the next day.

She fished it out without being dirty, and went to find the old lady in distress, but the old lady closed the door and disappeared, and finally it was Miss Qinzhen who came out of the room, dragged a gauze skirt, and whispered to her:

"Cousin-in-law, grandma eats fasting and recites Buddha, can't touch these, she said...... I want you to kill less in the future, and don't create karma in vain......

She couldn't block it in one breath, but fortunately Duan Qu arrived in time, so he pulled her back.

When she returned, she stared at the bag of seafood in a daze.

The so-called wishful thinking and self-inflicted humiliation are nothing more than that.

Over time, she also saw it, she followed Duan Qu all the way from the sea to the Central Plains, as long as Duan Qu treated her wholeheartedly, what else did she care about?

But the man who once held her hand and promised that the white prime minister would not be separated in front of the stars on the sea, was now in the front hall, happily marrying another woman.

It's only been one year, and it's only been one year since she went from Dongchihai to Duan's house.

Xi Ningyue sighed.

Reaching for the last willow nail of her riding boots, she stooped down and began to look for her long whip at the bottom of the box.

At this moment, a slightly crying voice came from far and near:

"Madam, the young master and Miss Biao are worshipping heaven and earth......

is Xi Ningyue's personal maid, the only person in the Duan family who is loyal to Xi Ningyue.

She was in a hurry to "ventilate the news", but as soon as she saw Xi Ningyue's outfit, she was dumbfounded.

The big red and fierce body, the hair bun of a woman was scattered, the silver belt was tied to the waist, and the long whip was in the hand, as if it had returned to the appearance when she first came to Duan's house a year ago.

Majestic and murderous.

Qiao'er suddenly panicked, and stepped forward to hug Xi Ningyue's legs: "Madam, don't be impulsive!"

Xi Ningyue smiled and gently pushed Qiao'er away.

"Qiao'er, you have to learn more in the future, don't be bullied anymore......" paused, "I'll miss you."

If she didn't have a head or a brain, she didn't make Qiao'er come back to her senses, and with a flick of her red robe, Xi Ningyue had already walked out of the room and strode towards the front hall with her head held high.

The arrival of Xi Ningyue broke the joy and excitement of the room.

Duan Quzheng bowed to Qin Zhen for the third time, and Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the red robe, and his body stiffened.

Stepping on everyone's eyes, Xi Ningyue walked in step by step, poured herself a glass of wine as if no one was around, and drank it all with her head up.

The hall was silent, Qin Zhen also lifted her hijab with trembling hands, looked at Xi Ningyue in horror, and shrank behind Duan Qu and trembled.

Xi Ningyue was secretly amused, but the wine in her mouth slid bitterly into her throat, instantly filling her heart.

"Okay, I've also drunk your wedding wine," wiping her mouth, Xi Ningyue's red robe stepped forward fiercely, and smiled at Duan Qu: "Duan Qu, let's get together and disperse, I'm going back to Dongchi, this is a letter of resignation for you, take it."

As he spoke, a letter of resignation flew towards Duan Qu head-on with the wind, Duan Qu was caught off guard, and took it a little embarrassed, his face pale.

"The words are ugly, but you taught them one by one, and I used to complain that you taught me to read those sour poems all day long, but now that I think about it, there is a good sentence, if you are ruthless, I will leave......

In the unhurried voice, Xi Ningyue always had a smile on her face, and under the light of her dark eyes, a long whip in a red robe made her bright and compelling, and she was incomprehensible.

Before Duan Qu could speak, she had already clapped her hands, brushed her sleeves and turned around, "Duan Qu, I'm leaving, and I will be indefinite."

The straight back did not look back, and the solemn intent that emanated shocked the guests to get out of the way, and Qin Zhen, who was hiding behind Duan Qu, breathed a sigh of relief, but obviously found that Duan Qu's body trembled, and the joints of his hand that were clenched and closed to Xiu Shu turned blue.


Thousands of miles in the sky, the sea breeze howling.

