
After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

author:More than kites

When it comes to Luo Zhongxu, perhaps many people of the younger generation don't know him very well. The name Luo Zhongxu may seem a little unfamiliar to the younger group. But for those born in the 60s and 70s, I'm afraid everyone knows about it.

In the 90s of the last century, Luo Zhongxu's song "Starlight" was among the best on major music charts, and his life was like this song, shining with dazzling light.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

In that era, no matter where you went, you could hear the familiar melody, and Luo Zhongxu's name spread all over the country.

With his unique voice and musical talent, he has become a household name and a singer.

At the peak of his career, Luo Zhongxu can be compared with Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung and other four heavenly kings. This is not only an affirmation of his musical talent, but also a testament to his popularity and influence.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

At that time, Luo Zhongxu's career had reached its peak, and at the same time, he also left a strong mark in the history of the music industry.

However, fate is always full of variables. Just when his singing career was in full swing, an accident happened.

Luo Zhongxu was on the way to the performance, and a sudden car accident turned Luo Zhongxu's life upside down.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

This accident not only caused him serious physical injury, but also made him lose his former top position in the domestic music scene. During those difficult years of recovery, Luo Zhongxu's career fell to the bottom, and the former glory seemed to have faded away.

Because Luo Zhongxu's injury was too serious, the doctor gave the diagnosis that he would spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Faced with such an ending, Luo Zhongxu's parents found it difficult to accept it for a while, their son was still so young, how could fate be so unfair.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

In fact, Luo Zhongxu's miraculous awakening from a coma is amazing. Initially, when he was rushed to the hospital in a car accident, after a thorough examination and surgical treatment by doctors, it was widely believed that he would not be able to regain consciousness and that he would likely fall into a permanent vegetative state.

Fortunately, the curtain fell from heaven, and Luo Zhongxu actively cooperated with the treatment and rehabilitation training in the later stage, and his consciousness finally gradually woke up.

At the same time, as Luo Zhongxu's best friend, Sun Nan's career began to rise. Since Luo Zhongxu was temporarily unable to work normally, the company decided to transfer the resources that originally belonged to him to Sun Nan.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

For the company's move, although Luo Zhongxu felt uncomfortable, he was not angry, after all, Sun Nan, as his junior brother, had such a close relationship with each other, so he gladly accepted the company's arrangement.

After Luo Zhongxu's resources were transferred to Sun Nan, Sun Nan quickly seized this opportunity and began to emerge. The song "Come Back Soon" made Sun Nan popular overnight at an unprecedented speed and became a well-known singer.

And this song was originally tailor-made by the company for Luo Zhongxu, but when he suffered a car accident and his career fell into a trough, he accidentally fell into the hands of Sun Nan, a singer from the same company.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

The melody of this song is impassioned, the lyrics are touching, and it is full of love for life and vision for the future. Sun Nan's high-pitched and passionate voice interpreted this song vividly and touched the heartstrings of countless listeners.

At that time, this song became a classic sung on the streets and alleys, and it also made Sun Nan a leader in the mainland music scene.

While calmly accepting the reality, Luo Zhongxu did not give up his music dream. During his recovery, he tried to adjust his mindset and tried to compose many songs.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

Despite losing his original resources, he still firmly believes that as long as he puts in the effort, he will one day win the love of the audience again. It is this firm belief that allows Luo Zhongxu to continue to move forward on the road of music after experiencing great changes in his career.

This unexpected turning point not only achieved Sun Nan's career, but also became an unforgettable stroke in Luo Zhongxu's life.

Luo Zhongxu recovered and was discharged from the hospital a year after being discharged from the hospital in a car accident. During his hospitalization, there was a woman who was always by his side, and she was Zhai Ying. When Luo Zhongxu needed care and support the most, Zhai Ying stood by his side without hesitation, bringing him warmth and strength.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

Undoubtedly, such a love is enviable, just when the outside world is unanimously optimistic that the two of them will achieve positive results, it is rumored that Luo Zhongxu had an affair with a female star during a performance in South Korea.

In an interview with the media, Luo Zhongxu once denied a romantic relationship with Zhai Ying. At present, there is news of Luo Zhongxu's lace with Korean actresses, Zhai Ying chooses not to bear it anymore, so she broke up with Luo Zhongxu.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

In 2000, Luo Zhongxu and Ni Ruisi met and fell in love. It was only later that there was a rift in the relationship between them, and the 7-year relationship finally came to the brink of breaking up.

In 2008, Luo Zhongxu had an emotional entanglement with Luo Zilin. These three relationships have affected Luo Zhongxu's image to a certain extent, and also made fans have a lot of speculation about his love life.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

Despite the constant scandals, Luo Zhongxu has never publicly admitted these relationships, which makes people look at the flowers in a fog. These three emotional entanglements make Luo Zhongxu's love life full of drama.

After experiencing emotional turmoil, Luo Zhongxu chose to keep a low profile. The lace news about him in the entertainment industry has also decreased a lot.

Until a female netizen broke the news, saying that Luo Zhongxu had an improper relationship with her, and he was treated as a junior without knowing it. As soon as the news broke, it quickly spread on the Internet.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

Although Luo Zhongxu denied this, and also came forward to clarify, and said that he would investigate the corresponding legal responsibility, netizens felt that the matter was not groundless.

However, soon after, some media revealed that Luo Zhongxu had already married a rich woman worth 200 million. Although these accusations were ultimately unconfirmed, such negative news has once again hit Mr. Luo's image. In addition, Luo Zhongxu was also accused of cheating on women, so that his personal character was questioned.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

Luo Zhongxu's private life problems not only affected his image, but also affected his career. Advertisers and producers will inevitably take these negatives into account when choosing who to work with. This makes Luo Zhongxu's career development restricted, and it is difficult to return to his former peak.

Under the pressure of public opinion, Luo Zhongxu tried to save his image, but he could not completely eliminate the impact of these negative news. The chaos of his private life took a heavy toll on him and left an indelible shadow on his career and life.

After being "robbed" of his life by Sun Nan, he turned around and married a 200 million rich woman, this artist's life is too magical

Perhaps it was because of the great changes in his career that Luo Zhongxu turned to other pleasures in life, so that his private life was chaotic and his image was damaged. However, it is worth affirming that Luo Zhongxu can still maintain his love and optimism for life after experiencing the twists and turns in his life, and this spiritual attitude is undoubtedly worth learning from each of us.

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