
2025 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Win in Persistence

author:Guanhua composition

2025 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Win in Persistence

Read the material below and write as requested. (60 minutes)

In the movie "Hot and Hot", the extremely obese Du Leying always wanted to win once, but after unremitting struggle, she was defeated in the boxing ring. But she managed to lose weight, she played the whole game, and she thought she had "won".

What kind of feelings and thoughts do the above materials provoke in you? Please write an article on this.

Requirements: choose the right angle, determine the idea, clarify the style, and draft the title; Don't copy, don't plagiarize; Do not divulge personal information; No less than 800 words.

[Essay Title Analysis]: This is a binary speculative material essay.

The material emphasizes two opposing aspects – the objective loss (failure) and the subjective determination of winning (success). However, for the judgment of the nature of a thing, losing (failing) and winning (success) are only relative, not absolute, often there are both losing (failing) and winning (success) sides, and the key to losing or winning lies in how we look at it. Even if the set goal is not achieved, it is also a success to improve yourself in the process of struggle. This proposition has a strong realistic pertinence, and it can also be written in connection with the mock exams, college entrance examinations, and careers after stepping into society.

Key points of review:

(1) The key words of the topic are "lose (failure) and win (success)". Don't change the keywords to "process and result", "persistence", "struggle", etc.

(2) As a binary speculative essay, it is necessary to talk about the relationship between the two, and not to talk about one aspect in isolation, and losing is the premise of defining and analyzing winning.

(3) Raw materials are a transition relationship, so it should focus on forming a positive perception of winning (success).

(4) Winning (success) is manifested in concrete ways, such as the belief motivation to always want to win once, unremitting struggle, success in losing weight, and playing the whole game, and the optimistic and positive spirit honed in the process...... As long as it is subjectively determined, the harvest in the process can be.

[Masterpiece Appreciation]: Defeat yourself, although you lose, you still win

At the end of the movie "Hot and Hot", the defeated Du Le tastes the strong muscles of his arm and smiles like a victor. This scene made me think: why did she think she had "won" when she lost?

Bow your head and think, you know: lose in a strong enemy, win in victory. Although the defeat is still victorious, it is gratifying. Therefore, I wrote down: unremitting struggle and victory over the past self is enough to call "winning"; Dare to face challenges, draw strength from defeat, and "win" even if you "lose".

Winning is the reward of the struggler, the hymn of unremitting struggle to overcome oneself, and the reckless move forward, suddenly looking back, "the light boat has crossed the ten thousand mountains".

Gibran once said, "There is no way to reach the light without going forward in darkness." "Honestly! In the past, Qian Mu studied hard, graduated from middle school but entered Peking University to teach, but became a family of his own, completing the transcendence of the ignorant teenagers in the past; Looking at the present day, Su Bingtian trained hard after realizing the gap with Bolt, rushed into the line of 9.83 seconds, and defeated his former self...... Winning is not the lonely pursuit of defeat of "who is the enemy of the heroes in the world", but gradually grows into the ideal appearance in thousands of games with the former self.

Losing is the gap between people, the glory of defeat under a strong enemy, the sigh of "there are people outside the world", and it is also an opportunity to inject impetus into our progress.

"Both Shengyu and He Shengliang?" Zhou Yu's lament shows the unwillingness of ancient and modern people to lose to strong enemies! But if from another perspective, accept that "there are people outside the world" who may still lose despite their best efforts, then it is better to see the competition with strong enemies as an opportunity to empower yourself. "Hard-working people, the sky is not worth it, lying on the salary and tasting the gall, three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu!" Goujian, the king of Yue, was defeated by Wu, but he did not decline from then on, but sharpened his will and accumulated strength in the pain and suffering, and finally destroyed Wu in one fell swoop. Losing is not a shame for your subordinates, but a prelude to accumulating strength and constantly improving!

From this point of view, winning and losing are not diametrically opposed as in the mindset, but like two strong winds, pushing our sails forward through the waves. Sometimes we have to accept the reality that "skills are not as good as others", but draw direction and energy from losing, so as to constantly improve ourselves, just like Du Leying, beyond the old self. Believe it, winning is the inevitable result of unremitting struggle, and losing is also the prologue to winning.

The silver saddle shines on the white horse, and the streamer reflects the iron coat. Our generation of young people is working hard. When setting sail, when moving forward and surpassing oneself. However, some people may be temporarily behind the competition and stop moving. Only by correctly and positively understanding winning and losing, surpassing oneself in winning, and drawing strength from losing, can we become a promising youth in the new era!