On the day Xi Ningyue returned to Dongchi, all the ships lined up, and the long whistle pierced the sky, and the brothers surrounded her and cheered.

Listening to the long-lost "eldest sister's head", looking at the blue and magnificent sea, Xi Ningyue was full of pride for a while, but her eyes were not moist.

She walked into the crowd step by step, met the amber eyes, walked towards the tall figure, and plunged into his arms, tears streaming down her face.

"White Tower, I'm back."

The sea breeze slapped against the hull of the boat, whimpering, her long hair flying, and the sound of Duan Qu seemed to sound in her ears again.

That day, she left Duan's house, and when she drove out of the city to the western suburbs, there was a sudden urgent call behind her, and when she looked back, it was Duan Qu, who was in messy clothes, and chased after her.

Her pupils shrunk and her heart beat like thunder.

Turning over and dismounting, the sky was full of catkins, and they looked at each other from afar.

Duan Qu gasped, his chest heaved and opened his mouth, but it was a sentence: "I, I...... I'll give you a ride."

Like a basin of cold water poured on her head, she clenched the long whip violently and breathed a sigh.

Maybe she will never forget that scene, through the mist rising in her eyes, she looked at Duan Qu and smiled, her voice was so ethereal that it didn't look like herself:

"Duan Qu, you said earlier that you married me just for a while, I also have the reputation of a sea eagle in Dongchi, you go and inquire, I Xi Ningyue is by no means a stalker......

"A-Ning, I'm ......" As if feeling guilty, Duan Qu's eyes were sad and wanted to step forward, but she raised her whip and slammed it on the ground: "Stop!"

The oath of the past is still in my ears, and it is ironic like a joke -

Please prove to the sea god of Dongchi, I Duan Qu only loves Ningyue in this life and this life, if I am negative, I will be punished to be buried in the sea, my bones are gone, and I will sleep with the wind and waves.

The so-called eternal life in this life is only exchanged for a period of absurdity in this year.

She took a deep breath, her eyes were finally dyed with a sad color, and a whip was drawn towards Duan Qu, and with a bang, she left a blood mark on the face of Zhilan Yushu.

Turning around, he didn't look at him again, and got on his horse.

"Get out, you have been whipped by me, and we will break off our righteousness, and we will not owe each other."

When the horse galloped, she couldn't hear the call of the canal behind her, she couldn't hear her own chaotic thunderous heartbeat, and there were only those unforgettable pasts in her mind, echoing in her ears over and over again-

"My name is Duan Qu, and I ask where the canal is as clear as a promise."

"Are all the women of the sea as bold as you?"

"Aning, are you really willing to give up everything and go with me?"

That stupid wood, don't you know that the oath of the East Chi Sea God can't be issued casually? She whipped him ruthlessly, but swore that she couldn't bear to see him die in the sea in the future.

It's a pity...... Reaching out to touch his abdomen, a trace of sadness flashed in his dark eyes.

Her poor child is destined to be born without a father.

That joyful and sleepless night, she finally waited back for Duan Qu, who accompanied the old lady to Shangxiang, but before she could tell him the good news, he had already spoken to her first, with a tired face:

"A-Ning, grandma wants me to marry Zhenzhen, but I can't resist it...... I can only wronged you."


Duan Qu went to sea to Dongchi two years ago to look for medicine and was caught on Xi Ningyue's ship.

At that time, the elegant and handsome face was flushed, and he struggled desperately to kneel, and shouted in his mouth:

"A man has gold under his knees, and he kneels to the heavens and the earth to his parents, how can he kneel to a pirate!"

The appearance of righteous words made Xi Ningyue take a fancy to it at a glance, laughed out loud, shook off her red robe, stepped forward and brushed away a few of her subordinates, grabbed Duan Qu's collar, and stared at him with a fierce look:

"Do you know who I am? Do you know whose territory is this sea where you led people to trespass? Aren't you afraid that our pirates will burn your ships and detain your men, so that you will have your life and not come out?"

Duan Qu's face gradually turned pale, Xi Ningyue looked interesting, held back a smile and said coldly, "Then now, eldest young master, do you kneel or not?"

