
How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath

author:Xiaobu has something to say


The application of FAB3000 bombs in the war in Ukraine was discussed, demonstrating their great power and limitations. At the same time, the role of bombs in war and their impact on war are discussed. Want to know how powerful FAB3000 bombs really are? What are the considerations for the choice of weapons in war? Let's find out!

FAB3000 bombs are "best proven" in Ukraine

How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath

FAB3000 bomb is so powerful that it can instantly flatten a target to the ground, even a concrete building can hardly withstand its impact. Some netizens joked that if it weren't for the fear of uprooting, Russia's war in Ukraine would have ended long ago, and the Russian army would have used FAB3000 directly, without occupying the city, directly destroying the city, so that the Ukrainian army has nowhere to escape.

How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath

In fact, this is not an exaggeration, once the FAB3000 bomb is dropped, it must be a scorched earth everywhere it goes, which is an absolute damage that even the fighters' tanks and planes cannot escape.

How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath

But it is precisely because of this absolute damage that FAB3000 bombs also have their own limitations, after all, Russia is fighting with taxpayers' money, and no kind of weapon can be wasted, FAB3000 is more suitable to play a role in border areas, such as Afghanistan, Syria and other places, in addition, timing is also very important, wartime use FAB3000 can get twice the result with half the effort, but if the timing is not good, it may even kill a resident in an instant.

How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath

Therefore, although the power of FAB3000 is huge, when it is actually used, it still needs to be carefully deployed by the military.

How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath

The reaction of the international community to Russia's use of FAB3000 bombs in Ukraine can be described as strong condemnation. In fact, from the moment the war broke out, neither Ukraine nor Western countries spared any of Russia's participation in the war.

How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath

Every gesture of raising the tomahawk is extremely well done, like judging a prisoner, and the Western countries have even elevated this war to the confrontation between human civilization and barbarism.

How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath

These are all official rhetoric, and in fact, as ordinary people, it is difficult for us to judge the merits of the war in Ukraine. Ukraine believes that it is defending the territorial integrity of the country and the people's right to exist, while Russia believes that it is speaking out for the discriminated minorities, and there are indeed many people who have confirmed that the Ukrainian authorities are indeed indifferent and excluded in dealing with the issue of ethnic minorities.

How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath

In any case, it is the innocent people who are really injured in this war, who have lived a peaceful life, but this silence has been shattered by their brutality. And if the situation cannot be controlled and does not escalate to a full-scale war, then there is still room for redemption.

And the more such weapons FAB3000 available, the more untenable the theory is that it is confined to the border areas, and the horror and pain of war will return, which is not good news for anyone.

How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath

The power of the bomb

Whether it is the "atomic bomb" and "Bomberman" games in World War II, or the "terrorist attacks" that have frequently appeared in the news in recent years, the bomb can be said to be a bad weapon that has accompanied human society through the long river of history.

How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath

Even today, more than 70 years have passed since the war years, bombs are still one of the weapons that the armies of various countries are equipped with and use in a key way. Its power can be described as "fear in the world", especially with the development of science and technology and the changes of the times, modern bombs are no longer as simple as exploding.

They can strike targets with precision, achieve maximum lethality without causing excessive casualties, and even cause psychological distress without the need for detonation.

But even such a powerful bomb is distinguished among all kinds of bombs, some of which can destroy a building and sweep thousands of troops on the battlefield; Some bombs can silently turn people into ashes and be invincible in psychological warfare; Some bombs are like invincible "main guns" when the player passes through the level, and can completely change the situation when they are opened.

And FAB3000 is undoubtedly such an existence, which originated in the 50s of the last century and was born to deal with solid targets. With a very thick shell and a large enough charge, FAB3000 can easily blow up targets such as underground bunkers, military bases, and even caves.

If a normal bomb is like a rifle bullet, then FAB3000 can be compared to a Gatling gun; If other bombs are like heroic skills for small fights, then FAB3000 is an invincible skill that directly kills the opponent in seconds.

