
(END) The prince's sweetheart passed away, and in order to fill that gap, he found ten stand-ins in a row

author:A small bok choy
(END) The prince's sweetheart passed away, and in order to fill that gap, he found ten stand-ins in a row
(END) The prince's sweetheart passed away, and in order to fill that gap, he found ten stand-ins in a row
(END) The prince's sweetheart passed away, and in order to fill that gap, he found ten stand-ins in a row
(END) The prince's sweetheart passed away, and in order to fill that gap, he found ten stand-ins in a row
(END) The prince's sweetheart passed away, and in order to fill that gap, he found ten stand-ins in a row

The emperor doted on her so much that he made an exception to make her the lord of the county, and let her grow up in the palace as his own.

The prince was even more fond of her, and even wanted to marry this unrelated sister as the crown princess.

And the ladies of the harem also compete to pamper her, providing her with fine clothes and food and endless rewards.

In the palace, she was a treasure in the eyes of everyone, and the other princes regarded her as the loveliest sister, and her name and figure were circulated in the market, and people mentioned her with respect and affection.

It all stems from her identity - the pearl of General Su's palm.

People praise her as the snow among the clouds, the bright moon in the sky, and the pure and flawless light is desirable.

However, only I know the truth behind that light.

She's not who she really is, she's fake.

And I, Su Qingyao, am the real body that was forgotten in the corner.

The absurdity and helplessness of the she, who appeared out of thin air, occupied my body, and replaced my identity, made me become her stand-in, which is absurd and helpless, which makes people laugh bitterly.

When I was thirteen years old, my father's death in battle and my mother's serious illness became a turning point in my life.

My mother's gentle and apologetic look before she died is still unforgettable to me.

She told me softly: "Yaoyao, my mother is going to find your father in the future, if someone bullies you, you will go to Xie Xuan, he is your future husband and will protect you."

I was devastated by my mother's death, and I wept in front of her funeral hall, unable to accept the cruel truth.

I didn't want my mother's coffin to be buried in the ground, and I was afraid that the dark, damp underground world would make her feel frightened and uncomfortable.

I tried to prevent the burial, and even tried to pry open the coffin so that my mother could stay with me.

At first, people also advised me to mourn and lament my pity.

But as I became more and more violent, I began to hear those indifferent voices: "If I continue to toss like this, I am afraid that the time of burial will be missed" "Alas, why is the general's daughter so ignorant?" These words pierced my heart like a sharp knife, and I couldn't breathe in pain.

Just when I felt extremely aggrieved and helpless, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of me.

It was a young boy who stood in front of me, shielding me from those cold and mocking glances.

His presence made me feel a touch of warmth and comfort.

He became my pillar and support during that difficult time.

The young man was outstanding, and there was a casual and uninhibited temperament between his eyebrows, as if he was born with a hint of arrogance.

He raised his clear eyes, his gaze swept over the several adults present, his voice was clear and cold, and there was a hint of mockery in his words: "The spirit of the general and his wife in the sky is watching, everyone comes to mourn, but behind the back talking about the general's orphans, I want to ask, is your behavior like this considered sensible?" The audience fell silent.

At that time, Xie Xuan was only fourteen years old.

He took off his favorite red clothes and put on a plain white filial piety dress.

He took my hand, and in the face of those high-ranking officials and dignitaries, he took a "little master" with an arrogant and confident attitude, blocking those adults speechless.

In the end, the adults had to bow to me and apologize guiltily.

Xie Xuan lowered his head, gently cupped my face, and sighed: "...... You're such a crybaby," this unruly young man actually stretched out his hand to wipe away my tears, and he whispered: "Your mother and father are buried together, this is her wish, they may turn into flower branches, grow into grass and trees, and become a breeze If one day, the wind blows through your window and brings the fragrance of flowers, then they come back to see you."

His fingers were slightly cold, like snowflakes in early winter.

His voice wasn't warm either.

However, I could feel that when Xie Xuan said these words, there was a rare tenderness in his eyebrows.

Eventually, I nodded and stopped crying.

It was only then that people were able to bury my mother.

I watched as the dirt slowly covered her and eventually buried her coffin completely.

At that moment, I felt as if I had lost the whole world, and only the glimmer of Xie Xuan remained.

Exhaustion came flooding in, but I had to force myself to participate in the long funeral ceremony.

The adults were too busy to take care of me, and I didn't want to bother them.

In the noisy crowd, the only one I wanted to find was Xie Xuan.

Xie Xuan walked silently beside me, and finally he squatted down, picked me up, and walked step by step towards the way home.

I lay on his back and whispered: "Xie Xuan, my mother told me before her death that men and women should keep an appropriate distance from each other" He stopped, tilted his head slightly, and his voice was low and firm: "Yes, you can't kiss others casually, but you can kiss me" His words revealed an undoubted domineering, and then he added: "Moreover, you can only kiss me in the future."

My heart throbbed, I looked up at his resolute back, and couldn't help but quip: "Xie Xuan, we haven't gotten married yet, are you so domineering?" He paused and nervously asked, "What?" You don't want to marry me? I smiled lightly, and although I already had the answer in my heart, I chose to be silent at the moment.

However, just as I was about to respond to him, a wave of tiredness hit me, and I fell asleep on his back unconsciously.

When I woke up again, everything around me had changed.

I found myself in an unfamiliar environment, no longer everything I was familiar with.

It was as if my soul had crossed into a completely new world and became a woman named Shen Rongrong.

This Shen Rongrong has passed away.

She was supposed to have a chance to keep her innocence and be bought as a kotohime.

If she endures it for a few more years, she may even be sacrificed to the crown prince.

However, fate made people, and she finally chose to end her life in the Qinglou.

And I, by accident, became her.

Now, not only do I have to face this new identity, but I also have to battle my wits with a mysterious woman named Qingyao County Lord.

The entanglement between us has lasted for several lifetimes, and each encounter is full of unknowns and challenges.

And I will continue to write my own legend in this new world.

She seems to be guided by the mysterious treasures of the "group pet system", and is able to perceive my existence, and sees me as her greatest rival.

In the contest between the previous two lives, I failed to understand her schemes, and I always lost early.

But since the third life, I have become more cautious and take it one step at a time.

This repeated rebirth, although it brought endless pain and fear, also gave me a deeper understanding of the "Qingyao County Lord".

She is obsessed with Xie Xuan and longs to take my place and marry him.

Such a brazen act is truly shocking.

But how can I get her what she wants?.

I began to orchestrate each rebirth.

Every time I wake up, I go back to the days when I was a stand-in in the East Palace.

Xie Xuan's interactions with the crown prince were not frequent, and the only time he stepped into the East Palace was for the war in southern Xinjiang.

Therefore, I seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fall from the pavilion of the East Palace at the same moment in every life, just to fall into Xie Xuan's arms accurately.

I hugged him tightly, kissed him on the cheek, and did everything I could to seduce him.

For I know that he has said that I should keep my distance from other men, but that I can be close to him without fear.

Days like this, I repeated countless times, and even death became numb.

Sometimes I wonder, when will this cycle end? Maybe I should really choose to die completely, to end this endless cycle of reincarnation.

But whenever I hovered on the edge of life and death, I would see Xie Xuan's affectionate eyes.

He was the motivation for my rebirth and the reason why I persevered.

That figure always appears at my most dangerous moments.

He, Xie Xuan, with red eyes, ran towards me eagerly, his lips twitching, as if to say something.

However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hear him clearly.

What exactly is he talking about? Could it be that he finally recognized me? This desire made me decide to challenge my fate again.

"Give me another chance," I said silently in my mind, "in the next life, even if I only have a few more lives, I will hear his every word.

But fate seemed to play tricks on me, and every rebirth was accompanied by the same scene.

Xie Xuan always appeared at the moment when I was on the verge of life and death, and I still couldn't hear his call clearly.

This frustration made me angry, and in order to decipher his lip language, I even studied the "Lip Language".

But when I finally mastered this skill and faced the life-and-death situation again, Xie Xuan chose to remain silent.

He stared at me with those red eyes, filled with endless sorrow and unspoken words.

At that moment, I seemed to read his heart.

"Well, I see," I responded inwardly, "do you want me to continue to be reborn and continue this chase of fate?" Well, I'm back.

In this life, I no longer choose to escape.

I'm going to face everything bravely because I don't want to lose again.

I have a determination to live and become Xie Xuan's wife.

When the fifteenth county lord returned to the court, the prince's joy was beyond words.

However, the joy did not last long.

Because the county lord has not arrived at the East Palace for a long time, the uneasiness in the prince's heart is increasing day by day.

His brow furrowed, clearly bothered by something.

I'm not surprised by these messages.

After all, in Fu Kai's mind, the county lord of Qingyao was like the flawless white moonlight, hanging high in the night sky, out of reach.

However, for her, Fu Kai may be just a fat fish in the fish pond in her heart, occasionally stirring up waves, but it is difficult to become the only one in her heart.

I skillfully used some small strategies to let the subordinates of the East Palace deliberately let Fu Kai hear some "wind and grass" when chatting.

These messages are like a breeze blowing across the lake, causing ripples:.

"I heard that the county lord of Qingyao already belongs in his heart, and that son is Xie Xuan, the son of the Hou Mansion."

"I heard that the county lord of Qingyao personally sent a letter to Xie Xiaolangjun, inviting him to enter the palace on the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh month, and together on the Yueyao platform, taste the fine wine, and enjoy the bright moon together."

"Lord Qingyao is sixteen years old this year, according to the rules of the palace, it should be the age to talk about marriage, right?"

I know Fu Kai's character very well, although these words are not directly broken, but every sentence is like a sharp arrow, shooting straight to his heart.