After that, every time she recalled this first meeting, Xi Ningyue would laugh and lean back and back, and Duan Qu would gagged her in anger, and the white tower on the side frowned and was silent, looking at Duan Qu with deep disgust.

At that time, Xi Ningyue couldn't hold back in the end, and when she listened to Duan Qu's "one person doing things and one person bearing", and the "last words" like Tuogu, she couldn't help laughing, but she was unhappily pulled away by the white tower:

"Ah Ning, don't make trouble, just detain the goods and drive them out of Dongchi."

They wanted to release people, but they didn't expect that Duan Qu's rich young master was unwilling to leave.

The Duan family has been in business for generations, and the main purpose of Duan Qu's trip to sea this time is not to do business, but to seek an elixir for the grandmother at home to cure the eye disease that has been entangled for many years.

The so-called elixir is actually the bone glue of a rare marine fish in the East Chihai Sea, but it is extremely difficult to catch and hard to find.

Duan Qu looks weak, but he doesn't want to be a stubborn person, he doesn't let go of his neck, and he won't go back if he can't get bone glue.

Xi Ningyue was also interested, raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Okay, this is what you said, then I am wronged that Senior Young Master Duan stayed to do chores for me, the pirate leader, when I am satisfied, when I will help you catch fish and glue!"

In this way, even though Bai Ta strongly objected, Duan Qu still stayed and stayed by Xi Ningyue's side.

This stay lasted for more than half a year.

From being out of place at the beginning, to gradually being able to adapt to life at sea, to finally being able to integrate into Xi Ningyue's pirate gang and be a decent teacher.

He began to discover that the "pirates" he spoke of were not as fierce and cruel as he thought, but on the contrary, they were loved in Dongchi, galloping the seas, protecting fishermen from all directions, driving away foreign forces, and being the patron saints of the locals.

And the pirate head Xi Ningyue is known as the sea eagle and has a supreme position in the hearts of the Dongchi people.

But she was always fierce to Duan Qu, calling back and forth, and even Duan Qu couldn't get used to eating fresh seafood, so she had to force him to eat it.

"Do you want to eat? If you don't eat it, I'll tell the White Tower to throw you into the sea and feed the sharks!"

Duan Qu trembled with anger: "You, you are quite unreasonable!"

Xi Ningyue spread her hands and said with a smile, "Who wants to reason with you? That's what you scholars do, and we pirates don't need to be reasonable."

When Duan Qu was forced to eat a large plate and vomit and diarrhea on the mast, someone came up and said enviously:

"Duan Gongzi, you are really blessed, our eldest sister has never been so kind to people!"

Duan Quwei raised his head with a scream: "She? Is she good to me?"

"Yes, as the so-called local customs, we have unwritten rules on the sea, the big guys eat and live together, and only after tasting the local seafood can they be considered a family, and the sea god of Dongchi will bless you with peace and security, the eldest sister personally helped you fish a large plate yesterday, the material is full and delicious, and I didn't eat a bite to give it to you, and I don't think it's good for you?"

Duan Qu was stunned, Xi Ningyue's hearty laughter happened to come from his ears, and when he looked up, he saw that the big red robe was standing at the bow of the ship and directing the sailors to set sail, with long hair flying in the wind, smart eyes like stars, and indescribable bright colors all over his body.

Somehow his heart jumped, Duan Qu hurriedly lowered his eyes, and the feeling he had never felt before was surging, and those words kept echoing in his ears:

Only those who have tasted local seafood can be considered a family, and only then can they be counted as a family......

Seabirds fly by in the distance, the blue sea and blue sky, and the water surface is sparkling.


When the news that the Duan family had offended the powerful and beheaded the whole house came, Xi Ningyue was giving birth under the careful care of the White Tower.

Almost to her feet, the disc in her hand fell to the ground and shattered.

A face turned pale in an instant.

Before Xi Ningyue could whip herself out, Bai Ta had already grabbed her and couldn't help but roar:

"A-Ning, the Duan family has nothing to do with you anymore!"

