
I can't laugh anymore! The woman's 5-minute smooth delivery, the speed is comparable to brushing Douyin! I laughed in the comment section

author:Mr. Li Technology

Text: Mr. Li Technology

Editor|Mr. Li Technology


In recent years, with the continuous advancement of medical technology, more and more mothers have begun to choose natural delivery. However, in the traditional sense, natural childbirth requires a relatively long delivery process, and many expectant mothers are quite "afraid" of this, and even worry about encountering various difficulties.

Just when everyone was still surprised by a pregnant woman's "lightning birth", an even more bizarre news attracted everyone's attention, only five minutes after the pregnant woman entered the delivery room, she had successfully given birth to her baby.

The whole process is simply too fast and amazing, and the husband of the expectant mother in the video is even more confused, calling himself like a dream.

I can't laugh anymore! The woman's 5-minute smooth delivery, the speed is comparable to brushing Douyin! I laughed in the comment section

1. Lightning birth, five minutes to give birth to a baby

Nowadays, more and more parents-to-be are willing to record the bits and pieces of their lives by shooting videos, and these videos will often become everyone's after-dinner conversation in the future.

Not long ago, a news from Henan Province attracted everyone's attention, and the heroine in the video was an expectant mother who was about to become a mother.

I can't laugh anymore! The woman's 5-minute smooth delivery, the speed is comparable to brushing Douyin! I laughed in the comment section

At that time, the expectant mother was waiting in the delivery room to give birth, and just as the medical staff were about to start delivering the baby, she suddenly felt a sharp pain, and the delivery situation also intensified dramatically.

In the blink of an eye, it only took five minutes for the expectant mother to successfully give birth to her baby, and the whole process was simply too fast and amazing.

I can't laugh anymore! The woman's 5-minute smooth delivery, the speed is comparable to brushing Douyin! I laughed in the comment section
I can't laugh anymore! The woman's 5-minute smooth delivery, the speed is comparable to brushing Douyin! I laughed in the comment section

At that time, the medical staff and family members were stunned, because there was no time to do any preparations, and the husband of the expectant mother was even more confused, calling himself like a dream.

After the incident, the "lightning birth" video of the expectant mother was uploaded to the Internet, which soon sparked heated discussions among the majority of netizens, and everyone expressed their amazement at the physical fitness and fertility of the expectant mother.

I can't laugh anymore! The woman's 5-minute smooth delivery, the speed is comparable to brushing Douyin! I laughed in the comment section

Second, physical fitness and preparation are very important

It is rare for an expectant mother to be able to achieve a "lightning birth", and the reason why she can give birth smoothly in a short period of time is not only the quality of her body, but also inseparable from the usual full preparation.

I can't laugh anymore! The woman's 5-minute smooth delivery, the speed is comparable to brushing Douyin! I laughed in the comment section

First of all, the physical fitness of the expectant mother is very important in the process of natural delivery, the healthier the expectant mother, the smoother the delivery, many people think that the expectant mother can do "lightning birth", it is likely that her physical fitness is particularly good.

I can't laugh anymore! The woman's 5-minute smooth delivery, the speed is comparable to brushing Douyin! I laughed in the comment section

In addition, the life and eating habits of expectant mothers during pregnancy will also have a certain impact on the delivery process, if you can participate in more appropriate exercises and maintain an optimistic mood, then you will get twice the result with half the effort during childbirth.

The doctor also reminds the majority of expectant mothers that although the "lightning birth" may seem magical, in fact, not everyone is suitable for rapid delivery, which often requires the expectant mother and the baby's physical condition to be excellent, and the doctors and medical staff can also respond in time.

I can't laugh anymore! The woman's 5-minute smooth delivery, the speed is comparable to brushing Douyin! I laughed in the comment section

When facing childbirth, the first thing we should do is to fully understand the physical condition of ourselves and your baby, choose a delivery method that suits you, whether it is a natural birth or a caesarean section, the most important thing is to ensure the safety of yourself and your baby.

I can't laugh anymore! The woman's 5-minute smooth delivery, the speed is comparable to brushing Douyin! I laughed in the comment section


I hope that the majority of prospective parents can treat childbirth and keep a normal heart, whether it is pregnancy or childbirth, everyone's experience is unique, and the so-called "rapid baby" is not actually a measure of a person's fertility.

Every expectant mother should respect her own body, but also trust the professional advice of doctors and medical staff, no matter what difficulties will be encountered during childbirth, she must have enough courage and confidence, because in the end, the most important thing is to be able to give birth healthy and safe.