That night, when Fu Kai walked into my dormitory with a gloomy face, I knew that my purpose had been achieved.

His face was so gloomy that it seemed to drip water, and it was a kind of anger and unwillingness to be betrayed and neglected.

I leaned lazily against the head of the bed, my eyes half-open, as if not surprised by his arrival.

I pretended to be sleepy-eyed and asked him, "Your Highness, it's late at night, can I rest?" "I know that imitating the Qing Yao County Lord at this time will only anger him even more, but that's exactly what I want.

Sure enough, he waved his hand violently and slammed the cup in his hand to the ground, scattering fragments everywhere.

He stared at me with a paranoid and morbid look in his eyes, as if he wanted to devour me: "Don't sleep!" "I looked down at the debris on the ground, but there was no wave in my heart.

I pretended not to understand his anger, and asked him pretending to be concerned: "Your Highness, is there something in your heart?" If you're angry and hurt, you might as well say it, maybe I can share it for you."

Fu Kai seemed to have something to say, but he seemed a little hesitant.

Obviously, it was difficult for the noble prince to speak out about his frustration - he could not win the heart of the woman he wanted, after all, it was about his face.

I took the opportunity to fan the flames: "It's getting late, if it's inconvenient for Your Highness to speak, rest in peace" As I spoke, I made a gesture to lie down, but he quickly pulled me up, he stared at my eyes tightly, and asked in a slightly bitter voice: "Why?" Lone loves you so much, why do you fall in love with Xie Xuan? He finally couldn't help it.

I remained silent, just calmly staring at him, letting his emotions stir.

Only when he deeply feels the pain of not being able to ask for it and cutting his heart like a knife, will he be willing to take risks for a moment of comfort.

Gradually, Fu Kai's eyes flushed with an abnormal red, and he kept questioning me, and the strength of his hand became stronger and stronger.

At the critical moment, I reminded him softly: "Your Highness, I am Shen Rongrong" The implication is that I am not the person in your heart.

Fu Kai's face instantly stiffened, and he let go of me blankly.

After a brief silence, he began to confide——。

They agreed to taste wine and admire the moon on the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh month, the name Yueyaotai was specially chosen for her, but now she uses it to entertain other men, and soon after, her father may marry her...... Her father has always doted on her, and when she was a child, General Su also made a verbal engagement with Xie Xuan for her......".

"She will eventually enter the palace of marriage hand in hand with Xie Xuan" Fu Kai's words revealed not only deep regret, but also indescribable paranoia and madness.

I have been with him for many lifetimes, and I can naturally understand his inner struggles and unwillingness.

At this moment, I realized that the time was ripe.

I spoke slowly, as if in a flash of inspiration, but after careful consideration, "Your Highness, do you really want to marry the county lord as the crown princess?" I might be able to give you advice" Fu Kai's gaze instantly focused on me, shocked and curious.

I stared at his thin face, especially the unique tear mole, and said softly: "If Your Highness doesn't mind, maybe you can try to change into red clothes and dress up as the son of the Xie family."

Fu Kai's eyes widened, as if he had heard something incredible: "What did you say?" I took a deep breath and finally said the words that had been hidden in my heart for a long time: "Your Highness may not have noticed that your face is indeed a little similar to Xie Xiaolangjun."

Fu Kai was stunned for a moment, and then his face gradually sank: "Shen Rongrong, do you want me to play Xie Xuan's stand-in in front of Bai Yueguang?" I smiled slightly and asked, "Your Highness, are you willing?" ”。

If it was placed in the past, Fu Kai would definitely not be able to accept such a proposal.

As the prince of the East Palace, he was arrogant and conceited, how could he be willing to imitate others, especially his rival in love? But today, the situation is not what it was yesterday.

Fu Kai has always been good at weighing the pros and cons, and for the sake of Bai Yueguang in his heart, he seems to have let go of all his scruples and bottom lines.

I looked at his gradually determined eyes, and there was a hint of anticipation in my heart.

Perhaps, this time can really bring him a different ending.

He changed into a bright red robe, and even the crown of his hair was modeled on Xie Xuan's style, as if he was looking new from the inside to the outside in an instant.

For this plan, I also specially found a helper: that is my No. 1 stand-in, Li Meimei.

At first glance, she seemed to be an idler living leisurely in the East Palace, but I was amazed by the skill in her hands.

Li Meimei's makeup skills are superb, and after her skillful makeup, the prince couldn't help but be stunned when he looked in the mirror.

After this careful construction, the similarity between him and Xie Xuan has reached an astonishing seven or eight points.

Fu Kai stood aside, his eyes wandering over us, with a hint of scrutiny in his tone: "I didn't even notice it before, the concubines around me all have such extraordinary talents" Li Meimei and I looked at each other and smiled, and each other's eyes flashed with pride.

I was the first to speak, my tone was indifferent but confident: "It's not hidden, I was born in the dust, these skills are just some small means that can't be put on the table, and it is a great fortune to be appreciated by His Royal Highness" Li Meimei was even more direct, she smiled and said to Fu Kai: "Your Highness, do you know how I practiced this skill?" I used to apply makeup to the deceased, and when I was busy, I could paint three or four bodies in a day."

When Fu Kai heard this, a complicated expression appeared on his face.

I guess he was probably regretting it in his heart at the moment—regretting letting Li Meimei dress him up so carefully.

However, it was all for our plans.

I know very well that the system in the hands of that county lord will have a period of "upgrade and maintenance" every month, which is a few days when she can't use the system.

This is a pivotal moment for our actions.

And this Qixi Festival happened to coincide with the day of her system maintenance.

At this particular moment, she, like us, becomes mundane and real, losing that aura of mystery.

The prince began to imitate Xie Xuan's every move, word and deed.

It's all about the careful layout of the Tanabata night.

"Will Xie Xuan really miss this meeting?" This is Fu Kai's biggest concern.

Recently, I have sensed that the prince has become more and more dependent on me.

I repeatedly assured him: "Your Highness, please rest assured that when the time comes, I will definitely try to hold off Gongzi Xie and ensure that your plan can go smoothly."

After hearing this, Fu Kai seriously promised me: "Rongrong, if you can succeed this time, I will satisfy you with whatever reward you want" I smiled slightly and replied: "Thank you, Your Highness, I have already thought about what reward I want, but it will be a surprise."

"Oh? What is that? He asked curiously.

"When the time comes, His Highness will naturally know" I sold a pass.

The night of Tanabata has finally arrived.

In the bright moonlight, the county lord of Qingyao and "Xie Xuan" sat side by side on the Yueyao platform, enjoying this romantic night.

I, on the other hand, stood on the palace tower in the distance, quietly watching this scene.

Beside me, sat the real Xie Xuan.

"Sleeping girl," Xie Xuan called me with a hint of ridicule.

I raised my head and looked at him with a smile on my face: "Xie Xuan, there is one thing you may not know that only the people I like can call me 'sleep'".

He listened to my words, his eyes froze slightly, and then said casually:

"Well, then, could you please give me a name that I can call her?" He asked, with a hint of curiosity and respect.

I smiled slightly, and the smile became even stronger: "You don't need to change, just continue to call me 'sleep'."

Xie Xuan was slightly stunned, and then the corners of his lips hooked up a loose arc, "Oh? How many people in this world would call you by such a name? "。

I deliberately teased him, pretending to be serious and breaking my fingers and starting to count: "Well, I'll count and see, one, two, three, four, ......." I deliberately slowed down the speed of counting, and the smile on Xie Xiaolangjun's lips stiffened one point at a time.

By the time I counted to nine, his face was already a little gloomy.

I noticed the change in his mood, but I didn't stop, but instead changed my words, and said with a hint of naughtiness and laughter: "But ah, the people I counted are all women, and only you, Xie Xiaolangjun, are the only men."

Xie Xuan's face softened slightly, but a hint of banter flashed in his eyes.

"Shen Poor Poor, do you think I'm so easy to deceive?" He suddenly pulled out a book, which was the eighteenth draft of "On How to Live Yourself in This Complicated World" that I had given him earlier.

He pointed to the name on the page, "It is written here, Shen is poor, isn't it you?" "。

I was stunned for a moment, and the corners of my mouth were a little stiff, "Gongzi Xie, I wrote about Shen Rongrong, not Shen Qiang."

I was a little frustrated, this misunderstanding was really funny.

"It's stupid.

Xie Xuan couldn't hold back, and laughed lowly, "Of course I know that you wrote about Shen Rongrong, but ...... Master likes to see you anxious.

There was a hint of pampering and ridicule in his words, which made me cry and laugh a little.

He made me feel more relaxed and happy than ever before.

Perhaps, meeting him was really a wonderful encounter in my life.

"Uh......" I was a little speechless.

This guy is obviously making fun of my poor handwriting.

I'm a person who never admits defeat, and I have to find a way to get back.

So, I leaned forward and asked him a little ridiculously: "Gongzi Xie, since you already know my name, why did you pretend not to know about me just now?" Xie Xuan's face suddenly became serious.

And I laughed even more: "So, you actually prefer to put me to sleep, don't you?" "......" He was silent for a moment, and then turned his head a little embarrassed: "Sleeping girl, didn't you ask me to come here tonight to watch a play?" He held his chin with one hand and casually pointed to the opposite side, "The play has begun."

I followed his gaze and saw that on the Yueyao platform, the county lord of Qingyao had already begun to pour wine for the prince...... "That wine was drugged" I looked at Xie Xuan with a smile, "That was originally for you."

Speaking of the marriage contract between the Xie family and the Su family, it has been set since we were children.

But as time passed, Xie Xuan found that the county lord of Qingyao was no longer the innocent little girl in his memory.

He had doubts, and even tried to find the girl he remembered.