Xi Ningyue's body trembled slightly, her hands trembled, and tears fell.

Yes, it doesn't matter, he married someone else, she divorced him, and the song ended, what else does it matter?

But why does when I dream back at midnight, the green shirt always appears in the dream, the original face that remains the same?

All kinds of images are woven into a net, which binds her firmly to the center, and she can't break free.

He scolded her for being barbaric, and she was so angry that she grabbed his ears and hated that iron could not be made of steel: "Dumb wood, I am only barbaric to you, do you understand?!"

Under the sun, he painted a portrait of her, the person in the painting was in a red robe with a long whip, with a crossed waist looking at the horizon, a majestic appearance, she was happy in her heart, but she deliberately provoked: "It's a little fierce, my side face should be softer."

He shook his head, hugged the portrait and said slowly: "Danqing painting is the most taboo and false, and it should be realistic......

One day, when a storm broke out at sea, and she and her brothers struggled to fight against the heavenly father, he suddenly arched out of the cabin and squeezed to her, his mouth open and closed in the heavy rain, and he did not know what to say.

She glared at him in a hurry and shook him off: "What's the mess, get out of here, be careful that the wind blows you away!"

Afterwards she asked him, but he refused to say anything, she made a gesture and whipped him, and he was in a hurry to reveal the secret in his heart.

It turned out that he had never seen such a big storm before, thinking that it was unexpected, with the intention of seeing her for the last time before capsizing, he said what he wanted to say from the bottom of his heart and not let himself regret it.

Those feelings that are unconsciously bred between getting along day and night, in the countless days and nights drifting on the sea, have already quietly occupied the whole heart......

She had never seen him speak so incoherently, and his fair face was dyed crimson, as if he was angry with herself, and she didn't dare to look at her.

She threw the whip and cried out, "Dead wood!" , plunged into his arms, smiling with tears in his eyes, which was a watery tenderness that he had never had on weekdays.

At the end of the dream, under the starry sky of Dongchi, he promised in her ear, word by word, gentle and unreal.

He said, "Aning, would you like to come with me?"

The dream came to an abrupt end, and she sat up from her bed, gasping for air.

The night at sea was desperately dark, and the cold wind beat against the window lattice, and after sitting in the dark for a long time, she suddenly covered her face and burst into tears.

It's like all the camouflage in the daytime has collapsed in an instant, and when the night is quiet, there is only the cold carved into the bone marrow.


When Xi Ningyue and Bai Ta led a group of brothers into the court, her heart was beating like thunder, not out of fear, but because she was going to see the person she had been thinking about again.

With a whip that whipped away the officers and soldiers in front of her, Xi Ningyue flew onto the execution platform and ran straight towards a row of prisoners in the Duan family, blurting out a sentence:

"Don't be afraid, husband, I'm here to save you!"

Looking at the thin figure in the middle, she lifted the hood, but the expression on her face instantly froze, and almost at the same moment, she turned around and hissed: "Fooled, brothers, retreat!"

But it was too late—

Brushing and brushing, the mechanism was about to explode, and a group of fake prisoners on the torture platform were scattered in all directions, and a cage rose from the ground, and before Xi Ningyue could retreat, she was firmly trapped in the lightning and flint!

The White Tower, not far away, saw this scene and was stunned: "A-Ning!"

In the chaotic situation, a figure stumbled out, and it was the Duan Qu that Xi Ningyue was thinking about!

The old and young of the Duan family followed behind him, and asked the officers and soldiers to protect them tightly, and the supervisor stepped off the stage and strode to Duan Qu's side, stroking his palms and laughing:

"Finally caught this Dongchi female thief, Brother Duan, you are indispensable!"

Xi Ningyue's pupils shrank, and Huo Ran grabbed the railing and glared at Duan Qu in disbelief.

A "war of officials and bandits" is now a foregone conclusion, and the officers and soldiers who are ambushed around have restrained the people of Dongchi, and the illusions of confusion are all torn, this is just a good show from beginning to end to invite the king into the urn!

