
Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

author:Zero Quarter Entertainment


In this age of the Internet, gossip is faster than a rocket, and it can rush into the sky in the blink of an eye, exploding ripples after circles.

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Huang Yiming's "Self-Portrait"

Let's first talk about the heroine who bravely stood up, Huang Yiming.

She comes from an ordinary family and doesn't have much aura on the road to growth, but with a tenacity, she can be regarded as finding her place on the big stage of society.

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

In an interview, Huang Yiming was like opening an old photo album, and slowly talked about the years with Wang Sicong, from acquaintance to love, to the arrival of his daughter, every detail is full of warmth and difficulty.

Especially her sentence "I didn't ask for his money, I didn't ask for a house or a car", which instantly became the talk of netizens after dinner, and people couldn't help but ask, is this a true temperament or another hidden secret?

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Flip, flip again

But the plot will never be smooth sailing, just like the big reversal in the TV series, Huang Yiming's subsequent denial remarks on social platforms made the melon-eating masses shout "can't keep up with the rhythm".

This wave of operations makes people look at the fog, is it the pressure of public opinion that makes her change her words, or is there a more complicated chess game behind it? In any case, this reversal not only made the incident more heated, but also made people question what layer of fog the truth is hidden behind.

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Really or "rubbing the heat"?

Huang Yiming's recent actions can't help but make many onlookers speculate whether there is a well-thought-out and well-laid out "hot chase" drama behind this series of events.

In today's era of traffic-oriented, anything that can be associated with the name Wang Sicong, the son of the richest man, even if it is as small as a fallen leaf, seems to be able to dance on the tuyere of the Internet and bloom into gorgeous flowers that do not belong to itself.

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Huang Yiming's various performances on social platforms, especially her frequent maternal brilliance, and the small details that inadvertently revealed her involvement with Wang Sicong, are all whispering: "Please look here, there are wonderful things in my story that you should not miss!" ”

Beneath the surface of this seemingly warm vein, there is actually a shrewd business calculation - because in the world of the Internet, every click and every attention is tantamount to transforming the invisible attention into real, shining wealth and opportunities.

In this way, this is not just a display of emotion, but more like a business game of masters, every action is carefully thought out to maximize the public's attention and curiosity.

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

A sparkling birthday, the focus of the public

On Shining's first birthday, the grand party was like a fairy tale into reality, and every detail was posted on the Internet by Huang Yiming.

The little princess's shining innocent appearance makes people feel pity, and Huang Yiming's mother's declaration full of love makes people feel warm.

But is this show a pure expression of maternal love, or is it another "heat harvest"? Opinions differ, but it is undeniable that Twinkle has become the most innocent and endearing focus.

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Late-night "bomb": chat logs exposed

climax, just two days ago in the middle of the night, Huang Yiming shot again and threw out a shock bomb - chat record with Wang Sicong.

mentioned the milk powder money in it, and the sentence "I didn't tell you that I had no money" came out of Wang Sicong's mouth, which instantly made netizens blow up.

Is the story behind this an economic crisis or an emotional entanglement?

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Huang Yiming's sentence "It's okay if you don't give it, don't let me see you doing well" sounds like both a helpless accusation and an emotional game.

Wang Sicong's reaction, from surprise to perfunctory, to procrastination, this series of emotional changes, is like a mini-series, which makes the audience watch it with relish.

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Love-hate, or interests?

Huang Yiming's emotional entanglement with Wang Sicong is like jazz music coming out of the old-fashioned radio, and the notes are both lingering and chaotic between the jumps, which makes people scratch their ears and cheeks, and they don't know where to start.

As she said, Wang Sicong is not the kind of captain who drops anchor, but he encountered a sudden storm during the voyage and temporarily lost his way.

Are these words genuinely putting on the armor of understanding for him, or are they laying a retreat for himself called tolerance? The pure flowers of true love are intertwined with the realistic thorns of interests, which makes people look at the flowers in a fog, and it has become the most talked about guessing game after dinner.

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Netizens have their own opinions on this, and the comment area is as lively as a pot of boiling eight-treasure porridge.

Some people shook their heads and chanted the modern version of "Slow Voice" with "The wealthy family is a little deeper, and the grievances and hatreds are always difficult to clear", lamenting that the story behind this is even more tortuous and bizarre than the serial.

There are also people who incarnate as inspirational mentors, waving the banner of "self-improvement", warning the sisters to be the queen in their own lives, don't always dream of becoming an accessory in someone's world, after all, the backer will fall, and you won't run by yourself.

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

In this emotional drama of love and hate, intellect and emotion, everyone is a director with their own script, and according to their own understanding and emotional preferences, the story is interpreted as sad or joyful, ironic or warm.

Isn't life the best screenwriter? And we are all trying to play our roles well, even if the lights on the stage are always bright and dark, we must try our best to make our performances lively and interesting, even if it is a little humorous and self-deprecating.

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

A farce, or a revelation of life?

The trajectory of this series of events is comparable to that of a large-scale reality TV show that has been carefully planned, with every turning point filled with jaw-dropping drama and unpredictable uncertainty.

Wang Sicong's choice of silent strategy undoubtedly adds a bit of mystery to this fog, making the whole situation more complex and evocative.

At the same time, Huang Yiming's follow-up movements are like an arrow ready to be fired, firmly attracting the public's attention, and everyone is waiting with bated breath, curious about how this key figure will fall and guide the direction of the situation.

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

However, aside from these disturbing superficial phenomena, this turmoil has profoundly revealed to us a universal truth: in the intricate web of interpersonal communication, in the complex pattern of intertwined interests and emotions, it is particularly important to maintain a clear mind and a firm self-esteem.

This is not only a kind of protection for oneself, but also the foundation of a foothold in the turbulent social arena.

Huang Yiming first exposed the chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter


As for how the final chapter of this series of stories will come to an end, we might as well move our little benches and wait patiently with a peaceful heart, as if we are ready to watch a big drama that is about to kick off.

Life, the greatest screenwriter, has always been able to inadvertently weave a plot that is more wonderful than any script.

As the saying goes, every moment in real life is often more wonderful than the richest human imagination.

So, let's wait for the next surprise of life with curiosity and respect for the unknown.

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