But everyone misunderstood him, thinking that he was just young and frivolous, and changed his mind.

Lord Qingyao was right in front of him, but his feelings for her no longer existed.

Xie Xuan's change in attitude towards the county lord of Qingyao became the fuse that caused a series of problems.

The county lord of Qingyao couldn't wait any longer, and she decided to use the date of Qixi to design Xie Xuan.

As long as Xie Xuan drank the wine carefully prepared by the county lord of Qingyao, she would lie quietly beside him, like a night lotus blooming quietly.

However, this scene will soon be discovered by the people in the palace, and at that time, it will definitely set off an uproar.

However, who would believe that the county lord of Qingyao, who was as arrogant as a swan on weekdays, would not hesitate to give up his innocence in order to frame the prince of the Hou Mansion? What's more, she is the darling of this world in the palm of her hand, and the bright pearl in the eyes of everyone.

At that point, Xie Xuan will face a difficult choice.

He was either forced to marry the county lord of Qingyao, or he was charged with a crime and his reputation was ruined.

However, it was all in my expectation.

In "On How to Live in This Painful World, Eighteenth Draft", I have already described in detail the scenes that will be staged in the future.

It had been three months since Xie Xuan had obtained the book, which was enough for him to study it carefully and taste the authenticity of it.

I not only described the conspiracy of the county lord of Qingyao on the night of Qixi Festival, but also supplemented the prince's meticulous plan.

Therefore, from the very beginning, I firmly believed that Xie Xuan would not go to see the county lord of Qingyao tonight.

He's going to come to me and watch this orchestrated drama with me.

When I mentioned the book, Xie Xuan's eyes were still fixed on the Yueyao Terrace opposite, and he asked with a smile: "Miss Shen, this book describes many things in the future, how did you not know the prophet?" ”。

I chuckled out loud, knowing that he was a temptation, so I pretended to answer mysteriously: "It's just that I have experienced life and death a few more times, and if I have seen more, I will naturally know."

"Oh?" Apparently surprised by my answer, I continued to lean into his ear and whispered, "Actually, I traveled through several planes to get back here."

When Xie Xuan heard this, the corners of his mouth hooked up a playful smile, as if to say: "Shen sleep, are you so easy to fool me?" "But I know that he has already begun to develop curiosity and interest in me.

"No, Xie Xuan, I regard you as the love of my heart, and I deliberately re-seek this mortal world, just to tie the knot with you.

My words were like a spring breeze, gently falling on Xie Xuan's heart.

He seemed to be trapped by my sudden true feelings, first sighed softly, and then his face, which was usually as cold as frost, turned a faint crimson in the moonlight.

At this moment, on the Yueyao Terrace, the prince and the county lord of Qingyao are staging a well-planned drama.

The prince skillfully changed the wine cups of the two, and the county lord of Qingyao fell into the trap carefully designed by the prince without realizing it.

She has always been known for her intelligence, but she never imagined that one day she would become a pawn in other people's schemes and fall into the trap carefully arranged by herself.

I looked at Xie Xuan in front of me, and the corners of my mouth hooked up a mischievous smile, "The show is about to be staged, how about we go and watch it together?" Before the words fell, I naturally took Xie Xuan's hand and prepared to get up and go.

However, Xie Xuan looked down at our tightly connected hands, and there was a hint of threat and discomfort in his voice, "Shen Sleep, do you know that there is a difference between men and women, and it is probably inappropriate to be so close."

I was slightly stunned, and then smiled like a flower, "Xie Xuan, I only have you in my heart, why are you afraid of the world's eyes?" My words were firm and gentle, as if they could melt the coldness in his heart.

He looked at me, and a trace of mixed emotions flashed in his eyes, as if he was moved by my sudden true feelings.

At the moment when I turned around to leave, Xie Xuan suddenly pulled me back, his eyes flashing with firmness and tenderness, "Shen Sleep, since you have made up your mind, I will not back down."

You and I will go to this good show together to see who is the master of the ups and downs in this world.

His voice was deep and powerful, revealing a determination that could not be ignored.

So, under the reflection of the moonlight, we held hands and walked to the Yueyao Terrace together to witness this good show that was about to be staged.

He gently wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly into his arms, his voice low and magnetic: "Say what you just said, tell me again" I raised my eyes to look at him, and responded: "I said, we have to leave quickly, otherwise we will miss that wonderful show" He raised his eyebrows slightly, and seemed not satisfied: "What about the last sentence?" I shrugged my shoulders and said, "The last sentence was, let's go."

Xie Xuan took a deep breath, as if trying to calm the turmoil in his heart.

Then, slowly, he lowered his head and approached me, a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth, and pronounced my name word by word: "Shen, sleep, sleep" His low, seductive voice echoed in my ears: "You should know which sentence I want to hear".

I tilted my head slightly, and a bright smile bloomed: "It turns out that Xie Xiaolangjun loves to listen to me talk so much?" Okay, I'll tell you again" I paused and continued: "I said, I won't kiss other men, I will only kiss...... Hmm......" Before the words fell, Xie Xuan's kiss had fallen gently.

His eyes were as deep as night, twinkling with the starlight of desire.

The moonlight sprinkled on us like water, slightly cool and quiet, but his lips were so warm.

When he let go of me, I could see through the faint moonlight that his eyes were already slightly red.

His voice sounded in my ears with a little hoarse and aggrieved: "Do you think that after a different look, I won't recognize you?" Well? The title "Little Crying Bag" instantly reminded me of the past.

That's what I called me at my mother's funeral hall.

Memories came flooding back.

When I was a child, I used to go to Xie Mansion to play.

That time, I had to eat the tallest, reddest fruit on the top of his tree.

Although Xie Xuan laughed and laughed at me for being too picky, he did not hesitate to climb the high treetops for me.

The accident that day unfortunately caused him to fall and hurt his leg.

At that time, his face was as pale as paper, but he did not say a word, and he suffered alone.

But I felt so guilty that my tears were falling like beads with broken threads, and I cried heartbreakingly.

With difficulty, he stretched out his hand and handed the bright fruit to me, rubbed my hair helplessly, and whispered, "The fruit is all for you, why are you crying so sadly?" Are you a little crying bag? I sobbed and asked, "Xie Xuan, your legs are broken, you must be dying of pain, why don't you cry?" ”。

He was lying on the bed, and it was so difficult to even move, but he still tried to squeeze out a smile to comfort me: "It's okay, it doesn't hurt, you don't have to cry for me" I listened even more sad, and the tears were even more turbulent: "I feel so uncomfortable when I look at you like this, Xie Xuan, let me cry for you" Since then, he has often made fun of me, saying that I am a little crying bag.

However, to this day, I raised my finger lightly, smiled and stroked his slightly moist eyes, and quipped: "Xie Xiaolangjun, do you still have the face to say that I am a crying bag?" "His eyes are obviously more red and swollen than mine.

Curious, I asked Xie Xuan how he recognized me.

After listening to his explanation, it dawned on me.

It turned out that in addition to the deliberate hints I made when I spoke, the main reason was my poor calligraphy.

He smiled and said: "Your previous writing was very ugly" He also specifically mentioned, "You always write the word 'Rong' in 'Yun Xiang Clothes and Flowers Xiang Rong' like the word 'poor'" I couldn't laugh and cry when I heard it, and I was speechless.

He went on to recall that when he first met me, he thought it was a coincidence when he saw the handwriting on the book.

After all, it is really rare to see a girl's handwriting that can be written from childhood to adulthood without any progress.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but laugh out loud, but a warmth welled up in my heart.

It turned out that in his heart, my clumsy handwriting had become a unique bond between us.

This scene is indeed quite rare, and I can't help but fall into deep thought.

Every time the scenes described in that book came true as prophesied, his eyes became more and more full of doubt.

Even if he secretly investigated, my identity was always flawless, but that kind of intuition, that kind of inexplicable trust, made him firmly believe that I was the person in his heart.

Until just now, that sentence blurted out inadvertently - "Xie Xuan, I don't kiss other men, I only kiss you" His eyes were red, and his voice trembled with a hint: "You know what? That was the last thing you said to me when you were asleep on my back" I was stunned, those memories seemed to have been sealed in the dust for a long time, but now they are flooding back.

In fact, at the moment when my soul was replaced, my memory did become blurry.

But Xie Xuan's fierce questioning, I still remember it vividly.

He asked me if I didn't want to marry him anymore. At that time, I had only one thought in my heart - I was going to promise him, I was going to be his wife, and I was going to give him all my tenderness alone.

I thought I hadn't had a chance to say those words.

However, it was only then that I realized that it was not a dream, I really said it.

And he has been remembering it until now.

Xie Xuan in every life, no matter how things change in the world, he can recognize me from the sea of people.

It's just that sometimes it's earlier, sometimes it's later.

And in this life, maybe it was the book I wrote unintentionally that made Xie Xuan recognize me early.

It made me feel a little uneasy, but also full of anticipation.

The reason why I never took the initiative to tell Xie Xuan the truth was because I was afraid that he would not believe it, and on the other hand, it was because ...... From my past experiences, I know that whenever Xie Xuan recognizes me, the county lord of Qingyao will follow me like a shadow and try to kill me.

But this time, I decided not to run away anymore, and I wanted to face everything with Xie Xuan.

Because, I believe, as long as our hearts and hands are connected, nothing can stop us from moving forward.

The predicament I was about to face terrified me.

It wasn't the fear of death, nor the worry of endless rebirth, but the fear that Xie Xuan would forget me.

He might remember that Su Qingyao, the impostor, but the name Shen Sleepy might disappear from his memory .......

When we arrived at Yueyaotai, I witnessed an embarrassing scene - the county lord of Qingyao had crimson cheeks, apparently drunk in the arms of the crown prince Fu Kai.