The funny thing is that the family they desperately came to save hid behind the stands and enjoyed the play to the fullest, while the people in the play covered in blood didn't know it.

Through the cage, Xi Ningyue couldn't help trembling, staring at Duan Qu deadly, her lips were biting out blood, but she couldn't say a word.

Duan Qu Junxiu's face was as white as paper, and countless indescribable emotions flashed in his eyes, grief, guilt, and powerlessness...... was suddenly woken up by a coquettish cry behind him:

"Husband, grandma fainted!"


In the dim dungeon, Xi Ningyue took off her gorgeous red robe and changed into a dusty prison uniform, her hair was scattered, and her face was pale.

The cell door creaked open, and Mu Ran looked up to see Duan Qu in a green shirt.

Xi Ningyue blinked, her eyes like dead ashes.

Duan Qu tried his best to suppress his chaotic breathing, but his voice was still shaky: "A-Ning, I'...... I've come to see you."

Xi Ningyue's long eyelashes trembled slightly, but her face was still expressionless, like a dry well.

Duan Qu's throat rolled down, approached Xi Ningyue step by step, and said in an astringent voice: "Don't worry, I'...... I'll get you out."

The slender body finally reacted when he heard this, but he raised his head a little bit, looked at Duan Qu with dark eyes, met his eyes for a long time, and finally smiled-

"Duan Qu, I'm really good at cheating, aren't I?"

Soon after she was locked in the dungeon, Qinzhen came, but she did not dare to enter through the iron bar, and only spoke softly outside, euphemistically informing her and the gang of brothers of the fate.

It turned out to be a robbery at sea in Dongchi a long time ago, they robbed an official ship that trespassed into the forbidden area, and taught the corrupt officials who were flying and domineering a lesson, but they did not hurt people's lives.

After the corrupt official went back, he held a grudge, and after his grade rose again and again, he finally seized the opportunity to ask for orders to suppress the bandits, but he didn't know where to find out the relationship between the Duan family and Xi Ningyue.

He held a banquet in the mansion to entertain the Duan family, and Duan Qu was the first to live in the first seat, and the transaction can be imagined, but what was waiting for their group of pirates was the news of the beheading on the same day.

Qin Zhen finally cried to her, "Sister, don't blame your husband, he can't help himself......

"Why should I blame you, if you say it's funny?" In the dungeon, Xi Ningyue looked at Duan Qu and smiled, laughing so much that tears were about to come out, "What do you and me have to do with each other?"

As soon as these words came out, Duan Qu's whole face turned pale, but Xi Ningyue was still smiling, and her eyes were so sad with a smile:

"Can't help yourself? If you want my life to be straightforward, why bother others? The lives of the seventy-six members of your Duan family are fate, but the lives of my brothers in Dongchi are not? Do you know that their wives and children are still waiting on the beach, but they can't wait for them anymore......

Speaking of "wife and children", Xi Ningyue suddenly thought of something, stretched out her hand to her abdomen, like a ghost in the dark night, she smiled at Duan Qu, her cheeks were pale under her messy hair, and her voice was like a ghost:

"You don't know, the child in my womb is four months old, but he never had a chance to be born again, because his father, whom he had never seen before, pushed him into hell with his own hands......

Before the desolate words were finished, Duan Qu's face had changed greatly, his body trembled, and he stumbled forward to hug Xi Ningyue, but she dodged in disgust, and unexpectedly hugged the air, and fell to his knees in a green shirt, his eyes were blood-red.

"A-Ning, A-Ning......" Duan Qu couldn't hold it anymore, his nails slammed into the ground, and a suppressed cry of pain came from his throat, hot tears fell hard, and his chest rose and fell, as if it was extremely painful.

Xi Ningyue only looked at Duan Qu and smiled, leaning in the dim corner, laughing cruelly.

She saw Duan Qu hissing and crying, tears running across her white cheeks, and a shallow whip mark appeared, and she couldn't help but be stunned-

It was the mark she left on the Duan family that day and chased him out.

With a move in her heart, Xi Ningyue couldn't help but stretch out her hand and gently touched the corner of Duan Qu's eyes.