Ukraine is strategically important in the heart of the Eastern European Plain, so every conflict tugs at the nerves of the countries of Eurasia. Russia, as a superpower with a federal memory, has a significant influence here, and although the end of World War II has long since ended, the contradictions between Russia and its neighbors have not been resolved.

The trigger for the outbreak of the war in Ukraine is the struggle between the two sides for control of the Lipzi region. As an important city, Lipzi not only has unique geographical advantages, but also has a strong historical and cultural heritage. Therefore, neither for Ukraine nor for Russia, it cannot be abandoned.

Although the Ukrainian authorities do their best to maintain neutrality and peace, in the face of the invasion of the Russian army, it can only choose to fight hard. The two sides launched a fierce but brutal battle, among which there was no lack of FAB3000 bombs.

Many people will be shocked and worried about the situation in Ukraine, because FAB3000 is known for its great power, and if it falls into its range, neither people nor houses will be spared. In fact, it does have enough explosives in its 4.5-ton metal casing to cause disaster if it is not careful.

So no matter how undersupplied the Ukrainian army is, it can't allow Russia to use FAB3000 smoothly; And for Russia, if it can put it in place, then it will be able to remove all obstacles in one fell swoop and ensure that it is invincible in the Liptsy region.

Of course, this is only a military analysis, and it is definitely not the best solution to FAB3000 problem morally. Especially in an event like the war in Ukraine, which has attracted international attention and public pressure, any kind of extreme behavior will be severely condemned.

How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath

The economics of weapons

Yet even knowing that there would be pressure and condemnation, Russia used FAB3000. There are many reasons for this.

It's economic reasons. Although modern warfare has moved away from the opium war-era model of "consuming supplies", it is still a fairly expensive project. Every missile, every tank, and even every soldier is taxpayers' hard-earned money, and every kind of weapon and equipment must be used when necessary and to be able to perform to the fullest value.

If a certain weapon is left idle in warehouses for a long time, then it means that taxpayers' money is wasted. Therefore, it is necessary for Russia to use it, regardless of whether FAB3000 meets the norms of humanitarian warfare. In addition, compared to other advanced weapons and equipment, FAB3000 can be said to be very cheap.

Even if you take into account the cost of transportation and labor, it can only be regarded as a small fight in the entire military budget. However, for other weapons, no matter how much the cost is reduced, it is still an astronomical amount.

It's the effect. It's not so much FAB3000 cheap as it's "good for money". Although the price is not high, the power can definitely shake up the whole battle. As long as it can be accurately put in place, you can see obvious results in actual battles.

Although we cannot disagree with Russia's use of FAB3000 to kill people, it is understandable to speculate from their own point of view.

However, we should be more concerned about the harm and horror caused by war itself. This is not just about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but every war that takes place in any war-torn place, whether it is the Middle East, Africa or South America, is telling us about the preciousness of peace.

Countless people have died because they could not be treated in time; Innocent people have lost loved ones, friends, and homes because of the fighting; The child loses the joy of childhood and is replaced by a god of death that may come at any time;

The irony is that in the face of the loss and damage of these lives, many times the causes of all these horrific consequences are not worth mentioning. Ethnic hatred, ambition, religious prejudice, competition for resources...... Without these things, in many cases wars would not have happened at all.

Even if it happens, it will not evolve into such a tragic and long-lasting situation. Everyone should contribute to the maintenance of peace, and the country should cherish the mission of maintaining peace even more.

How powerful is the 3-ton "super bomb" of the Russian army? The Ukrainian army was not injured, but the people were out of breath


There are often complex considerations behind the choice of weapons in war, but no weapon can hide the pain and destruction that war brings to human society. Each of us should be aware of the preciousness of peace and make efforts to maintain it. With regard to war, we should condemn the horror and harm it has brought and cherish the mission of peace. Let us work together for a more peaceful and tranquil world