The drug she was taking was called "Drunken Dreams", and when combined with alcohol, it quickly caused people to fall into deep intoxication.

Although it is not a strong aphrodisiac, it is enough to make people delirious, and it is enough for this scene.

At this moment, the county lord grabbed the prince's clothes tightly, and muttered vaguely: "Xie Xuan, don't want to escape this time" She swore solemnly: "I will definitely win your heart......" Hearing this, Fu Kai's body stiffened significantly.

A trace of paranoia flashed on his face, and anger was hidden in his eyes, but he was still patient and persuaded softly: "Ah Yao, it's too cold here, let's go back to the dormitory."

Looking at this scene, I seemed to be able to see the faint green air emanating from his head.

However, after all, Fu Kai is the crown prince who has been sitting in the East Palace for many years, and he has long been accustomed to keeping calm in open and secret battles.

He is good at forbearance and restraint, always planning before acting.

Even when a loved one calls another man's name when emotions are high, he can endure it.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but feel emotional.

His love for this county lord is indeed so deep that it is impressive.

However, just as he was about to pick her up and leave, he turned his head to see Xie Xuan.

Fu Kai and Xie Xuan's eyes met in the air, as if two meteors had accidentally collided, causing a subtle ripple in an instant.

There was a bit of surprise and embarrassment in the eyes of both of them, as if they had discovered a coincidence that made people laugh and cry at the same time—their outfits tonight were surprisingly similar, and even their faces looked unusually similar.

Fu Kai's face instantly became gloomy, like a cloudy sky, ready to usher in a storm at any time.

But Xie Xuan seemed calm, his gaze gently swept over Fu Kai's outfit, as if he was watching an inconsequential drama, and then said indifferently: "I've seen Your Highness."

In the face of Xie Xuan's indifference, Fu Kai's mood became heavier and heavier, he turned his head to look at me, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction in his voice: "Shen Rongrong, why did you bring him over?" I lowered my eyelids and replied in a seemingly sincere voice: "Your Highness, tonight's matter is not trivial, if you have Xie Xiaolangjun's help, you will be able to get twice the result with half the effort."

When Fu Kai heard this, his eyes turned to Xie Xuan again, and the corners of his mouth hooked up with a sneer: "Xie Shizi, are you really willing to help me?" His voice was full of suspicion, after all, he knew that there was an irreconcilable contradiction between himself and Xie Xuan, especially in the marriage with the county lord.

However, Xie Xuan smiled lightly unexpectedly, and there was a sense of confidence and firmness in his voice: "Why not help His Highness?" It's just that tonight, I'm going to ask Your Highness for someone," and when he spoke, although he called himself a minister, his innate arrogance was impossible to ignore.

Then, he gently took me into his arms, looked directly at Fu Kai, and said word by word: "The person I want to ask for is Miss Shen Rongrong" Xie Xuan's voice was like a heavenly sound, and my heart throbbed when I heard it.

I buried my head deeply, for fear that if I was not careful, I would laugh out loud in front of Fu Kai.

However, Fu Kai was silent for a long time, as if he was shocked by Xie Xuan's words, and did not respond immediately.

I looked up and saw that his face was cloudy, as if he was thinking about something.

I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, not knowing what was going to happen next.

I looked up and accidentally bumped into his deep eyes.

Under those dark eyes, there seemed to be an indescribable emotion hidden...... Is it unwilling? It really made me laugh and cry.

I, a man who has silently played the role of his stand-in for several lifetimes, is finally going to fulfill that long-cherished wish for him.

However, what he was holding in his arms was the white moonlight that he was thinking about, but he, at the moment when he was about to succeed, cast a reluctant glance at me, a stand-in.

I couldn't help but sneer in my heart, it's time to give him some more stimulation: "Your Highness, time is not waiting for me, the emperor and the queen will soon return from the stargazing tower" Tonight is Qixi Festival, which is a beautiful moment for the emperor and queen to enjoy the stars together.

However, in this well-planned drama, the seemingly intimate scene between the prince and the county lord of Qingyao must be staged in the presence of the emperor and queen to ensure that everything settles.

I reminded him that life is like a play, but a play within a play must have an ending after all.

Fish and bear's paws, he must make a choice.

Fu Kai woke up from a dream and realized the urgency of time.

He may have noticed the unusualness between me and Xie Xuan, but he didn't have time to worry about it at this time.

He stared at Xie Xuan, with a bit of suppressed anger in his voice: "Shen Rongrong is a lonely concubine."

When Xie Xuan heard this, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and there was a hint of playfulness in his smile: "Yes, the minister knows" Fu Kai continued to say coldly: "She was born in the dust" Xie Xuan nodded lightly: "Miss Shen has mentioned it to the minister" His eyes were firm and calm, as if telling Fu Kai - even so, what? .

A hint of sarcasm flashed on Fu Kai's face: "I didn't expect Xie Xiaolangjun to have true feelings for such a woman" His words were full of contempt for Shen Rongrong's identity and incomprehension of Xie Xuan's choice.

However, in my opinion, this is the best part of the scene - no matter what the identity is, the truth is hard to hide.

And in this whirlpool of power, who can really control their own destiny?

The prince has a stubborn personality and is emotionally changeable, and his attitude towards us stand-ins is always erratic, sometimes cold and sometimes hot.

Therefore, I have long been accustomed to his cynicism.

However, Xie Xuan's reaction surprised me.

That day, when the prince spit out the words "lowly woman" contemptuously, I noticed that Xie Xuan's clenched fingers were slightly tightened, and his eyes instantly became a little gloomy.

This was clearly a sign of his anger.

Sure enough, Xie Xuan sneered, he gently took my hand, stroked it carefully, and then retorted: "The value of a woman does not depend on her origin, Miss Shen's innocence and loveliness, but it's a pity that Your Highness didn't notice it, which made me feel like a treasure" These words, both openly and secretly mocking the prince Fu Kai's limited vision.

He really lives up to his reputation, and he is exactly the same as the rumored image of a poisonous tongue in the outside world.

I naughtily scratched Xie Xuan's palm, and he turned his head to look at me, the gloom in his eyes was swept away, and only an affectionate smile remained.

At this moment, I seemed to see his gentle and wanton side.

Fu Kai was a little speechless by this rebuttal, but after all, he didn't argue again.

After all, he is the crown prince and has a noble status, and in this matter, it was indeed he who took Xie Xuan's marriage first, and he knew that he was at a loss.

Now, what he is most concerned about is how to please the Qingyao County Lord in his arms.

He glanced at me and gave a brief order, "Let's start" I immediately summoned Li Meimei, who was waiting under the Yueyao Terrace.

She carried a wooden tray filled with all kinds of bottles and cans.

I whispered to Xie Xuan: "It's time to remove the prince's makeup" This part seems to be a well-choreographed drama that is about to enter the next wonderful chapter.

He asked suspiciously, "Could it be that all this is planned by you?" I nodded, smiling and confirming.

Xie Xuan knew this, and then the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of a playful smile, and praised: "Sleeping girl, you are really smart."

After Li Meimei's careful care, the prince took off his red clothes and resumed his usual attire.

At this moment, he was no longer Xie Xuan's stand-in, but as the noble identity of the prince of the East Palace, he gently hugged the county lord of Qingyao, slowly walked down the Yueyao platform, and walked in the direction of the dormitory.

The palace people along the way witnessed the warm picture of the county lord of Qingyao snuggled in the arms of the prince.

Coincidentally, the crown prince "coincidentally" met the emperor and queen who had just walked down from the stargazing tower.

What's even more unexpected is that Xie Xuan is also coming towards him at this moment! The county lord of Qingyao was obviously very drunk, she hugged the prince's neck like a kitten, and murmured indistinctly: "You marry me, okay?" In order to do enough tricks, the prince pretended to try to shake her awake: "Ah Yao, the father and the queen mother are here, let's not make trouble first" However, the county lord of Qingyao said with the strength of wine: "Then you don't want to ask for a marriage soon?" The prince was speechless for a while, I am afraid that even he himself did not expect that this Bai Yueguang in his heart would cooperate with his plan so much.

The emperor and his wife were recently considering marrying the lord of Qingyao County, and they originally took a fancy to Xie Xuan.

However, tonight's scene - the county lord of Qingyao and the crown prince hugged each other tightly, and happened to be bumped into by Xie Xuan, which undoubtedly added more drama to this scene.

In any case, it is obviously inappropriate to give me to Xie Xuan again in marriage.

Just when everyone was talking and the situation was tense, Xie Xiaolangjun revealed the truth lightly in his usual indifferent tone: "It turns out that the sweetheart of the county lord has long been His Royal Highness the Prince" Immediately after, he extended his sincere blessings to the two: "May the two of them have a deep relationship, grow old together, and get a noble son early" As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar, and everyone was speechless.

In this intricate farce, the secret between the county lord of Qingyao and the crown prince finally surfaced and became the focus of heated discussions.

And I, in this sudden turn, was quietly taken away from the hustle and bustle of the East Palace by Xie Xuan.

The imperial city at night was quiet and deep, but I couldn't calm the anxiety in my heart.

I understand that when the dawn comes, the county lord of Qingyao will definitely wake up, and her system will be restored with it.

At that time, the challenge I faced would be the hardest ...... of my life.

Xie Xuan originally planned to take me back to the Hou Mansion, but I knew that the Xie family's parents had always mistaken the fake county lord for me.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles and misunderstandings, I asked Xie Xuan to temporarily take me to the annex outside his mansion.

He did as he said and placed me in a cozy bedroom.

Afterwards, he ordered someone to bring me a pot of warm tea and personally poured a cup for me.

