
In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

author:Remember to read the calendar
In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes
In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes
In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes


Fu Lei's life can be said to be a legend closely linked to literature and art. Showing a thirst for knowledge and a strong interest in literature and art from an early age, Fu Lei continued to absorb new knowledge in the process of studying, and gradually grew into an erudite and versatile scholar. His translations are accurate and fluent, and he is deeply loved by readers, especially his superb translation of French literature, which has opened a window for Chinese readers to understand French culture. Next, let's step into the world of Fu Lei and explore the legendary life of this cultural giant.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

I went to France to study in order to seek knowledge

In 1908, in the changing late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, a small life fell to the ground in Xiasha Township, Nanhui County, Jiangsu Province, and he was Fu Lei. Perhaps it was providence that he was born into a scholarly family, and despite the early death of his father, under the strict education of his mother, he developed a rigorous and serious character since he was a child. This character, like a seed, was deeply rooted in his heart, which later sprouted and blossomed, influencing his entire academic and translation career.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

As a child, Fu Lei showed an extreme thirst for knowledge. In 1919, he entered the town primary school, but soon, this inquisitive heart drove him to a bigger stage, the primary school affiliated to Shanghai Nanyang Middle School. There, he absorbed new knowledge like a sponge and constantly broadened his horizons. In 1921, at the age of 13, he was admitted to Shanghai Xuhui Public School with outstanding talent. This school, founded by the French Catholic Church, opened the door to a Western-style education for him, and more importantly, he studied French here for three years. Who would have thought that these three years of language study would lay the groundwork for him to study in France and become a French translator in the future.

However, youth is always accompanied by rebellion and blood. In 1924, Fu Lei was expelled from Xuhui College because of his open opposition to religion and fierce rhetoric. But he was not defeated, but was admitted to the High School Affiliated to Shanghai Datong University with a more determined pace to continue his journey of knowledge. In 1925, the wave of the "May Day Movement" swept across the country, which was an anti-imperialist patriotic movement led by our party. Fu Lei stood at the forefront of the times, he accused the bloody crimes of imperialism, and inspired the patriotic passion of the people with his actions. At this moment, what we see is not only the responsibility of a scholar, but also the patriotic feelings of a hot-blooded young man.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

In 1926, after unremitting efforts, Fu Lei was admitted to Shanghai Zhizhi University. This private university, founded by the famous educator Mr. Ho Sai Ching, has become a stage for him to further broaden his horizons. Here, he not only succeeded in his studies, but also actively participated in literary clubs and translation activities in his spare time, gradually revealing his talent in translation and literary criticism. But the changes in the current situation made Fu Lei realize that if he wanted to study with peace of mind, he must stay away from the political whirlpool. So, with the support of his mother, he decided to study abroad. On December 30, 1927, he embarked on a cruise ship to France, a decision that changed the trajectory of his life and planted a bright seed in the Chinese translation and literary criticism circles.

In France, Fu Lei's study life is rich and colorful. He entered Berdière to study French and then entered the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Paris, where he majored in literary theory. In his spare time, he often attends the Louvre Art History School and the Au Pen En Art Lectures, and at the same time admires the masterpieces of the French art galleries and museums. During this period of study, his artistic accomplishment and aesthetic ability have been greatly improved.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

Even more legendary, by chance in the same year, he began his career as a translator. The trial translation of The Legend of St. Jan Chorfo was published in the following year's Collected Essays on the Literature and Art of the Huaxu Society, which also marked the beginning of his translation career.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

After returning from studying abroad, he dedicated himself to education

In 1930, the young Foury tried to translate Tyner's "Philosophy of Art" and Romain Rolland's "Beethoven" in France, which not only showed his profound insights into art, but also foreshadowed his important role in Sino-French cultural exchanges in the future. His observation and study of Impressionist paintings led him to write his first art criticism essay "Cézanne", which amazed the audience and showed his extraordinary talent in art criticism.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

As he further broadened his horizons at the Belgian fair, Fu Lei's artistic accomplishment and aesthetic ability were greatly improved. A year later, he ended his study abroad in France and returned to his homeland with a wealth of knowledge and experience. After returning to China, he quickly devoted himself to the education of the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, not only imparting knowledge, but also devoting himself to the translation and introduction of French literature.

In the classroom, Fu Lei won the respect of the students with his profound knowledge and passionate teaching style. His unique vision of art attracts young minds like a magnet. Under his guidance, the students not only learned knowledge, but also felt a love for art and culture.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

Fu Lei's translation work is a highlight of his life. He is well versed in Chinese and foreign cultures, and has profound attainments in the fields of art, music, sculpture and other fields. These valuable qualities have laid a solid foundation for his translation work. He adheres to the translation principle of "emphasizing the resemblance of the god and not the resemblance of the form", so that the translation not only retains the charm of the original work, but also conforms to the expression habits of Chinese. Such a translation not only allows readers to appreciate the style of the original work, but also feels the charm and charm of Chinese.