The green shirt trembled, Duan Qu raised his head in disbelief, and Xi Ningyue's voice sounded faintly in his ears:

"I was so stupid at the time, I wanted you to get rid of the poisonous oath, but I didn't think that what you said casually could be true...... But it's okay to carry this mark in the next life."

Duan Qu almost couldn't believe his ears, and moved a few steps closer to Xi Ningyue, and was about to speak excitedly, but Xi Ningyue had already continued,

"So I can recognize it, stay away, and never meet you again."

Like five thunders, Duan Qu shook in place, and his body was cold.

The tone was neither light nor heavy, ethereal, but it was like ten thousand needles, densely piercing his heart, making him break his liver and intestines.

It must have been the cruelest phrase he had ever heard in his life.

If there is a next life, she will never meet him again.


The sentence was set for December, and Xi Ningyue leaned against the wall, and in the dead of night, she suddenly remembered the song that Duan Qu had taught her to sing.

In those vaguely recognizable memories, he took her in his arms, hummed a long melody, and sang it every month with an intoxicating fragrance, she was obsessed with learning, but she was unwilling to sing December.

She looked him in the eye and shook her head seriously, she said, December is too sad, they don't sing December.

He laughed at her superstition, but still hummed the melody, and the wind fluttered—

In December, at the beginning of the new year, you can sing long songs and get drunk, but you can't leave.

The melody is in my ears and in my heart, even if I want to forget, I always remember it clearly.

The moonlight was projected through the skylight, and in the cold dungeon, at this moment, under this situation, Xi Ningyue couldn't help but hum this song softly.

By the time she reached December, her throat was so choked that she could no longer sing, but at this moment, a familiar voice continued her in the dark, as gentle as if in a dream.

Xi Ningyue stood up suddenly, the cell door opened, and a figure walked out under the moonlight, with a green shirt and picturesque eyebrows.

There was a vague fragrance in the air, and the wisps of it penetrated into her heart, and her consciousness gradually blurred, crumbling, Xi Ningyue only thought that she was really in a dream......

Since it was a dream, she couldn't care about anything, she grabbed the sleeve of the person in front of her, aggrieved like a child, tears fell big and big, without the slightest majesty on weekdays, and the most vulnerable side was completely revealed.

"Husband, I can't figure it out, why do you want to marry someone else? Why are you trying to harm me? Is everything you used to say at sea false? Why can't you bear to lie to me, I can't figure it out......

In the upside-down, the former dominating sea overlord was like a helpless child at this time, showing such a miserable and helpless appearance for the first time, and Duan Qu's heart was like a knife.

He forcibly held back his tears and stepped forward, hugged the confused Xi Ningyue into his arms, and was so tight that he didn't want to let go.

The Qiluo incense on the cuffs filled the air, becoming more and more intense, and the beautiful girl who was guarding the door had taken the antidote in advance, and at the moment she couldn't help but pray in her heart that everything would go well, and bless her hard-working lady with peace and security......

Duan Qu hugged Xi Ningyue and coaxed softly in her ear: "Ah Ning, my good Ah Ning, it'll be fine after a sleep...... There will be no December, I will not let you go, I will never ......."

Like a long dream, in a drowsy state, Xi Ningyue opened her eyes in a daze, and found that under the moon and stars, she was already on the back of the white tower, the wind blew through her long hair, and behind her was the prison under the mountain, with torches reaching the sky, and the sound of armor was urgent.

Her mind was in a mess, and she only heard Bai Ta keep muttering:

"Don't look back, don't look back, A-Ning I will take you back to Dongchi, and I will take care of you for the rest of your life......

Her head was getting heavier and heavier, she couldn't remember what had happened, she couldn't remember what it was, but the time she looked back, in the chaos and hustle, the fire suddenly burst out, and there was a woman's heart-rending cry, and the firelight instantly lit up the entire night sky, burning her eyes red.

She suddenly panicked, but her mind was chaotic, so she could only hold down her heart, grabbed the white tower tightly, and spoke incoherently:

"It hurts, White Tower, why, why does it hurt here......