I was holding the cup of tea, but I was in a trance.

Xie Xuan seemed to notice my abnormality, he gently touched my head, and the action was as gentle as comforting a puppy: "What's wrong?" What are you in a daze? Let's drink tea," he moved his fingertips to my lips and touched them gently: "Look at your little mouth, it's all dry" My cheeks were slightly hot, and I raised my hand to touch my lips, and then I realized that I was exhausted from the night's tossing.

However, despite my outward appearance, I was full of determination and courage on the inside.

Because I know that no matter what kind of challenges and difficulties I will face next, as long as Xie Xuan is by my side, I will have enough confidence and strength to deal with them.

My throat was so dry that I could barely speak, and I was so nervous that I couldn't even swallow a sip of water.

He silently watched me finish drinking tea, then slowly raised his eyelids, and asked a little lazily: "I bought this villa a month ago, and outsiders don't know anything, how did you know about it?" I replied frankly, "I already knew everything about this place a long, long time ago," Xie Xuan fell into a brief silence, as if thinking about what I meant by "a long, long time ago".

In the dead of night, the lights flickered.

I told him about my successive lifetimes of rebirth.

In order to convince him, I described the bits and pieces of each life in more detail than the old book in his possession recorded.

Xie Xuan listened quietly, his fingers tapping lightly on the tabletop, making a rhythmic sound.

When I spoke of having to destroy the "system" in her hands to make it all over, he fell into deep thought.

I nodded, but frowned again, worried: "I've only heard a few conversations between her and the system, but I don't know what kind of existence the system is" I guessed that the various ornaments worn by the county lord were hairpins, step shakes, bracelets or jade pendants? I firmly believe that where there exists, there must be form.

But I had too few opportunities to get close to her, and the system was too hidden for me to find out.

"I understand" Xie Xuan replied lightly, his expression as calm as water, making it impossible to peek into his inner thoughts.

But I knew that he must be thinking about how to help me solve this mystery, how to find the "system" hidden by the county lord's side.

I felt a little uneasy in my heart, and I couldn't help but ask him for confirmation again: "Xie Xuan, do you really believe what I said?" He sat in the candlelight, his eyes like torches, looking straight at me, a smile on the corner of his mouth: "If I don't believe you, how can I bring you back to me?" Indeed, the worn-out book in my hand has confirmed the future countless times.

He ......even accepted the unthinkable thing I mentioned about soul crossing.

I looked up at the bright moon outside the window, and whispered: "Xie Xuan, I don't want to experience those rebirths again" Hearing this, he tilted his head slightly, supported his chin with his hands, and looked at me with a smile: "Oh? Is it bad to be born again? Isn't it fun to be able to start over every time? ”。

I gently pinched his fingers, feeling the long-lost temperature that seemed to have crossed a thousand years, and my voice was choked with a hint of choking: "However, every rebirth means to experience death, that kind of pain...... It's really unbearable," I paused, and continued, "And every time I'm about to leave, you become so strange, as if we've never met, Xie Xuan, I'm really going to be so angry with you at that time."

Thinking of those scenes, my nose was sore, my eyes were slightly red, I looked up at him, and my tone was a little fierce and aggrieved: "You are not allowed to marry that woman, you are not allowed to forget me, you are not allowed to become so strange, and you are not allowed to ......" Before he finished speaking, his thumb suddenly gently touched my lip.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a hint of banter flashed in his eyes, but it was more gentle and affectionate: "Just looking at your aggrieved little appearance, I thought you were angry with me and didn't want me to kiss you" He paused and continued, "Now it seems that you are ready to accept my kiss."

Before I could fully understand what he meant, his lips were already on his lips.

It was a hot and affectionate kiss that instantly melted all my uneasiness and grievances into this tenderness.

Xie Xiaolangjun's lips were warm and deep, as if with the enthusiasm of the sun.

Just a brief touch, like a spark falling on my heart, made my ears warm and my heart beat faster.

At that moment, I felt as if the air had thinned, and my eyes turned black for a while, and I had to beg him for mercy.

It was only then that Xie Xuan gently let go of me.

"What's wrong, you can't take it so quickly?" He chuckled softly, his voice full of teasing, and then he gently kissed my eyelashes and said, "It seems that you have to make up for your body, otherwise how can you bear it when we get married?" ”。

I was a little dazed by his kisses, my cheeks were hot, pressed against his chest, gasping for air, and my mind was a little cloudy.

married, he had actually considered this step.

However, in this life, can we really go that far?

Xu was aware of the apprehension in my heart, Xie Xuan lowered his head, held my face with both hands, and had a mocking smile in his eyes: "When you usually calculate others, you are as smart as a fox, why are you afraid now?" With a soft glint in his eyes and a slight curl in his mouth, he continued, "Don't be afraid, I know how painful death is, but this time, I will never let you go through that pain again...... Can you trust me? ”。

His voice was soft, like he was comforting a little girl.

I buried myself in his arms and nodded silently.

In this world, if even Xie Xuan can't be trusted, then what's the point of me being reborn in this life? Here, everyone seems to be infatuated with the county lord, but he is the only one who can recognize the real me, fall asleep, and fall deeply in love with me.

How can I not trust him? However, my worries came flooding back.

I gently held Xie Xuan's hand and asked seriously, "Xie Xuan, have you felt that your memory has declined recently, or some of your memories have become blurry?" He was silent for a moment, staring at me with a deep gaze, and then asked rhetorically: "A-Yao, I still remember your unintentional dream words back then, but now you question my memory?" ”。

I was slightly stunned, those titles that once belonged to me, Ah Yao, Su Qingyao, now sounded as far away as a century away.

Those names, which were originally my unique identity, have been replaced for so long that I have almost forgotten who I am.

I held Xie Xuan's hand tightly, and there was a determined glint in my eyes: "I know you will always remember Su Qingyao but, from tonight onwards, I want to ask you to remember me with a new name" I raised my head and looked at him with a smile, "Put down the name Su Qingyao, remember Shen Sleep, okay?" ”。

Xie Xuan was slightly stunned, and then a flash of clarity flashed in his eyes.

He gently pinched my earlobe, and his voice was warm and soft: "Okay, after I remember it, my little daughter-in-law will call it sleep."

On the second day, the county lord of Qingyao did not come to the door as I expected.

I heard that the crown prince resolutely asked the emperor for a marriage for her sake.

There was a lot of discussion in the palace about this matter, although the emperor did not make a clear decree, but his attitude was obviously inclined to give marriage to the crown prince and the lord of Qingyao.

Overnight, the county lord of Qingyao became a quasi-crown princess, and I also found my own place in this turmoil.

Xie Xuan revealed: "The county lord actually ran to the emperor to clarify, claiming that there was just a misunderstanding between her and the prince" "But the prince never mentioned the misunderstanding, but repeatedly emphasized that he and the county lord were in love" I held the pear sugar cake that Xie Xuan specially sent someone to line up to buy, and after taking a bite, I asked curiously: "Then who will the emperor believe?" "Guess what?" I pondered, and while eating the sugar cake, I replied, "I guess, the emperor probably doesn't believe anyone, he only believes what he sees with his own eyes" Things have come to this point, and I am really curious.

Even if the county lord held the so-called "group pet system", could she still change the emperor's determination? Although the world loves her, this time it involves the face of the royal family.

Intimacy with the crown prince in public, and then turning his face and denying people - what will the emperor think? It seems that the county lord will be busy next.

Just when I was immersed in thoughts, Xie Xuan suddenly approached me, he stretched out his slightly cool fingertips, gently wiped the sugar residue from the corner of my mouth, and then put it in his mouth, and commented after tasting: "Tsk, it's so sweet" I also stuffed a piece of sugar cake into his mouth, and said with a smile: "Do you remember this taste?" Shen sleeps and loves this sweetness, the sweeter the better."

Xie Xuan's taste has always been light, as long as he is a little spicy, he will blush and cough.

As for me, I've loved sweet and spicy since I was a child.

He was always accommodating to me, and often sent people to the red bottle shop in the west of the city to buy me all kinds of snacks, and each time he bought a lot of them, and I enjoyed them alone.

I deeply feel that Xie Xuan's behavior is not as if he is not caring for a daughter-in-law, but taking care of a little piglet.

He unceremoniously swept away the pear cake I handed over, his thin lips opened lightly, and there was a bit of banter in his voice, but there was a doting light in his eyes: "Remember, remember, but, in my opinion, you shouldn't be called Shen Sleep, it's more suitable to be called a sugar jar" I looked at the picturesque smile in his eyes, and I couldn't help but feel a sweetness in my heart.

What a wonderful thing it would be to be able to immerse yourself in this sweetness forever.

However, such days did not last as much as I would have liked.

Four days later, Lord Qingyao stepped into my sight again—this time, she appeared in a different form.

Dressed in gorgeous brocade clothes, surrounded by the palace maids, she proudly stepped into Xie Xuan's garden.

When she met my gaze, the corners of her mouth hooked up a playful and arrogant smile: "You are the Shen Rongrong who came out of the Qinglou?" Her words were full of provocation, "Do you think that after being reborn, you will be able to escape the palm of my hand?" ”。

I raised my eyebrows slightly, and although my heart was shocked by her words, I kept a calm gaze.

From the experience of previous lives, I know that although she has a systematic body, she is not aware of my rebirth.

However, at this moment, she actually knew? I couldn't help but look inside myself again and start reflecting on my performance.

No, I can't be too bland and it will make her suspicious.

I needed to show some shock to convince her of my astonishment and uneasiness at all this.

So, I adjusted my expression slightly, so that surprise and doubt were intertwined on my face.