By 1936, Fu Lei had made a name for himself in the world of translation. His translations of French literature, especially those by Balzac and Romain Rolland, are accurate and fluent, and are loved by readers. His translations not only enrich the treasure trove of Chinese literature, but also open a window for Chinese readers to understand French literature. In those days, his translations became the spiritual food for many literature lovers, nourishing the hearts of generations after generations.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

In 1937, the full-scale outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression brought great turmoil to Chinese society. But Fu Lei did not give up his cultural career. He firmly believes that culture is the soul of a country, and even in the war-torn era, we cannot give up the pursuit and dissemination of culture. Therefore, he continued to work as a translator and brought spiritual comfort and support to the Chinese people with his brushstrokes.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Fu Lei's translation work not only did not stagnate, but became more in-depth. He began to get involved in the field of literary criticism, and won praise from readers and the literary and artistic circles with his unique insights and sharp writing. At the same time, he also actively participated in cultural activities, exchanged ideas with many cultural celebrities, and promoted the development of China's cultural undertakings.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

It is worth mentioning that in the difficult year of 1943, Fu Lei completed the translation of Romain Rolland's famous book "Johann Christopher". This translation is a milestone in the history of Chinese literature, as it not only demonstrates the charm of world-class literary works, but also stimulates the creative enthusiasm of Chinese writers. Fu Lei's virtuosity and deep understanding of the original work make this translation an unsurpassed classic. In that era, Fu Lei used his talent and persistence to make great contributions to China's cultural cause.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

After the wind and rain, I will not regret it

In 1945, when the dawn of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War appeared, Fu Lei and his friend Zhou Xuliang joined hands to establish the semi-monthly magazine "Xinyu" in Shanghai. This critical publication of current affairs not only provides advice and suggestions for national construction, but also serves as a position for Fu Lei to sharply criticize social ills and adhere to freedom of speech. In the article "Abolition of the Censorship of the Press", he boldly put forward suggestions for improvement, which shows his thoughtfulness in the development of culture. Although Xinyu was discontinued due to its sharp rhetoric, Fu Lei's keen observation and critical spirit have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

In the same year, Fu Lei's brushstrokes did not stop, he wrote for the "Weekly Newspaper" and "Democracy", using historical events as a mirror, reflecting on the present, and integrating profound historical literacy with the pursuit of democratic ideas. His articles, like a clear spring, have injected a steady stream of vitality into the road of promoting social progress and cultural development.

In 1946, Fu Lei continued to work in the field of translation. His translations, like bright stars, have lit up Chinese readers' perception of foreign literature. His translation not only retains the spirit of the original work, but also fits the expression habits of Chinese, so that readers can appreciate the original literary charm. At the same time, as a literary critic, he also guides readers to deeply understand and appreciate literary works, and enhances the aesthetic taste of the public.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

The founding of the People's Republic of China opened a new chapter in Fu Lei's life. While devoting himself to the translation career, he actively participated in social and cultural activities, contributing to the development of New China's literary and artistic undertakings. In 1950, he joined the Chinese Writers Association, where he distinguished himself with his profound knowledge and unique insights. His translations have been widely loved by readers and have been praised endlessly.

In 1951, Fu Lei was hired by the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, dedicated to cultivating a new generation of literary and artistic talents. He devoted great enthusiasm to teaching and contributed his own strength to the cultural construction of New China. He has demonstrated exceptional talent and selfless dedication in teaching, translation, and literary criticism.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

However, from 1964 onwards, the environment in which Fu Lei lived and worked gradually changed. The tense atmosphere made his literary and artistic views questioned and criticized. But even in the face of adversity, he remained true to his literary ideals and continued to translate and criticize. The publication of Johann Christopher in 1966 once again proved his talent as a translator and his dedication to literature.

Unfortunately, on September 3 of the same year, that turbulent era brought unbearable suffering to Fu Lei. Under the impact of the "Cultural Revolution", he suffered serious "persecution". Even at the end of his life, he never gave up his love for literature and the pursuit of truth. In the end, he and his wife, Zhu Meifu, chose to fight to the death, a tragedy that not only shocked the cultural community, but also attracted widespread attention among the public.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes

Zhu Meifu, the wife who is close to Fu Lei, always stood with her husband in the days of "persecution" and faced the hardships of life together. When Fu Lei decided to fight to the death, she chose to walk with him without hesitation, and this emotion of life and death was moving. According to the nanny at the time, before her wife Zhu Meifu passed away, she asked her to borrow clean clothes. This detail not only reveals the couple's pursuit of dignity in the last moments of their lives, but also reflects the calmness and decency they still maintain in despair.

In 1966, Fu Lei and his wife both committed suicide, and the nanny: Mrs. asked me to borrow clean clothes


Fu Lei's life is an artistic epic full of legends. With his rigorous academic attitude and outstanding translation talents, he opened the door to Western literature for us and let Chinese readers appreciate the charm of world-class literary works. However, in that turbulent era, he and his wife Zhu Meifu ended in tragedy, which made people sigh. Looking back on Fu Lei's life, we can't help but think: in the torrent of history, how should individuals stick to their beliefs and pursuits? Fu Lei's story has left us with a profound inspiration. Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment section and discuss the life of this great translator together.

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