
What's new in iOS18 Beta 2? 16 highlights for a quick look

author:Fenfa Citrus 6s9

What's new in iOS18 Beta 2? 16 highlights for a quick look

Apple's iOS 18 Beta 2 Highlights Revealed - Unlocking a New Virtual Experience

Apple has officially pushed the iOS 18 Beta 2 version to developers, which includes many exciting new features and improvements, laying a solid foundation for the upcoming iOS 18 system version. As a new generation of mobile operating system, iOS 18 will bring many innovative experiences to the iPhone and iPad, from communication functions to multimedia applications to system interface layout, all of which show Apple's determination to continue to promote technological advancement.

New Communication Experience - RCS opens up cross-platform instant messaging

For many years, text messaging (SMS) and multimedia messaging (MMS) have been the main traditional means of communication on Apple devices. However, with the rise of instant messaging software, people are gradually accustomed to using instant messaging tools such as WhatsApp and iMessage for message exchange. To bridge this gap, Apple has added a new RCS communication service feature in iOS 18.

RCS (Rich Communication Services) is a new type of instant messaging protocol designed to replace traditional SMS and MMS to provide a richer messaging experience. Unlike common instant messaging software, RCS is an open industry standard that enables cross-platform messaging. This means that iPhone users can not only communicate with other iOS device users in high-quality graphic messaging, but also chat seamlessly with friends using Android phones.

What's new in iOS18 Beta 2? 16 highlights for a quick look

In iOS 18 Beta 2, Apple has officially integrated the RCS service for the iPhone, and although the current feature switch has not yet been officially enabled, it indicates that future iPhone users can expect a smoother and more convenient cross-platform instant messaging experience. In addition to basic text message transmission, RCS also supports read receipts, input status prompts, and high-definition picture and video sharing, which greatly improves the interactivity and multimedia of mobile communication.

Satellite communication capability - Connecting the wider information world

In the era of mobile Internet, we have become accustomed to chatting on the Internet anytime and anywhere. However, in some remote areas or scenarios with weak network signals, the communication capabilities of mobile phones will be limited. To address this pain point, Apple added a satellite communication feature in iOS 18 that allows users to send and receive instant messages over a satellite connection even when there is no cellular or WiFi coverage.

This "messenger pigeon"-like satellite communication feature connects iPhone users to the vast satellite network. Whether you are in the mountains or the vast sea, as long as your phone can receive satellite signals, you can send and receive iMessages with the help of iOS 18's satellite communication function. This is undoubtedly a great blessing for outdoor adventures and ocean voyages.

What's new in iOS18 Beta 2? 16 highlights for a quick look

However, it should be noted that although iOS 18 Beta 2 has integrated satellite communication function, it is currently only available in some overseas regions, and domestic users cannot experience this powerful communication capability for the time being. Apple is constantly improving the coverage of its satellite network, and believes that users around the world will be able to freely use this innovative communication feature in the future.

Upgraded interface style - adapt to the colorful digital life

In addition to the upgrade of the communication experience, iOS 18 has also been fully optimized in terms of visual interaction. Compared with previous generations of iOS, iOS 18 pays more attention to personalization and diversity in interface design to meet the diversified needs of users for digital life.

The first is the dark color adjustment for the desktop app. In the past, iOS users who wanted to switch the theme color of the system had to set it in some inconvenient ways. In iOS 18 Beta 2, Apple has made it easier for users to switch between automatic, dark and light themes, making the experience of dark themes smoother. At the same time, the App Store itself has also added a dark mode icon, which further enriches the overall interface style.

What's new in iOS18 Beta 2? 16 highlights for a quick look

In addition to this, iOS 18 also optimizes the functional layout of the Control Center. In the previous version, there were some problems with the design of the shutdown button in the control center, which was easy to cause false touches. Now, Apple has improved this feature in Beta 2, requiring a long press of the shutdown button to enter the shutdown page, which greatly reduces the risk of misoperation. In addition, the style of the music recognition widget has been finely tweaked to make it more concise and beautiful.

These details are undoubtedly a testament to Apple's determination to pursue the ultimate user experience. iOS 18 will bring a new visual enjoyment to the majority of iPhone and iPad users, allowing them to feel more convenient and comfortable in their daily use than ever before.

Versatile integration - Create a seamless experience across devices

In addition to the upgrade of the interface style and communication features, iOS 18 Beta 2 also integrates a number of new features for cross-device connectivity, further expanding the boundaries of the Apple ecosystem.

What's new in iOS18 Beta 2? 16 highlights for a quick look

The most noteworthy thing is the iPhone mirroring feature. This new feature allows iPhone users to cast their phone's screen directly to a Mac computer, and supports operations such as pasting across screens, transferring files, and more. Not only that, iPhone mirroring can receive app notifications from iPhone even when the device is locked, and directly call the relevant functions on the phone. This undoubtedly opens up new possibilities for remote and mobile work.

