
You can put anything under the bed, try to avoid three things, this is not superstition, tell your family!

author:Life is as simple as that

You can put anything under the bed, try to avoid three things, this is not superstition, tell your family!

In life, the rational use of space is more important. Many families design their bedrooms with clever use of the space under the bed as an additional storage area. Not only does this save space, but it also makes the bedroom look tidier. However, while under-bed storage has its advantages, we also need to be aware of potential problems and learn to avoid these risks. It is true that under the bed is a place where dust and dirt can easily accumulate. Due to the special location, the underside of the bed is often difficult to clean frequently, which makes the environment under the bed relatively humid and dirty. Therefore, we need to be extra cautious when choosing items to store under the bed.

You can put anything under the bed, try to avoid three things, this is not superstition, tell your family!

1. We want to avoid storing money under the bed. Money, especially paper money, has high environmental requirements. Dampness and dirt under the bed can not only cause moisture and breakage of banknotes, but can also accelerate their aging process. Coins that have been stored for a long time may become unrecognizable, affecting their normal use and collectible value. Therefore, to ensure the safety and integrity of your money, it is best to store it in a dry, ventilated place, such as a drawer on a bedside table or in a dedicated piggy bank.

You can put anything under the bed, try to avoid three things, this is not superstition, tell your family!

2. Light-colored or white clothes are also not suitable for storage under the bed. These garments require high humidity and cleanliness of the environment, and the dampness and dirt under the bed can easily "disfigure" them. After prolonged storage, white clothing may be stained with yellow spots that are difficult to clean, seriously affecting its appearance and lifespan. To avoid this, we recommend hanging light-coloured clothing in the closet and washing and drying it regularly to keep it as white as new.

3. There are also shoes that need to be avoided under the bed, especially white and light-colored shoes. Shoes can be contaminated with all kinds of dust and stains during daily use, and if they are left under a damp bed for a long time, it is not only easy to breed bacteria, but also stain shoes with a yellow color that is difficult to remove. This not only affects the aesthetics of the shoes, but can also pose a threat to human health. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone keep their shoes in a special shoe cabinet and clean and maintain them regularly.

You can put anything under the bed, try to avoid three things, this is not superstition, tell your family!

So, what exactly is suitable for storing under the bed? In fact, as long as we master the correct storage methods and precautions, the bottom of the bed can still become our storage space. For example, we can store items such as bedding, seasonal clothing, toys, etc., which are not commonly used, under the bed, which saves space and makes it easy to access. At the same time, you can also place some desiccant or dehumidification box under the bed to reduce the humidity under the bed.

You can put anything under the bed, try to avoid three things, this is not superstition, tell your family!

Although there is some storage space under the bed, we need to be careful when using it, and pay attention to the maintenance and cleaning of the items. Through the implementation of reasonable storage methods and precautions, we can make full use of the space under the bed to make our life more tidy and convenient. At the same time, we should also recognize that any storage method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the key is how we can maximize the use of space.