
When encircling and annihilating Huang Baitao, which columns were serving as reinforcements? Who are the commanders

author:Sports billion u one oh i

When encircling and annihilating Huang Baitao, which columns were serving as reinforcements? Who are the commanders

The hero's last battle

In the autumn of 1948, just as the decisive battle between Huang Baitao's corps and the Huaye Army was about to start, Chiang Kai-shek, who was far away in Xuzhou, was full of lead and worried. He knew very well that once Huang Baitao's corps was destroyed, the entire Central China battlefield would definitely fall into a crisis. But he also understands that time is running out to save Huang Baitao.

"When you go to Xuzhou, you must relieve the siege of Huang Baitao. I've got the plane ready for you, and you'll be there tonight, every second counts. Chiang Kai-shek spoke resolutely to Du Yuming, who was about to go to the front. Although this general was from a ragtag background, he must be the first in every battle, especially in the Battle of Menglianggu in order to save Zhang Lingfu's troops, and the heroic courage of seeing death as if he were at home made Chiang Kai-shek's heart that was quite prejudiced against him in the past suddenly changed.

Du Yuming hurriedly issued an order to immediately mobilize Qiu Qingquan's 2nd Corps and Li Mi's 13th Corps to march eastward and rush to the Nianzhuang area in an attempt to break the siege and rescue Huang Baitao. But just as Qiu and Li were trying their best to move forward, they were blocked by the Huaye army. In the fierce firefight, until Huang Baitao's corps was destroyed, they could not break through the encirclement, and could only witness Huang Baitao's heroic righteousness.

Which columns were responsible for this reinforcement mission? Who are their commanders? What kind of brilliant achievements did these heroic officers achieve in the War of Liberation? Let's go through them one by one.

When encircling and annihilating Huang Baitao, which columns were serving as reinforcements? Who are the commanders

The first was the Seventh Column of the Second Red Army, whose commander Cheng Jun and Hubei Shishou were also. The general joined the Red Army as a teenager and fought throughout most of China under the command of He Long. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he once again served as the New Fourth Army with Chen Yi and fought to the death against the Japanese invaders. During the War of Liberation, he participated in many major battles such as the Soviet-Chinese Campaign, the Subei Campaign, the Menglianggu Campaign, and the Huaihai Campaign, and made great achievements, and was finally promoted to lieutenant general in 1955.

Let's talk about Commander Song Shilun of the 10th Column of the Red Second Army. This general is a native of Liling, Hunan Province, and graduated from the fifth phase of the Whampoa Military Academy. He has been invincible all his life, and is especially known for his good help. In the Laiwu Campaign, the Lunan Campaign, the Kaifeng Campaign, and the Suiqi Campaign, his main task was to provide fire support, and he was able to successfully complete it every time, winning the reputation of "the artillery platoon does not move, it must be ten columns". This time, in the battle to block the two corps of Qiu and Li, he commanded the three columns responsible for reinforcements in a unified manner, and successfully blocked the enemy less than 15 kilometers away from Nian Zhuang, thus making a great contribution to the total annihilation of Huang Baitao's corps.

Finally, there was Commander Hu Bingyun of the 11th Column of the Second Red Army, a native of Nanchong, Sichuan, who served as a soldier in the Sichuan Army in his early years and only joined the Red Army in 1932. During the Long March, he served as the company commander of the Red Sixth Company, and led the death squad to break through the dangerous Lazikou in one fell swoop, so the division commander personally awarded him the title of "Battle Hero". After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the captain of the first brigade of the Sulu-Henan detachment, and repeatedly fought fiercely with the Japanese puppet army in the area of Jinpu Road and Longhai Road, which was so fierce and abnormal that even the puppet army spread the saying that "the sky is not afraid of the earth, and the earth is not afraid, but I am afraid of meeting Boss Hu". In the War of Liberation, he made new contributions and was promoted to major general in 1955.

