
The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

author:A cold white-skinned beauty

Copywriting |Cold white-skinned beauty

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In the context of the Alibaba Mathematics Competition, Jiang Ping, a secondary school student, has sparked widespread discussion and speculation from all walks of life because of her outstanding achievements.

Professor Yuan Xinyi of the Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research at Peking University has made a striking public view on this.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

He not only questioned the possible complexities behind Jiang Ping's achievements, but also raised a series of thought-provoking questions.

These remarks are not only a challenge to individual ability, but also a profound reflection on the fairness and judging criteria of the competition.

Let's explore the truth behind Professor Yuan's remarks and uncover the truth and mystery behind this competition.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

Under the light, the search for the truth

In today's era of rapid information dissemination, a piece of information about Jiang Ping's unusual performance in the Alibaba math competition has sparked widespread controversy and speculation.

Behind this seemingly ordinary incident, there are many complex factors and the interweaving of interests of all parties.

As one of the analysts of the incident, Professor Yuan Xinyi raised questions about the authenticity of Jiang Ping's results, which triggered the public's deep thinking about the fairness of the competition and the authenticity of the participants' backgrounds.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

Involve characters and the context of events

The central figures of the event include Jiang Ping herself, her teacher Wang Yanqiu, and the organizer of the competition, Ali Damo Academy.

Jiang Ping stood out from the identity of a secondary school student and achieved remarkable results in the Ali Mathematics Competition, but there are a series of eye-catching doubts behind this.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

Professor Yuan Xinyi questioned the mismatch between the results of the preliminary round and Jiang Ping's academic background, arguing that this kind of performance may not only be a reflection of Jiang Ping's personal ability.

The Lianshui County Education and Sports Bureau confirmed Jiang Ping's results in the school's monthly examination, but suggested that the organizer verify the specific situation of the competition.

This made the incident even more confusing, and the public's attention and expectations for the event gradually heated up.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

A fog of doubt and speculation

Professor Yuan Xinyi's questioning of Jiang Ping's performance in the Alibaba Mathematics Competition quickly aroused widespread public attention and deep thinking.

Professor Yuan pointed out that Jiang Ping scored an astonishing 93 points in the preliminary round, which is equivalent to the middle and upper level of undergraduates from prestigious universities.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

Jiang Ping is only a secondary school student, and how she can complete her mathematics studies from high school to undergraduate level in a very short period of time has become one of the focuses of Professor Yuan's attention.

It's not just a matter of personal ability, it's an important issue about the judging criteria and background verification of the competition.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

Another key point raised by Prof. Yuan was the issue of board books in the competition.

According to his analysis, there are many errors and omissions in the board book displayed by Jiang Ping, which is particularly prominent in professional mathematics competitions.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

Professor Yuan believes that these mistakes are not at the level of a high-level competitor and may even indicate that they may only be a manifestation of high school mathematics proficiency, in stark contrast to the high scores displayed in the competition.

Professor Yuan also questioned Jiang Ping's proficiency in the use of LaTex.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

LaTex is a professional typesetting tool that is commonly used in scientific papers and academic publications, and its application requires a certain amount of learning and practical experience.

Prof. Yuen questioned how a secondary school student could use this tool so skillfully without an obvious academic background or writing experience.

This further deepened doubts about the authenticity of Jiang Ping's results, and sparked a public discussion on the authenticity of the judging criteria and technical applications of the competition.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

The search for truth and public expectation

The Lianshui County Education and Sports Bureau responded quickly to questions about Jiang Ping's performance in the Alibaba math competition.

confirmed her results in the school's monthly exams, and suggested that the competition organizer, Ali Damo Academy, verify the details of the competition.

Jiang Ping herself, her teacher Wang Yanqiu, and the contest's organizer, the Ali Dharma Academy, have not responded explicitly to the public's concerns about the incident.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

This makes the truth of the incident even more confusing, and has aroused deep public concern about the fairness of the competition and the judging criteria.

After the incident was exposed, the Lianshui County Education and Sports Bureau quickly confirmed Jiang Ping's results in the school's monthly examination, a move that shows their importance to the fairness of the incident and their pursuit of the truth.

As the education authorities, they actively put forward suggestions to verify the competition with the Ali Dharma Academy, hoping to obtain authoritative information from the organizers.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

Reveal possible opacity and suspicions in the competition to ensure public trust and respect for the results of the competition.

Despite the positive impact of the Education and Sports Bureau's proposal, Jiang Ping and her teacher Wang Yanqiu chose to remain silent in the face of public skepticism.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

Their inaction further cast doubt on the authenticity of the incident and the authenticity of Jiang Ping's results, and deepened public doubts about his background and the competition process.

As direct participants, Jiang Ping and her teacher's statements are an important part of answering the public's doubts, but their silence makes the incident even more confusing and difficult to fundamentally calm the public's doubts.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

A call for justice and transparency

The incident is not only about the discussion of Jiang Ping's personal achievements, but also deeply touches the core of social values.

The principles of fair competition and good faith are indispensable in the in-depth verification of the authenticity of the competition judging and the background of the participants.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

This incident not only tests the fairness of the competition, but also tests the general recognition and adherence to fair competition and moral norms in the society to a certain extent.

As a platform for evaluating individual ability and effort, the fairness of the competition directly affects the fair treatment and social identity of the participants.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

Fair competition is not only a kind of competition rules, but also a concrete embodiment of social morality and the spirit of the rule of law.

All participants should present themselves in a fair competitive environment, and the judging criteria of the competition should be fair and transparent to ensure that each participant has a fair opportunity to compete and the fairness of the judging results.

The media and the public play a crucial role in the exposure of events and social discussions.

The remarks of the professor of Peking University about Jiang Ping are convincing! There is no discrimination, and don't go online at every turn

As an important channel for disseminating information, the media should remain objective and rational, and reveal the whole picture of the incident and the truth behind it through in-depth investigation and comprehensive reporting.

The public needs to remain rational and prudent, avoid blindly believing rumors or emotional remarks, and participate in discussions with a rational attitude, so as to promote a reasonable resolution of the incident and the realization of fairness and justice.