
Laughing numb! The first debate of the U.S. presidential election, personal attacks on each other! It's comparable to scolding the street in a vegetable market!

author:A city of mountains and rivers

Gee, that's a lot of fun.

Last night, on the TV screen in the United States, a debate competition turned into a hawking contest in the vegetable market.

Our current President Uncle Biden and former President Uncle Trump are called a verbal sword, and you come and go, it's like two old neighbors fighting for the price of cabbage.


The debate turned into a "spray-to-face" conference

Having said that, these two people, one representing the Democratic Party and the other representing the Republican Party, should be there to talk and discuss national affairs, and what is the result? It directly became a "mutual spray" conference.

As soon as Uncle Biden opened his mouth, the words were like falling apart, one sentence from east to west, which made people scratch their heads.

Uncle Trump is not to be outdone, he dares to say anything, the economy, abortion, and NATO are all involved, and he also told a little lie, which can make the American media catch it right.

Laughing numb! The first debate of the U.S. presidential election, personal attacks on each other! It's comparable to scolding the street in a vegetable market!

Atmosphere: Sparks fly

There was a spark flying at the debate scene, and the two people didn't shake hands as soon as they came up, which was rare before.

But think about it, now these two people are holding their breath in their hearts, and shaking hands is probably a waste of time.

During the debate, Uncle Trump was full of firepower and attacked Uncle Biden, saying that he was an accomplice to "immigration crimes", and that he opened the doors of the mental hospital, allowing a bunch of people to pour into the United States.

Laughing numb! The first debate of the U.S. presidential election, personal attacks on each other! It's comparable to scolding the street in a vegetable market!

Uncle Biden did not show weakness, and he fought back mercilessly.

He pointed to Uncle Trump and said, "You are a "convicted felon" with a "felony."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene instantly seemed to explode, and the audience was so excited that they almost stood up and applauded.

Laughing numb! The first debate of the U.S. presidential election, personal attacks on each other! It's comparable to scolding the street in a vegetable market!

Trump's red tie vs. Biden's "robotic" mode

Speaking of which, I have to mention Uncle Trump's red tie, which is as bright as a red scarf, which is particularly eye-catching.

During the debate, Uncle Biden's performance was a bit interesting, he almost didn't blink the whole time, like a robot.

American netizens joked that Uncle Biden took some kind of medicine, and his eyes could last so long without blinking.

And he also rejected the drug test before the debate, which makes it even more thought-provoking.

Laughing numb! The first debate of the U.S. presidential election, personal attacks on each other! It's comparable to scolding the street in a vegetable market!

Expert's perspective: Rhetoric and mental state in focus

The experts could not sit still and began to analyze the rhetorical abilities and mental states of the two candidates.

Uncle Trump's quick response and sharp words make people see his momentum and confidence; And Uncle Biden's disorganized and occasional incoherence has led some to doubt his health.

However, some people believe that Uncle Biden's style is actually a kind of pro-people performance, which makes people feel that he is more down-to-earth.

Laughing numb! The first debate of the U.S. presidential election, personal attacks on each other! It's comparable to scolding the street in a vegetable market!

Regardless, the debate is over, but it leaves American voters with food for thought far from over.

Voters have to consider not only the candidates' policy propositions, but also their personal qualities and leadership skills.

After all, the next president's term will determine the direction of the United States in the coming years.

Laughing numb! The first debate of the U.S. presidential election, personal attacks on each other! It's comparable to scolding the street in a vegetable market!

As for who will have the last laugh between Uncle Trump and Uncle Biden, it depends on the choice of voters.

However, one thing is certain, this presidential election will definitely be a tough battle.

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