The three generals were either born in the military or from civilians, but without exception, they all experienced countless life and death tests in the revolutionary war and grew into steely combat heroes. When Huang Baitao's corps was in danger, they resolutely rushed to the front line, and with true loyalty and courage, they can be called a model of forgetting life and death.

However, even if they did their best, they still failed to save Huang Baitao at a critical moment. Under the circumstance of the huge disparity between the forces of the enemy and us, Huang Baitao bravely took up the righteousness and made the final sacrifice for the cause of liberation. Although this battle ended in failure, the heroic deeds of the commanders of the three columns added supreme glory to this period of history. They not only bravely killed the enemy on the battlefield, but also interpreted the noble character of communist fighters with their practical actions.

When encircling and annihilating Huang Baitao, which columns were serving as reinforcements? Who are the commanders

Over the years, although Huang Baitao's name has gradually been forgotten, heroes like Sungjun, Song Shilun, and Hu Bingyun are still admired by future generations. Their revolutionary spirit of forging ahead without fear of sacrifice is undoubtedly a powerful driving force that inspires future generations to forge ahead. Even today, they are a good example for Communists to follow.

We should remember that behind the last battle of Huang Baitao's regiment, there is still such a group of real heroes who are fighting tenaciously. With their blood and lives, they wrote an unforgettable and magnificent chapter in the history of the Chinese revolution. Their stories deserve to be remembered and celebrated forever, and their spirit will always inspire us and guide us in the direction we go.

After Huang Baitao bravely took up his righteousness, the three columns to which the Red Second Army belonged played an important role. They paid a great price in this crucial battle, but they failed to rescue Huang Baitao after all. Still, their heroic deeds are moving.

These three column commanders were all admirable revolutionary ancestors. Some of them came from military families, and some came from ordinary people, but in the end they all embarked on the road of fighting for the communist cause. In the rain of bullets, they never flinched, but always charged forward, looking at death as home.

General Cheng Jun followed Marshal He Long all his life, showed his edge on the Long March, and then made great achievements in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. He is good at strategy, decisive in battle, and has repeatedly performed miraculous feats. He must also be heartbroken for the failure to defend Huang Baitao this time. But he knew that the revolutionary cause had no end and that he had to persevere in the struggle to the end.

When encircling and annihilating Huang Baitao, which columns were serving as reinforcements? Who are the commanders

General Song Shilun was known for his ability to send reinforcements. In many major battles, he always charged into battle, establishing the undefeated prestige of the Red Second Army. Although he failed to rescue Huang Baitao this time, he still played a key role, and with excellent skills and courage, he insisted on blocking the enemy until the last moment. His deeds are enough for future generations to learn.

General Hu Bingyun went through countless tests of life and death in the revolutionary war. From the Battle of Lazikou in the Long March, to the fierce battles along Jinpu Road and Longhai Road during the Anti-Japanese War, and then to the successive successes of the Liberation War, he has all shown extraordinary courage and combat effectiveness. It was with such a brave and good commander that the 11th Column of the Red Second Army was able to bravely kill the enemy in the Battle of Huang Baitao, and although it failed to break the siege, it also created a terrifying record.

It can be said that in the final decisive battle of Huang Baitao's corps, although these three column commanders failed to save Huang Baitao, their heroic deeds of fighting bloody battles and treating death as if they were at home will surely be forever recorded in the annals of history and become an indelible glory in the history of revolutionary warfare. They used their lives to interpret the persistent pursuit of ideals and the boundless loyalty of communist fighters to the motherland.

This revolutionary spirit and this fearless spirit of sacrificing oneself for others are undoubtedly models for future generations to follow. We should keep their stories firmly in mind, let their heroic deeds be passed on from generation to generation, and inspire countless future generations to make unremitting efforts to realize the ideals of communism. Only in this way can we better cherish the memory of the martyrs, defend the revolutionary cause, and promote the prosperity and strength of the motherland.