I faced the county lord of Qingyao, and my face was full of consternation: "You...... What did you just say......" Lord Qingyao laughed contemptuously: "Heh, Shen Rongrong, don't be smart" Her smug appearance made me understand in my heart - my performance was successful, and she really believed it.

This is all thanks to the years when I was a stand-in for the prince, although my acting skills were still immature at that time, and most of the time I was just acting and sleeping.

But anyway, it's a workout for me......

At this time, I noticed the crown prince beside her.

How could Fu Kai come here with her? I was the crown prince's stand-in, and Xie Xuan was his rival.

Whether he accompanied the county lord to find Xie Xuan or came to me, this is not something that a normal person would do.

Is the prince ...... Got water in your brain?.

I looked at Fu Kai and bowed deeply: "His Royal Highness the Prince" Fu Kai looked at me, his lips moved, but he didn't say anything, and finally the corners of his mouth pulled and whispered to me: "A-Yao......" I was stunned for a moment, and I couldn't believe my ears.

But soon, I came back to my senses and turned to the county lord of Qingyao: "You told him?" The county lord smiled slightly, and on that face that was exactly the same as mine, there was a seemingly innocent smile:.

"Brother Prince treats me like a sister, how can I bear to deceive him?" I couldn't help but feel a ripple in my heart, and when I looked at her, the cunning in her eyes and the skill of throwing the pot were truly breathtaking.

But I know that the truth behind this is far from simple.

In fact, I have always understood in my heart that the love of the prince is who I am today - Shen Rongrong.

However, ever since I appeared in his life as Shen Rongrong, I deliberately made mistakes and never thought to lift the veil.

I was born in Jiangmen, and I have been with horses since I was a child, and my horse training skills are superb.

In the autumn of that year, when I was ten years old, I met the prince for the first time.

At that time, in the autumn hunt, the adults went to chase the fierce beasts in the forest, and we, the young princes and princesses, played with the sons and daughters of the generals.

We rode ponies and chased the docile little animals just to add a touch of autumn fun.

The prince was young and frail at that time, and he was not good at riding and shooting, but because of his name as his sister-in-law, he was expected by the queen to excel in everything.

At the age of twelve, he was thin and pale, but he rode on a tribute horse with a fiery personality.

The horse seemed to bully him into weakness, and in a few moments dragged him half under the horse.

But he, the competitive prince, gritted his teeth, didn't say a word, pulled the reins tightly, and refused to let go.

I looked at him and couldn't help but sweat for him.

I know that once you are dragged by a horse, the consequences are unimaginable.

My father once told me that our family was born to be loyal and protect the king.

At that moment, I realized that I couldn't sit idly by.

So I rode my horse and succeeded in subduing the fiery horse with the skill of horse training that I had learned since childhood.

At that moment, the prince's brother looked at me with gratitude and admiration in his eyes.

I know that since then, my presence has left an indelible mark on his heart.

However, I also know that this gratitude and admiration is not true love.

But I still chose to be wrong, because I knew that once the truth came out, this friendship between us would no longer exist.

And I prefer to keep this friendship deep in my heart and become the eternal warmth and memory in each other's hearts.

Fu Kai, the illustrious crown prince and the future king, was once saved by me at the moment of life and death with my family's horse taming.

It was a bleak autumn day, he was covered in blood, and I handed him a jar of medicine for wounds that my father had treasured when he was on the battlefield.

To my surprise, he cherished it so much and didn't use it lightly.

Since then, I've noticed a subtle change in the way he looks at me.

He began to imitate the appearance of others, softened his originally cold voice, and softly called me "A-Yao".

He frequently gave me popular jewelry and delicious pastries in the capital, and every time I entered the palace, I could always meet him by "coincidence".

His gaze was full of anticipation, as if he was looking up at the bright moon in the sky.

Once, when he was standing on a towering castle tower, with the gorgeous palace walls and the afterglow of the setting sun behind him, he asked me, "A-Yao, when you grow up, do you want to be the crown princess?" His voice was slightly hoarse, full of caution.

At that moment, it was as if he was begging me for help, hoping that I could enter this golden cage, rescue him, and accompany him.

However, when I looked at the sunset in full swing in the western sky, another figure appeared in my heart - a young man dressed in red and with enthusiasm like fire.

So, I turned around and smiled at him, in a soft but firm tone: "I don't want to be the crown princess".

From that moment on, I firmly knew that my future destination was Xie Xuan.

He is destined to inherit the title, and I will be the enviable Madame Marquis.

However, such a decision was like a sharp sword, piercing deep into Fu Kai's heart, making the light in his eyes extinguish instantly.

Since then, he has become more arrogant and indifferent, as if he is shrouded in a thick haze that is difficult to dispel.

The twist of fate is always full of drama.

I, Shen Rongrong, a woman who was rescued from a Qinglou, actually stepped into his East Palace as Qin Ji.

On the surface, I am the stand-in of the county lord of Qingyao, but in fact, I am more like playing my own shadow.

This absurd situation makes me can't help but smile bitterly.

I don't regret that I once saved Fu Kai, but if I could turn back time, I might choose to quietly hold my rabbit and stand aside, and no longer meddle in those complicated matters.

In the autumn hunting enclosure that year, the palace guards had already built a strong line of defense for him.

Without me, he might have suffered some hardships, but it would never have been life-threatening.

However, because of my impulsiveness, there were nine more innocent women in the East Palace, and they were trapped within the high walls of this imperial city because they were a little similar to me in my memory, and they became caged birds who lost their freedom.

Every time I am reborn, I strive to build a deep friendship with them.

I look for all sorts of reasons to spend long time with them and share their joys and sorrows.

They were dissatisfied with the white moonlight of the crown prince, so I did not hesitate to stand by their side and accompany them to vent their resentment.

However, I could not change that fate.

In every reincarnation, I can only wake up on the prince's bed and continue my life as a sleeper.

Now, I don't have the luxury of changing everything in the past.

I know that every choice comes with sacrifice and helplessness.

But I still cherish every moment in front of me and strive to make life better for myself and those around me.

After all, life is always full of unknowns and possibilities, as long as we face it bravely, we will definitely be able to find our own happiness.

I also basically understood the strategy of the county lord, and she seemed to have been forced to adopt this strategy that hurt both others and herself.

She was determined not to be the crown princess, so she resolutely revealed the secret of "she is the real Su Qingyao" to the prince.

Although I can't imagine how she explained this bizarre fact, it is clear that the prince really believed it.

Now, the crown prince and the county lord have formed an alliance...... The prince is eager to take me back, and the county lord wants to use the prince's power to take me away from Xie Xuan without a single soldier.

Obviously, she still cherishes the dream of marrying Xie Xuan and has never given up completely.

As expected, the county lord's eyes swirled between me and Fu Kai, and she smiled and asked tentatively, "Brother Prince, have you ever thought about taking Miss Shen back?" Fu Kai did not respond to her words, but walked straight up to me and stared at me tightly with his deep and indifferent eyes.

"A-Yao, are you willing to go back with me?" His tone at the moment reminded me of the conversation I had downstairs in the Sunset Palace many years ago - "Ah Yao, do you want to be the crown princess when you grow up?" "His persistence has always been the same, and my choice is as firm as it was back then.

"Your Highness is really joking, I finally came out, how can I go back again?" I smiled in response.

A trace of anger and unwillingness was fleeting on Fu Kai's face, and he immediately showed a bitter and self-deprecating smile, "A-Yao, you have never really understood me."

"I never knew what it took to really win your heart.

I looked at Fu Kai, full of doubts and helplessness.

"After General Su passed away, I thought that after you had been in the palace for three years, you were finally willing to call me the prince's brother, and you were finally willing to smile at me...... But in the end, I found out that it wasn't really you......" My gaze wandered between Fu Kai and the smiling Qingyao County Lord.

- That's certainly not the real me.

During those three years, the county lord of Qingyao occupied my body.

In the depths of the palace, she used the power of the system to imitate my every subtle movement, carefully planning how to attack everyone who would help her.

She skillfully used the identity of "White Moonlight" and used the means I despised, skillfully hanging the prince's appetite until she completely won his favor.

After that, she even tried to use the same strategy to attack Xie Xuan.

But Xie Xiaolangjun is a person with a unique vision, his words are sharp, and his insight is also extremely keen.

He quickly saw through the disguise and calculations of the county lord of Qingyao.

He firmly believes that the me in the palace is not the real me.

So, he began a long search, even delving into all kinds of bizarre and strange things, just to find the real me.

Until I fell asleep and threw myself into his arms again and again.

Whether it is Shen Mianmian, Ah Yao or the county lord, Xie Xuan can clearly distinguish each identity of me.

However, Fu Kai was still immersed in the dream that the county lord of Qingyao had carefully woven for him, and he couldn't extricate himself.

He blurs the line between the real and the unreal.

I smiled lightly and asked Fu Kai with a bit of banter: "His Royal Highness the Prince, do you really have to be me?" So, how do you explain those stand-ins in the East Palace?"

"Your Highness, have you ever pondered whether what you love is me, a real person, or a phantom that you could not touch when you were young?" After hearing these words, Fu Kai was obviously lost in thought, as if he was touched by some kind of far-reaching memory.

I took the opportunity to ask further: "Your Highness, do you remember that on the eve of Qixi Festival, you made a promise to me that you would give me a gift?" I stared at him and said in a firm tone, "Please release the people in the East Palace who are acting as stand-ins."

Fu Kai stared at me intently, his eyes flashing with a complicated light.

After a while, the corners of his lips slightly raised showed a trace of bitterness and self-deprecation: "I once said that if I can win Ah Yao's heart, I will give Shen Rongrong the gift of that promise, I can keep my promise and let them go free, but, Ah Yao, will you still come back to me?" ”。

His face was slightly pale, revealing a morbid persistence and obsession: "That shadow is you, and that unattainable dream is also the crown princess in your and my minds, only you."

