
Burst! India's "Chandrayaan-4" will land on the moon for sampling, and netizens exclaimed: Science fiction has come true!

author:A city of mountains and rivers

Speaking of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), that's not an easy one.

Recently, their boss, S. Somanath, the president of ISRO, brought earth-shattering news to the big guys: Chandrayaan-4, the highly-anticipated lunar probe, is gearing up for an unprecedented adventure - bringing the soil on the moon home!


If it happens, it will be a big step in the history of space exploration in India, and a small step in space travel for all mankind.

Brother Somanath said that the goal of Chandrayaan-4 mission is to go to those precious samples on the surface of the moon.

However, this is not easy, after all, the moon is far away from our earth, and the environment on the moon is very different from that on the earth, and sandstorms and other things are common.

But the Indians are so energetic, they are known for being able to bear hardships and stand hard work, and they have a lot of ideas, so they can't stop them with any problems.

Burst! India's "Chandrayaan-4" will land on the moon for sampling, and netizens exclaimed: Science fiction has come true!

Having said that, the mission of this Chandrayaan-4 is not as simple as bringing some souvenirs.

This time, the Indians are going to play big, they are going to divide Chandrayaan-4 into several pieces and send them into space, and then assemble them in space into a complete probe.

Why? It turns out that although India's current rockets are powerful, they are not good enough to send such a big guy to the moon in one go.

So, they had to come up with a new trick, and no, space docking technology was put on the agenda.

Burst! India's "Chandrayaan-4" will land on the moon for sampling, and netizens exclaimed: Science fiction has come true!

It is said that this technology will be tested later this year in a mission called Spadex, when we will be able to see the "LEGO show" in space.

However, after the news spread, it was lively on the Internet.

Netizens have turned on their own brain hole mode, and some said: "Indians are going to heaven, maybe next time they want to go to the sun at night!" Someone else said, "Is India going to turn the stones on the moon into precious stones this time?" ”

Burst! India's "Chandrayaan-4" will land on the moon for sampling, and netizens exclaimed: Science fiction has come true!

Of course, there are also many netizens who think this is quite reliable.

They said, "What can't the Indians do with all this energy?" Chandrayaan-4, let's wait and see! ”

Burst! India's "Chandrayaan-4" will land on the moon for sampling, and netizens exclaimed: Science fiction has come true!

Speaking of which, we also have to mention that India's Chandrayaan-4 mission this time is not alone.

They have hooked up with Japan's JAXA, the United States' NASA and the European Space Agency, and this lunar exploration is simply an international version of the "Space Alliance".

Having said that, the Chandrayaan-4 mission is not only a space expedition for India, but also a comprehensive test of its own space science and technology strength.

Burst! India's "Chandrayaan-4" will land on the moon for sampling, and netizens exclaimed: Science fiction has come true!

Brother Somanat said that the detailed study and internal review of this mission have been completed, and then we will wait for the government's green light, and then it will soar into the sky!

The story of Chandrayaan-4 is like the Indian version of "Star Wars", full of unknowns and challenges.

But in any case, this is another step forward in the exploration of the mysteries of the universe.

Let's wait and see if India's Chandrayaan-4 can tell the story of the moon to the world.

Burst! India's "Chandrayaan-4" will land on the moon for sampling, and netizens exclaimed: Science fiction has come true!

As for whether the Indians will actually go to the sun at night, let's not think about it yet, after all, it will have to wait until the sun rises!

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