Defeat yourself, even if you lose, you still win. Victory is the mountain, and drawing strength from defeat is the guide. Climbing the mountain is cited, and the majestic mountain is known. Actively face wins and losses, in order to go to the mountains and snow, and the candle is in the south!

2025 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Win in Persistence

[Masterpiece Appreciation]: The contest between fat and will

In the movie "Hot and Hot", the image of Du Leying is like a mirror, reflecting our innermost struggles and desires. Her fat body is not only a compromise of life, but also a challenge to fate. Her surging determination burned like a boiling flame in her path.

In the boxing ring, every time Du Leying threw a fist, it was filled with heavy sweat and tears. The fat body seems to have become an obstacle to her progress, and every time she falls, it makes people feel distressed. However, she did not give up because of this, and the hot will, like her name, did not flinch in the dictionary.

In life, why is this not the case? In the face of adversity, we often feel powerless, and sometimes we are even knocked down. But as long as there is light in our hearts, we have the strength to stand up. Du Leying's story makes us understand that winning does not lie in the evaluation of others, but in our own hearts.

When she stood in the ring, despite her eventual defeat, she earned respect and earned herself. The smile after successful weight loss is like the sun shining on the earth, which makes people happy. She tells us with her actions that life is like a marathon, not about speed, but about perseverance.

The story of Du Leying reminds me of a word - perseverance. It's the power to persevere no matter what situation you're in. As she said, "I've won." "Because she has overcome herself, over the obstacle that she once thought was insurmountable.

In life, we will always encounter difficulties that make us feel helpless. But as long as there is love and dreams in our hearts, we can find the motivation to move forward. Just like Du Leying, she used sweat and tears to create her own legend.

In these times of challenges and opportunities, it is this indomitable spirit that we need. Let us take Du Leying as an example, bravely face the challenges of life, and write our own wonderful chapter with a hot will.

The contest between fat and will allows us to see the true meaning of life. In this world, nothing can stop us from moving forward unless we give up first. Let us work together to pursue the dream that belongs to us with a firm will and burning passion.

The story of Toh Lok Ying is like a legend that inspires us to keep moving forward. She made us understand that life is like a marathon, not about speed, but about persistence. As long as we have light in our hearts, we can overcome all difficulties and move towards the other side of success.

Let us remember the spirit of Du Leying and carry out the hot will to the end. On this long road of life, let us move forward bravely, fearless challenges, and use sweat and tears to water our own glory.

[Masterpiece Appreciation]: Win in persistence

In the movie "Hot and Hot", Du Leying, an extremely obese woman, her image is like a mirror, reflecting the deep fears and desires in our hearts. Her distorted body seemed to carry all the pain and injustice in the world, and her determined eyes seemed to reveal endless hope and strength.

Du Leying has always wanted to win once, and this "win" may be a challenge to her fate, a catharsis of life pressure, or an affirmation of self-worth. She chose boxing, a sport full of passion and power, and she wanted to find her own light in the ring. However, the reality is always cruel, and she was defeated in the competition, but she was not discouraged by this, but instead strengthened her beliefs.

After unremitting struggle, Du Leying finally succeeded in losing weight. We can't imagine how much pain and frustration she has experienced in the process. But what we can imagine is how she used firm faith and tenacious perseverance to overcome her inner fear and external pressure on every difficult day. When she stood in the ring and fought the entire match, she thought she had "won."

It is a love of life, respect for self, and persistence in dreams. Although she did not win the competition, she won herself, earned her dignity, and won the most precious treasure in her life. This is Du Leying, an ordinary and extraordinary woman, whose story tells us that life is like a race, not caring whether you can win the championship, but whether you try your best to fight and whether you are brave enough to face the challenges of life.

In life, we will always encounter all kinds of difficulties and setbacks, and we may feel pain and despair because of them, but we can't give up because of them. As Du Leying said, "I have already won." This sentence tells us that winning is not the evaluation of others, but the satisfaction and affirmation of one's own heart. As long as we do our best, we are successful no matter what the outcome is.

In this era of challenges and opportunities, it is this spirit of perseverance that we need. Whether in our careers or in our daily lives, we must have the courage to face difficulties and have the perseverance to overcome setbacks. Only in this way can we walk out of our own wonderful chapter on the road of life.

Let us learn from Du Leying, bravely pursue our dreams, persevere to the end, and be fearless of the ups and downs of life. As long as we have love and dreams in our hearts, we can find our own light in every corner of life.

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