I fell silent.

In the face of such a deep obsession with him, I know that no amount of communication is in vain.

However, Fu Kai did not take me back to the East Palace by coercive means.

He seemed to prefer that I would wake up on my own, see the reality clearly, and finally return to him voluntarily.

He said in an almost pleading tone: "A-Yao, stop being stubborn Xie Xuan, he is no longer the person you know" Although I had expected this, and even all this was in my plan, when Fu Kai said this sentence himself, my heart still sank involuntarily.

At this moment, the county lord of Qingyao approached me and whispered in my ear with a victorious attitude: "Are you curious, where did Brother Xie Xuan go?" ”。

He retrieved the sweet pastry for me, and I couldn't help but think about what she had just said.

Are you curious, how did I know that you were the legendary Reborn? The answer is actually hidden in the book I hold tightly in my hand - "On How to Find the Way to Survive in This Complicated World: Revised Edition".

She shook the book lightly in front of my eyes, with a hint of helplessness and self-deprecating smile on her face: "I thought that if I found a small world, I could spend the rest of my life with peace of mind However, in order to get the favor of the male protagonist, I had to deal with you about the difficulty of your strategy with the male protagonist, which was really unexpected by me, I didn't expect you to be reborn."

My fingers slid gently over the page, feeling the texture of the paper, as if I could also feel her frustration and restart.

The system in her mouth seemed to complain about her, telling her that she couldn't afford any more reboots.

However, she chose to let me go, perhaps to avoid Xie Xuan's madness, or perhaps she was tired of this endless cycle.

"You just watch me and Xie Xuan together, it's not bad" There was a hint of smugness in her tone, as if she had seen the dawn of victory.

However, I knew I was right.

My rebirth is inextricably linked to her rebooting the system.

But she's different from me.

I can vividly remember the experiences of each life, and she has to face a whole new world after every reboot.

She thought she would have a head start by studying my account of rebirth, but she ignored the fact that it wasn't entirely true.

In this battle between rebirth and restart, we are all looking for our own way to survive.

She tried to attack the male protagonist through the system, but I chose to rely on my own wisdom and courage.

Perhaps, it is this difference that makes us go in a completely different direction on the road of destiny.

As for her weakness, I firmly believe that I have found it.

She was like an overloaded machine, the system could no longer withstand any more load, let alone restart.

This time, I know that this is not only my last chance, but also her last struggle.

I looked at her, and she took over my body, against my countenance, and said those outrageous words in my voice.

Although I had all the disdain in my heart, I chose to endure at this moment.

Because according to the script, I should be a panicked, helpless and desperate person at the moment.

So, I cooperatively showed a heart-wrenching and desperate expression, and there was a tremor in my voice: "What did you do to Xie Xuan?" ”。

The corners of Qing Yao's mouth hooked up a smug smile, and she gently signaled in one direction: "See for yourself" As her words fell, a familiar figure gradually came into view.

It's Xie Xuan, he's back.

His face was as pale as a piece of paper, and his lips had lost their former rosiness.

Those phoenix eyes, which were once cold and full of charm, lost all their brilliance at this moment, as if they were swallowed by darkness.

He seemed to have become a puppet manipulated by an invisible hand and lost his will.

He walked past me with a blank face, but for a brief moment, he paused slightly.

Xie Xuan's gaze turned to me, his eyes seemed to fluctuate slightly, and his brows furrowed slightly.

It was like trying to dig up memories buried by time, trying to find a glimmer of clarity from the chaos.

However, this effort seems to have caused him great pain.

It didn't take long for him to put his hand on his forehead, and an expression of unbearable pain appeared on his face.

My heart was tightly gripped, and the tears in my eyes couldn't hold back anymore, and they poured down: "Xie Xuan, isn't it painful?" I reached out my trembling hand and gently touched his cheek.

I knew he might have forgotten the name Shen Sleep, but I could feel him struggling hard, trying to break free from the system that held him back.

Every time he struggled, the pain seemed to torment him doubly.

All of this was expected by us in advance, but seeing the pain Xie Xuan was suffering at the moment, my heart was like a knife.

My tears flowed uncontrollably, and every drop felt like my heart was dripping blood.

Xie Xuan seemed to feel my sadness, and he slowly raised his hand.

I was stunned, did he want to wipe away my tears? But his hand stopped in mid-air, and his body swayed as if he was going to fall at any moment.

With all his strength, he spit out two faint and stiff words: "Cry, cry ......".

My heart pounded! Who says he doesn't remember me? My Xie Xiaolangjun, despite being so devastated by that ruthless system, he still remembers me! I rushed into his arms in an instant and hugged him tightly, tears and laughter intertwined.

At this moment, all the pain and waiting became worth it.

I stood there like a stunned young man, overwhelmed.

However, the situation of the county lord of Qingyao was completely different.

Her face was terribly gloomy, anger burned in her voice, and she no longer even shied away from the presence of me and the Prince.

She shouted into the air: "System, what's going on?" ”。

"Keep elevating my control brainwashing privileges! What if he loses a few years of his life? If not, I'm the one who will be damaged this time! You've always yelled about a heavy load, but you've been yelling for so many years, and I haven't seen you really collapse, add it to me! She behaved like a gambler spending a lot of money in a casino, and like a drowning person, desperately trying to grasp the straw.

Her voice was full of nervousness, anger, unwillingness, struggle...... and deep fear.

However, the next moment, she actually smiled.

But at this moment, Xie Xuan suddenly pushed me away, and he turned his head and spat out a mouthful of blood.

His face instantly turned pale as paper, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

"Xie Xuan!" I exclaimed, I had never seen him so weak.

In previous rebirths, the system had never done such damage to his body.

I was so frightened that I immediately reached out to help him, however, before my hand could touch him, I was stopped by the county lord of Qingyao.

She pulled Xie Xuan to her side, then took out a handkerchief and seemed to gently wipe the blood from his lips for him.

But in reality, she was indifferent to his life and death.

She said to him lightly: "Brother Xie Xuan, it's time to have lunch with me."

Xie Xuan's answer was short and crisp, as if all emotions had been withdrawn, leaving only a bland voice echoing in the air.

Lord Qingyao, the legendary crazy woman, is immersed in the drama she directed and acted at the moment, as if she wants to show off the fruits of victory to everyone present.

She not only pulled Xie Xuan to accompany her to dinner, but also insisted that we, the onlookers, sit aside and witness this bizarre drama.

It was obviously the first time the prince had seen such an absurd scene, and perhaps he had already begun to question his original decision whether he should really be with this woman.

He quietly held my hand under the table, and his voice revealed firm strength: "A-Yao, don't be afraid, with me, I will protect you" However, I gently withdrew my hand and responded in a cold tone: "I have received your protection, but next time, I think I can deal with it myself."

Fu Kai's face seemed a little stiff at this moment, and his injured eyes revealed a hint of gloom.

But I didn't have time to pay attention to his emotions, because my eyes were already firmly drawn to the man across the table.

Xie Xuan, he has been serving dishes for the master of Qingyao County, although his body is so weak that he can't even hold chopsticks steadily, his hands have never stopped.

He had built a hill of various dishes for her, and that hill seemed to be his only mission at the moment.

However, halfway through the lunch, the county lord of Qingyao suddenly frowned: "Xie Xuan, why do you always give me spicy food?" I don't like to eat these, so change them out! There was a hint of coquettishness and dissatisfaction in her tone.

Xie Xuan was slightly stunned, and then nodded numbly: "Okay" Then, he began to choose various sweets for her, as if he wanted to make up for his previous mistakes in this way.

As I saw the absurd and real scenes unfold before my eyes, I couldn't help but wonder: what kind of farce is this? And what role do these people play in this farce? And how can I maintain my sobriety and independence in the midst of this turmoil?

Candied green plums, pear sugar cakes, jujube paste...... The same dessert was put on the table.

Qing Yao's face gradually became gloomy: "Why is it all sweet?" Is there a lighter one? A hint of confusion flashed across Xie Xuan's face.

I stood aside and observed silently, my eyes couldn't help but moisten a little: "Haven't you seen it yet?" He's not picking dishes for you" "He's actually picking for Shen Sleep" Shen Sleep's favorite flavors are spicy and sweet, the kind of spicy like the blazing sun, and the kind of sweet, crispy, and evocative sweetness.

When I said the name "Shen Sleep", Xie Xuan suddenly raised his eyes and looked at me.

Once again, there was a struggle on his face.

Although his face was painful, his eyes gradually became firm: "Shen Sleep," he called to me softly, his voice weak but powerful.

The corners of his mouth oozed blood, but he showed me an arrogant smile: "What are you crying about, I told you before-" "Master, my memory is very good!" I clasped his hand: "Xie Xuan! What do you say I'm crying about? "He was hurt so badly, my heart was like a knife, how could I not cry!.

The county lord of Qingyao asked the system in astonishment: "System, what's going on?" "Isn't there already more control?" This time, we also heard the response of that "system".

It was an indifferent, weird voice :.

Deeply polished article:.

Emergency alert, mission failure.

In the darkness of the night, the system emitted a piercing siren, and its voice carried with exhaustion and despair: "Warning! The system is being eroded by a powerful consciousness, and the target is named 'Xie Xuan'! ”。

"Erosion Progress - Fifty ...... Eighty...... It's nearly ninety percent ......" As the system's voice trembled, an ominous premonition enveloped my heart.

"Ultimate warning! The system is about to self-destruct and can no longer execute any orders" At the same time, a cold mechanical voice announced a cruel truth: "Supervisor Hu Xiaoyao, due to frequent interference in the mission role, serious violation of the rules, your soul will be permanently imprisoned by the Time and Space Administration".