In addition to iPhone mirroring, iOS 18 Beta 2 also upgraded the SharePlay screen sharing feature. With this enhanced screen sharing capability, users can not only share their screen with others, but also remotely control each other's iPhones and iPads. This is undoubtedly a great tool for scenarios such as remote assistance and online education.

In addition, iPadOS 18 is a major breakthrough in file management. iPad users can now format an external hard drive directly on their mobile device, eliminating the need to rely on a Mac computer for relay. This kind of functional liberation undoubtedly brings great convenience to mobile office.

Overall, these new feature integrations in iOS 18 Beta 2 demonstrate Apple's ongoing efforts to create a seamless experience across devices. Through the deep integration between iPhone, iPad and Mac, users can truly realize the seamless flow of information and content, which greatly improves the convenience and efficiency of digital life.

What's new in iOS18 Beta 2? 16 highlights for a quick look

What's going on - iOS 18 defines a new virtual life


iOS 18 - Embracing a new era of intelligence in all aspects

With the launch of iOS 18 Beta 2, Apple has shown us the endless possibilities of this new mobile operating system. From groundbreaking communication features to diverse interface experiences to seamless integration across devices, iOS 18 will undoubtedly bring a new definition to our digital lives.

What's new in iOS18 Beta 2? 16 highlights for a quick look

Musical haptic feedback - an immersive experience that touches the heart

In iOS 18, Apple has also brought us a new and innovative feature - music haptic feedback. This feature allows us to synchronize the rhythm and rhythm of the music through the vibration motor of the iPhone while we listen to it, adding more immersion and interactivity to the listening experience.

Not only that, this music haptic feedback function is not limited to the music applications that come with the system, and it is believed that more third-party music playback software will be adapted in the future. At that time, when we enjoy various styles of music, we can feel the rhythm beating from the mobile phone itself, which makes the whole listening process more infectious.

This is undoubtedly a great boon for users who like to immerse themselves in the world of music. Through haptic feedback, music is no longer just a sound stimulus, but a complete sensory experience. This cross-sensory fusion of "touch + hearing" will bring us an unprecedented new realm of music appreciation.

What's new in iOS18 Beta 2? 16 highlights for a quick look

Call Recording - Convenient and efficient communication management

In addition to the musical haptic feedback, the phone app in iOS 18 Beta 2 is also worth paying attention to. In this version, for the first time, Apple has added the option to record voice calls in the permission prompt of the Phone app. This means that in the future, we will have the opportunity to record and save the content of the call during the call.

This feature is undoubtedly a great convenience for some important business negotiations or customer communication. We don't have to worry about forgetting some key information, we can just record the call and review it at any time. At the same time, this recording feature can also help us better manage call logs and improve work efficiency.

Although the call recording feature has not yet been officially launched in iOS 18 Beta 2, Apple is fully prepared for this. We believe that after the official version, this innovative communication management tool will greatly enhance our daily office experience.

What's new in iOS18 Beta 2? 16 highlights for a quick look

Privacy Enhancement - Build a strong line of defense for your digital security

In addition to the addition of new features, iOS 18 has also been comprehensively upgraded in terms of system privacy protection. In the Beta 2 version, Apple fixed the vulnerability of the Siri voice assistant to ensure that users' privacy and security will not be violated due to the vulnerability.

At the same time, iOS 18 further improves the control of access rights for third-party apps. When using apps such as Translator, the system will actively pop up a permission request prompt to let users know more clearly what permissions the app needs, such as audio recording. This not only enhances the user's autonomy in decision-making, but also builds a strong security line for us to protect our digital privacy.

For a modern society that pays more and more attention to the protection of personal information, iOS 18 undoubtedly represents a new benchmark for privacy protection. With the rollout of this system, I believe that the digital life of the majority of users will become more secure and reliable, and there will be no need to worry too much about privacy leaks and other issues.

What's new in iOS18 Beta 2? 16 highlights for a quick look

iOS 18 - Ushering in a new era of intelligence

Overall, these innovative features integrated in iOS 18 Beta 2 undoubtedly open a new door to intelligence. From smart communication to multi-sensory experiences to privacy and security, iOS 18 is shaping our digital lives like never before.

I believe that in the near future, when we fully embrace iOS 18, the entire mobile Internet world will undergo earth-shaking changes. Whether it's work, play, or life, iOS 18 will bring us a new experience that is smarter, more convenient, and more secure.

Let's look forward to the official release of iOS 18 and open this new era of wisdom full of infinite possibilities.