
was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge



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Edited by Peng Peng

was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge


In this era where appearance is justice, an actress with good looks, good figure, and high education can still be tepid in the entertainment industry? This sounds even more absurd than the "Emperor's New Clothes". But this is the true portrayal of Xu Xiaosa.

She is like a buried diamond, shining but not shining enough. What is it that makes this versatile Gansu girl always one step behind? Is it bad luck, or is it the cruelty of the market? Let's walk into Xu Xiaosa's world together and solve the puzzle of the entertainment industry.

was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

From stage to screen: Xu Xiaosa's road to transformation

Xu Xiaosa, this name may still be unfamiliar to many people. However, when you see her photos, you will be surprised to find that it turns out that this beauty has been seen in many popular TV series.

Born in Gansu, Xu Xiaosa has shown amazing artistic talent since he was a child. She is not only versatile, but also exceptionally beautiful, and she is simply the master of God's food.

When she was 11 years old, she was admitted to the Shaanxi Provincial Academy of Arts to study dance with a posture of "born to eat this bowl of rice". This girl is not simple, after graduation, she directly entered the Xi'an Song and Dance Theater to work and became the main dancer.

was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

However, Xu Xiaosa is not satisfied with dancing on stage. Her eyes flashed with a desire for showbiz, and that kind of light was even more dazzling than the spotlight on the stage. In order to realize her dream, she resolutely applied for the Beijing Film Academy.

"I'm going to be an actor, not just a dancer."

This sentence seems to be Xu Xiaosa's declaration of his life.

was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

In 2006, the opportunity came. The large-scale costume TV series "Dream of Red Mansions" auditioned across the country, and Xu Xiaosa signed up without hesitation. Although she failed to win the role of Xue Baochai in the end, her performance has attracted the attention of the director.

In 2007, "Dream of Red Mansions" changed its director, and Xu Xiaosa finally got his wish and got the role of Jia Xichun, one of the twelve golden hairpins. This step allowed her to officially step into the door of the showbiz. Since then, Xu Xiaosa's life has started a journey full of opportunities and challenges.

was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

The struggle of the acting school: Xu Xiaosa's acting career

Xu Xiaosa's acting career is like a TV series full of ups and downs. She has performed well in both ancient costumes and modern works, especially as Yang Mi's assistant in "My Fair Lady".

"I really thought she was Yang Mi's assistant at the time!"
was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

This is the sigh of many viewers after watching "My Fair Lady". Xu Xiaosa's acting skills make it impossible to distinguish between inside and outside the play.

However, can you be popular if you have good acting skills? Apparently not. Xu Xiaosa has participated in many hit dramas such as "Hunting Ground" and "War Kou", and has performed brilliantly every time, but has never been able to break through the bottleneck. Many viewers' impression of her is only at the level of "outstanding temperament".

was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

Xu Xiaosa is like a butterfly trapped in a cocoon, obviously with gorgeous wings, but he has never been able to spread his wings and fly high.

In order to break through this dilemma, Xu Xiaosa began to try to transform. She chose more dramas and Tsing Yi routes, and participated in works with the theme of the Anti-Japanese War such as "My Hometown Jinchaji" and "Red River Border Defense". In these works, she demonstrates a deep understanding and portrayal of the characters.

was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

However, the road to transformation has not been easy. In "War Kou", Xu Xiaosa plays the heroine Liu Qingqing, a brutal and willful copycat daughter. The response to this drama was good after it was broadcast, but it still failed to make her popular.

Crossroads at the age of 34: Where is Xu Xiaosa's future?

Xu Xiaosa, 34 years old this year, is in a critical period of his acting career. Her acting skills and appearance are impeccable, and her resources are good, but she is always one step behind.

was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

Does this mean that in the entertainment industry, strength alone is not enough?

Xu Xiaosa's experience makes us have to think about this problem. Her story is not only the history of an actor's struggle, but also an interpretation of her unremitting pursuit and persistent belief in her acting career.

However, whether Xu Xiaosa can become popular in the future is still a controversial topic. Some people think that she has all the conditions to become a first-list star, and she only needs a proper opportunity to usher in an explosion; Some people also believe that there is a mismatch between her image and market demand, and it is difficult to stand out in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

Netizens are hotly discussed: What do you think of Xu Xiaosa's future?

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens think:

"Xu Xiaosa is really powerful, and her acting skills are absolutely first-class among actors of the same age. It's just a pity that she wasn't very lucky, and she didn't meet a character who could make her an instant hit. "
was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

Some netizens also hold different views:

"The current entertainment industry is not only about strength, but more importantly, about marketing. Xu Xiaosa may be lacking in this regard. "
was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

There are also netizens who analyze from the perspective of the market:

"Xu Xiaosa's image may be a little different from the type that the current audience likes. She is better suited to play intellectually elegant roles, but now the audience seems to prefer the down-to-earth type. "
was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

Some veteran viewers said:

Xu Xiaosa's acting skills and temperament are great, but there may be a lack of a masterpiece that can fully show her charm. I hope she can meet a good role that suits her soon. "
was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

There are also people who are optimistic about Xu Xiaosa's future:

"34 years old is a good year for an actor, and Xu Xiaosa's potential has not been fully realized. I believe that as long as she persists, she will eventually wait for her own spring. "
was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

Written at the end: Looking forward to Xu Xiaosa's bloom

Looking back on Xu Xiaosa's acting career, we saw the struggle and persistence of a talented actor who has never been able to become popular. From the stage to the screen, from the supporting role to the protagonist, Xu Xiaosa proved her worth with her own strength. However, in this ever-changing entertainment industry, strength does not seem to be the whole guarantee of success.

was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

Xu Xiaosa's story may be a microcosm of the current entertainment industry. It makes us have to think: In this era where traffic is king, how can powerful actors find their position?

We look forward to Xu Xiaosa being able to find her own stage in the future and shine more dazzlingly. At the same time, we also hope that the entertainment industry can give more powerful actors like Xu Xiaosa more opportunities, so that real talent can be duly recognized.

was originally Yang Mi's assistant, but he was photographed by the director because of his "too high appearance", and became popular after partnering with Hu Ge

Finally, let's end today's discussion with one question: In your opinion, what changes does Xu Xiaosa need to make in order to take his acting career to the next level? Feel free to share your views in the comments section.

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