"Nope! It can't be ......" My voice echoed through the empty room, but no one answered.

At this moment, a crack suddenly opened in the sky, and a strange light streaked across the night sky like a meteor, reaching my eyes.

I struggled to see the secret of the light, but it was too dazzling to swallow me.

Immediately afterward, an unprecedented feeling of sleepiness swept through my body, as if an invisible giant hand was dragging me into the abyss.

In the final moments of losing consciousness, I heard a crisp voice: "Ding-" and then everything fell silent.

When I woke up again, I found myself lying in a strange room.

This is not the Prince's bedchamber, nor is it anywhere I am familiar with.

I rubbed my eyes wistfully, trying to clear my mind.

At this time, a familiar figure came into view - it was Xie Xuan.

He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me tenderly.

He gently stroked my hair, and the corners of his mouth hooked into a playful smile: "Awake?" My sleeping girl, since you have slept enough, why don't you accompany me to a major event in life? ”。

"What?" I sat up in surprise and looked around.

Everything here was very different from the world I had experienced before, but I felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

"What? Sleeping silly? Xie Xuan teased with a smile, "Or are you finally willing to admit your feelings for me?" ”。

I shook my head, trying to dispel the confusion and uneasiness in my heart.

But no matter what, I knew that I couldn't go back to the world I used to be.

And in this new world, I will start a new journey with Xie Xuan.

It was like waking up from a dream, and I was actually in the Xie Hou Mansion.

Looking around, whether it is in the house or in the courtyard, every corner is decorated with red, full of festivity, and even the walls are plastered with the word "Xi".

I couldn't help but ask suspiciously, "Xie Xuan, what is going on?" ”。

Xie Xuan gently took me into his arms, his face was slightly pale, his sick face had not faded, but there was a trace of grievance in his eyes.

His tone was a little stiff, but with a little helplessness: "I just want to marry you into the door, it's really too difficult, so I will arrange the wedding hall in advance in the few days when you are asleep, and when you wake up, we will immediately visit the hall and get married."

I was speechless, but I felt in my heart that he had a point.

Yes, I want to marry him, and it's really not easy.

Suddenly, I looked at his face, and the scene before falling asleep came to my mind, I grabbed his hand tightly and asked eagerly, "Xie Xuan, how is your body?" I remember that the county lord of Qingyao once mentioned that you will die because of this."

Xie Xuan seemed to see through my worries, he smiled slightly, his picturesque eyebrows and eyes were slightly curved, the corners of his mouth rose, outlining a gentle arc: "As long as I can change you back, what does it matter if I lose a few years of life?" Besides, if you stew me a perfect tonic soup every day in the future, won't you be able to make up for those lost years? ”。

He said it easily, but I listened to it tightly.

I raised my hand and touched my cheek, remembered something, and hurriedly wanted to get out of bed and look in the mirror - but my body was still the same as me, and it hadn't been replaced.

What's going on with all this? I fell into deep contemplation.

I am still Shen Rongrong.

49 The bits and pieces about Su Qingyao seem to have evaporated from the world.

Except for me and Xie Xuan, no one else in the world remembers her existence.

Everyone only remembered General Su and his wife who bravely sacrificed their lives for the country, but the memory of Su Qingyao seemed to have been mysteriously erased.

Even the crown prince had no impression of her.

What surprised me even more was that the crown prince not only forgot Su Qingyao, but even the name Shen Rongrong disappeared from his memory.

He generously sent a sum of money to the nine nameless girls in the East Palace, and let them leave the court and start a new life.

At my wedding to Xie Xuan, I sent out a special invitation to my nine former sisters, hoping that they could spend this special day with me.

They happily went to the appointment, but seemed confused by what I was doing.

As the future wife of the prince, it is indeed a bit unreasonable to invite them, the former prince's concubines.

However, they also forgot about me.

But it doesn't matter, because their interests are still the same.

Li Meimei presented me with a set of bluestone daisies that she had carefully made, and Wang Xiaolotus gave me a box of lotus root flour pastries produced by her own shop, and generously promised that I could taste them at any time.

And Li Yanyi personally drew a picture of the tassel flower tree pavilion, and she said frankly that whenever she thinks of me, she feels a sense of intimacy in her heart, as if she has seen the beautiful scene of tassel flowers blooming in spring.

I received these precious gifts with gratitude, and each one was treasured in my heart like a treasure.

At this moment, the festive music outside is like a spring breeze blowing, melodiously into the ears.

——It's my Xie Xiaolangjun, after countless reincarnations, he finally stepped through the dust of time and came to marry me.

"Prince Fu Kai: Extra Chapter".

When I was twelve, I met the woman for the first time that made my heart flutter.

She was born in Jiangmen, and although she is young, she has already shown that remarkable heroism.

On the autumn hunting grounds, her figure was like a bolt of lightning, in full view of everyone, and rescued me from the iron hooves of the fierce horse.

"This medicine is for you, my father used it when he killed the enemy on the battlefield, and it won't hurt if you apply it" Her voice was crisp and pleasant, wearing a red hunting robe, and the innate arrogance of the gate flowed between her eyebrows.

When she wears red, she is simply beautiful, like a little phoenix spreading its wings in the sea of fire, which is eye-catching.

I was secretly amazed that her red color was so beautiful.

The medicine bottle she handed me, but I didn't want to use it.

I kept it for many years until the paste in the bottle became hard and the original fragrance was gone.

Later, I realized that the reason why she liked to wear red was because of the boy who often wore red robes, her sweetheart.

Now, she is wearing a red coat for him, and she will wear that bright red wedding dress for him in the future.

One day, I finally mustered up the courage to ask her, "A-Yao, have you ever thought of becoming the crown princess?" "I didn't know what she liked at the time, I just wanted to give her the highest status I could.

After all, the crown princess is the future queen, and she is extremely noble.

However, she rejected me.

"I want to marry Xie Xuan in the future, and I want to be Mrs. Hou" Her answer was firm and clear, as if she had already made up her mind.

The emotions in my heart were like being hit by a boulder, and I instantly fell into endless confusion and grief.

I realized that she was getting farther and farther away from me, and I was trapped in a whirlpool from which I could not escape.

Until that year, General Su and his wife died, and her father, out of love for her, canonized her as the county lord and admitted her to the imperial palace.

Everyone in the palace was attracted to her charm and pampered her.

Her attitude towards me has also changed, and she is no longer as cold as before, but affectionately calls me "Brother Prince".

Although I felt a little strange in my heart, I fell into the trap of her tenderness, and I was unable to extricate myself.

I was so caught up in this dream that I didn't want to wake up.

However, it dawned on me that she wasn't the one I knew.

I saw Xie Xuan carefully planning for her, even risking her life.

I also witnessed her tears for Xie Xuan, and felt heartache for Xie Xuan.

I, on the other hand, was like an outsider, helplessly watching.

In the end, they won, but Su Qingyao disappeared.

Her body was gone, along with the soul that had taken over her.

What shocked me even more was that everyone had forgotten about her.

The father and queen mother no longer remember her, and even Shen Rongrong has no impression of her as the stand-ins in my palace who have befriended her.

At this time, I remembered the only request she had ever made to me: she wanted me to give freedom to the nine girls of the East Palace.

Most of these girls came from humble backgrounds, and even if they stayed in the East Palace, they were destined to be unknown for the rest of their lives.

I felt that her wish should be fulfilled, so I made an excuse to give them a good amount of money to get away from here and pursue a new life of their own.

As the crown prince, I have a lot of opportunities, and it is impossible for me to revolve around those women all day long.

And her marriage to Xie Xuan is also approaching - I guess if I forget about her like everyone else...... That may be a relief for her, or for me.

She would probably be overjoyed if she learned all this.

Therefore, when Xie Xuan mentioned Shen Rongrong's name, I deliberately pretended to know nothing and asked, "Shen Rongrong?" This name, Gu seems to have never heard of it" Xie Xuan looked at me, his red clothes fluttered lightly in the wind, and his smile revealed a hint of banter: "His Royal Highness's acting skills still need to be improved."

I instantly felt a little embarrassed, I didn't expect my disguise to be seen through by this seemingly unruly man.

If I didn't need him to assist me in handling the government in the future, I am afraid that I would have been unable to resist and send him far away to the frontier.

I quickly adjusted my mood, changed to a more calm expression, and asked again, "Who is Shen Rongrong?" What does it have to do with loneliness? "This time, I tried to make the tone sound more natural.

Xie Xuan seemed to be a little confused by my sudden change, he hesitated for a moment before reluctantly nodding: "Well, when you ask like this, it seems that you don't know each other, okay, then I'll tell her that Your Highness, you have forgotten all about her."

I glanced at the eye-catching tear mole under Xie Xuan's eyes, and suddenly remembered that she had whispered in my ear, and the only thing she had praised me was this mole.

It turned out that the reason why she valued me so much was because I had some similarities with this man.

Tomorrow, I will find a skilled master to remove this mole.

Otherwise, whenever I look at myself in the mirror, I'm afraid I will feel unhappy.

But in front of Xie Xuan, I naturally can't show half of my weakness.

I took a deep breath and said lightly: "Then so be it, you just tell her that there is still ......, by the way" I paused, after all, I still couldn't say such auspicious words as "a hundred years of good together, early birth of a noble son".

Well, it's better not to say it.

"The prince is busy, so I won't bother much" I stood up, intending to end the conversation.

But she couldn't help but feel a ripple in her heart, and I don't know how she would feel when she heard this.

(END) The prince's sweetheart passed away, and in order to fill that gap, he found ten stand-ins in a row