It hurt so much that she couldn't breathe, as if something had pulled out of her life, and every minute melted into the half of the sky reflected by the firelight, dissipating with the wind, and no longer being able to piece it together.


There are no clouds, seagulls flying, and the boundless sea is magnificent.

This is the third birthday of Xi Ningqu, the daughter of the eagle of the sea, and all the captains of the sea ships honked their horns and rejoiced and lived.

Xi Ningyue led her daughter to stand on the high platform, looking at the celebration below, the red robe was fierce and majestic.

A pair of amber eyes looked up at her, she raised her eyebrows and smiled, and threw her daughter straight down, causing everyone to exclaim, but she smiled heartily:

"Go ahead, go play with your godfather!"

The white tower in the crowd was like the wind, and he caught the frightened Xi Ningqu, raised his head and yelled at the red robe: "You lack virtue A-Ning, sooner or later, one day Qu'er will not recognize you and throw you into the sea to feed the sharks!"

Xi Ningyue clapped her hands and laughed: "Then I can wait, if I don't even have this bit of courage, how can I be worthy of being the daughter of my sea eagle?" It's just that someone can't make up their minds, just kidnap my daughter in advance!"

The boat was full of laughter, and the pleasant atmosphere rippled on the sea, and the water surface was sparkling, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.

Before you know it, it's spring again.

Xi Ningyue had a serious illness three years ago, and after waking up, she forgot many things, and the most incredible thing for her was that she was married and pregnant, like a big accident that fell from the sky, so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth, but she had no impression at all.

Baita told her that her husband had died in a shipwreck, and that she was so grieved that she couldn't afford to fall ill, and that she was so sick that she couldn't remember anything.

She listened and listened, but Bai Ta's voice suddenly lowered, with a smile on her face, but she was sad and inexplicable.

It is better to forget, forget without pain, and you can start a new life......

She nodded as if she didn't understand, but before she could do it, she pushed the white tower and smiled, "I thought I would marry you, but I remember that you used to say that you liked me......

Bai Ta took her hand away, crying and laughing, but turned around but covered her eyes, as if she had been stabbed by the sun.

After the child was born, he recognized Baita as his godfather, and Xi Ningyue once asked him, why did he name his daughter Xi Ningqu? She didn't think it sounded, and it wasn't cool at all.

Bai Ta hugged the baby who was still swaddling at that time, and said with a smile: "Isn't it a very chic name to ask Qu to be as clear as it is?"

Xi Ningyue laughed, "When did you become so civil?" After a pause, she tilted her head and thought, "As if I've heard it somewhere......

Bai Ta's heart was beating wildly, and he was about to blurt out irrepressibly, but in the end he held back, and like the other brothers on the ship who were greeted well, he never mentioned that person again.

The person he once looked down on the most, dressed in a green shirt and powerless, gave him the biggest shock at that moment of life and death.

He will never forget that night, Duan Qu's expression when he handed the unconscious A Ning into his hands, his handsome and fair face was in the moonlight, and he said with great difficulty, he said, "Please, take good care of A Ning, take care of the child in her womb......

Baita has never seen the back of a person who is determined to die, so down, so calm.

And those truths immersed in the long river of time will be gone with the wind, sleeping on the ground, and will never be known.


No one knows how much Duan Qu loves A-Ning, who loves A-Ning who smiles and is chic and heroic on the sea, but will quietly blush in his arms.

He deliberately agreed to his grandmother to marry his cousin, just to get rid of her, because at that time there were rumors that there were powerful people he could not afford to offend, and he was knocked on the side, asking him to hand over his beloved wife and "destroy his relatives with righteousness".

After thinking about it, he endured his grief and came up with this decision.

He knew her character best, and persuaded her to leave openly, she would never go, and if she knew that he would be convicted for this, or that the adulterer would threaten him, she might have thrown herself into the net.

And he knew that she was unhappy in the Duan family, she was a sea eagle belonging to Dongchi, but he selfishly broke her wings, and now he only hopes that she can return to her own world and no longer be bound by anyone.

