
Wang Xizhen, a 23-year-old female Taoist priest, announced that she was about to become a feather, and nearly 100,000 onlookers watched, what was the outcome

author:Old nonsense about history

Wang Xizhen, a 23-year-old female Taoist priest, announced that she was about to become a feather, and nearly 100,000 onlookers watched, what was the outcome. In China during the Jiajing period, Taoist culture was all the rage and became a hot topic in society. At that time, Wang Xizhen, a 23-year-old female Taoist priest, claimed that she would "feather and soar" on the day of the annual Chung Yeung Festival, becoming the center of attention. On the ninth day of the ninth month of September, it is claimed that nearly 100,000 people flocked to her Taoist temple in Xi, just to see the miracle of the young Taoist aunt's "ascension". However, the outcome of the incident was unexpected and much to everyone's expectations. Is this young Daogu's "ascension" fake?

Wang Xizhen, a 23-year-old female Taoist priest, announced that she was about to become a feather, and nearly 100,000 onlookers watched, what was the outcome

Born in a wealthy family, the female Taoist priest Wang Xizhen received a good education from an early age, was familiar with Confucian classics, and gradually attracted to Taoist thought. When she was young, she fell in love, and her fiancé was killed while going to sea, leaving an indelible shadow on her. In the midst of great grief, she decided to escape into the empty door and began a long path of cultivation. With her talent for Taoism and her diligence and eagerness, Wang Xizhen soon achieved outstanding cultivation, and was regarded as a Taoist by her master, and was given the Dharma name "Tanyangzi".

Wang Xizhen, a 23-year-old female Taoist priest, announced that she was about to become a feather, and nearly 100,000 onlookers watched, what was the outcome

With the continuous expansion of his reputation, Tan Yangzi preached the Dharma everywhere and won wide praise from the people. During that time, there was a craze among the people to pursue her, and various legends about her ascension to immortality flew all over the sky. Even Emperor Jiajing paid close attention to her, hoping that he could meet a master who could guide her. In the forty-second year of Jiajing, an astonishing news suddenly circulated among the people: Tan Yangzi announced that he would "feather the righteous path" on the day of the Double Ninth Festival...

As soon as the Chung Yeung Festival arrived, nearly 100,000 pilgrims flocked from all over the world to witness this grand occasion with their own eyes. Tan Yangzi sat on the stone, saw her lips turn from red to purple, and then fell to the ground. The eldest disciple next to him shouted loudly: "Immortal Master Feather has ascended!" The pilgrims were kneeling and worshipping.

Wang Xizhen, a 23-year-old female Taoist priest, announced that she was about to become a feather, and nearly 100,000 onlookers watched, what was the outcome

However, it doesn't end there. After this news reached the ears of Emperor Jiajing, the emperor immediately sent someone to carry Tan Yangzi's body into the Forbidden City, and asked the imperial doctor of the Tai Hospital to check the cause of death. After some careful examination, the imperial doctors discovered the astonishing truth: it turned out that Tan Yangzi had secretly taken a large amount of highly poisonous medicine before the "feathering" ceremony began, causing her to finally be poisoned and died!

It seems that the so-called "Ascending to Immortal" is simply a scam, and this Tan Yangzi actually did not succeed in cultivation, but only used drugs to perform a big scam. What was the purpose of her doing such a ridiculous act? In addition to temporary fame and fortune, what deeper pursuit does she have? The questions about her will be discussed in the next section.

Wang Xizhen, a 23-year-old female Taoist priest, announced that she was about to become a feather, and nearly 100,000 onlookers watched, what was the outcome

She has been frail and sickly since she was a child, and she has been incompatible with this world since she was a child. When she was young, the huge family inheritance and her father's doting became the whole of her life, but it also made her develop a withdrawn and selfish character. In the year of her childhood, she fell in love and set a promise of a hundred years of good cooperation with her sweetheart. Who knew that fate was merciless, her fiancé was killed when he went to sea, and this blow almost broke her all.

In a state of grief-stricken, Wang Xizhen was criticized and abused by the society, and was slandered as a "Kefu" person. For her, life has lost all meaning and hope. At the right time, those Taoist scriptures showed her a path to liberation. She began to be obsessed with all kinds of Taoist rhetoric, and regarded cultivation as the highest pursuit of her life.

Wang Xizhen, a 23-year-old female Taoist priest, announced that she was about to become a feather, and nearly 100,000 onlookers watched, what was the outcome

Once on the path of cultivation, Wang Xizhen worked hard to aspire to "ascend to immortality", and gradually regarded this as the whole meaning of his life. But the real ascension was too advanced for her to reach, so she secretly began to plot a deception. Maybe she didn't expect to cause such a big commotion, but when the authorities were out of control, she couldn't care about it so much.

Perhaps deep down, she once said to herself: "Just let me have such a good time, at least leave something in the world." So she resolutely took the poison and performed her last "Ascension Drama" under the watchful eye of everyone. It's a pity that fate is so ruthless, and all her efforts have only ended up in exchange for an ownerless body.

Wang Xizhen, a 23-year-old female Taoist priest, announced that she was about to become a feather, and nearly 100,000 onlookers watched, what was the outcome

In this way, one cannot help but sigh that absurd ambitions often become sane gravediggers, blindly pursuing illusory illusions, and in the end only make people fall into more boundless darkness. The meaning of life is not based on the stupid illusions of self-indulgence, but to find the value of existence in the ordinary world of the present. The defeat of Tanyangzi is a warning to each of us.

Wang Xizhen, a 23-year-old female Taoist priest, announced that she was about to become a feather, and nearly 100,000 onlookers watched, what was the outcome

Throughout Wang Xizhen's life, it is not difficult to find that she is actually just a poor person with extreme self-consciousness and withdrawn introversion. The relentless blows of life lead her to a path of self-destructive madness that defies common sense. Although Taoism is very profound, if it is understood and pursued one-sidedly, it will fall into an even more absurd situation. We must learn the lessons of the Tanyangzi incident, cherish the present, be down-to-earth, and find the meaning and value of life in ordinary life, instead of being blinded by illusory things.