So he married his cousin, "betrayed" her, watched her take out the letter of resignation, and stepped out of the door of the Duan family without looking back.

But God knows how reluctant he was, he chased out like crazy, and hurried to catch up with her, but in her expectant eyes, he could only say weakly: "I, I...... I'll give you a ride."

She whipped him, and when he returned, he stopped worshipping and drank in the dark with the wine jar.

It was originally a scene, he didn't lie to her, he only loved her from beginning to end, and he never tolerated other women in his heart.

He didn't let Qin Zhen drug him, that was the only mark she left on him, maybe he would never see her again in his life, only in this way, he would keep the last trace of self-deception, thinking that she was still by his side and never left.

He was not afraid when the expected door-to-door questioning came, he thought about the consequences when he let her go, and he was willing to bear it—

It's just that things turned out to be unexpected.

I don't know what Qin Zhen said to Lord Liang when she closed the door, but when she came out, Lord Liang patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said thoughtlessly, "The child can be taught."

It wasn't until the game was set up that he finally understood what the praise in Lord Liang's eyes meant, everything was Qin Zhen's idea, saying that his private release was a desire to capture the old people, and in his name, he offered a clever plan, just to wipe out the gang of Dongchi bandits.

In the end, the matter was completely beyond his control, and the Duan family was invited to a separate courtyard, called to cooperate with the establishment of the bureau, which was actually a house arrest transaction until the Sea Eagle and his accomplices were successfully caught.

He was in great pain, and he could only watch the red robe break into the court behind the stands that day, killing all the way, and shouting, "Don't be afraid, husband, I'm here to save you!"

He almost couldn't help but rush out, but was stopped by Qin Zhen behind him, "Think about grandma, think about the Duan family!"

He watched as she was trapped in a cage, and until that moment she could not break free from the guards and stumbled out.

But he only saw hatred in her eyes, a bitter hatred, and it made his heart palpitate.

He's messed everything up, he's the most useless person in the world, he can't live with her, he can't live with the girl he's always wanted to take care of.

In December, at the beginning of the new year, you can sing long songs and get drunk, but you can't leave.

Her sentence was set for December, and he clenched his fists and swore a blood oath in his heart.

He will not let her go, he will not let their children not be born, he will make her forget him, forget all the pain, and start a good life again.

Even if she never had him in her life again, she would forget about him completely, and he would have no regrets.

He wished her well, wished her peace and joy all her life, and would be the most chic and free sea eagle in Dongchi.

He entrusted her to the White Tower, and he and Qiao'er, who had changed into prison clothes, attracted all the officers and soldiers, and the dungeon sprinkled with fire oil burned at a moment, and he asked Qiao'er if she was afraid at the moment when the fire started.

Qiao'er shook her head with tears in her eyes: "I only wish that Madame will open the sea and the sky."

The disturbances were completely annihilated in the monstrous fire, and the past dissipated like smoke.

A big case was closed, and it was over, only a few words in the book:

Duan Qu, a person from Qingzhou, robbed the prison and burned them to death in prison with the Dongchi female bandits, and they became two charred corpses, unable to distinguish each other.


The smoke scene of spring is the most charming.

Spring at sea is neither early nor late.

When Xi Ningyue was packing up her clothes in the room, she somehow turned out a portrait, the portrait was a few years old, and the person in the painting turned out to be her in a red robe.

On the yellowed scroll, she holds a long whip in her hand, standing on the bow of the boat, and the silhouette of the side is softer than ever.

Holding this portrait of unknown years and months, her heart moved, as if she had vaguely heard that her deceased husband was very good at danqing.

The wind slapped on the window lattice, and she looked at the portrait for a long time, but somehow, suddenly burst into tears.

In the vague memory, It seemed like a long time ago, and it was also an afternoon, as if someone was holding her hand, On the spread of rice paper, she wrote stroke by stroke—

[End of this story]

He said he would treat her well for the rest of his life, but in the blink of an eye he married his cousin