
Go all the way! Before June was over, 5 celebrities passed away one after another, and some people died too suddenly at the age of 68

author:Sports billion u one oh i

Go all the way! Before June was over, 5 celebrities passed away one after another, and some people died too suddenly at the age of 68

All the way, all the way, the song of life

The ultimate destination of life is nothingness, but that doesn't mean that our existence is in vain. In a limited life, everyone is trying their best to pursue their own meaning in life. Some people have left immortal footprints in the palace of art, some have opened a new era in the field of science, and some have lit countless lamps of life in teaching and educating people. They interpret in their own way what a worthy life is.

In June 2023, in the scorching summer season, five outstanding seniors passed away one after another. Wang Tiecheng, Song Xinqi, Wang Yongzhi, Li Chuanrong, Chen Alcohol, although the length of their lives is not the same, each of them has left an indelible mark in their respective fields. They are either giants in the film and television industry, or founders of science and education, or pioneers of the aerospace industry, and their departure has made countless people deeply regret and remember.

Mr. Wang Tiecheng has made great achievements in his acting career, and has interpreted the image of Premier Zhou Enlai with his superb acting skills, leaving an unforgettable impression on the audience. Mr. Song Xinqi has devoted his life to the field of chemistry education and cultivated many outstanding chemistry talents, and his influence is still there. As one of the pioneers of the mainland's manned space industry, Mr. Wang Yongzhi led the team to carry out a series of outstanding research and development work, and made great contributions to the development of the country. As the founder of the ground system of remote sensing satellites, Mr. Li Chuanrong has played a key role in the progress of China's remote sensing technology. As one of the first broadcast directors in the country, Mr. Chen has touched generations of audiences with his magnetic voice. These seniors have not only achieved outstanding achievements in their respective fields, but also interpreted what a worthy life is with their lives.

One generation goes, one generation comes. As Xue Rengui said in "The Teacher's Table": "The future is terrifying, and I don't know if the future is not now." Every era has its own heroes, who may not be known to the world, but who are silently dedicating their strength. It is these silent dedication of the predecessors that paved the way for the prosperity we can enjoy today. We should be grateful, strive to learn from their spirit, and contribute our own strength to the future of the motherland.

Go all the way! Before June was over, 5 celebrities passed away one after another, and some people died too suddenly at the age of 68

Mr. Wang Tiecheng, the memory of an era

In 1935, Wang Tiecheng was born in Xuchang, Henan. Born into an ordinary peasant family, he showed superhuman talents from an early age. In 1956, he was admitted to the Performance Department of the Central Academy of Drama and began his glorious acting career.

During his time at the Central Academy of Drama, Wang Tiecheng's acting talent was fully developed. His excellent acting skills and solid fundamentals have allowed him to stand out and become the best of the academy. After graduation, Wang Tiecheng entered the film crew and began his indissoluble bond with the screen.

In 1978, Wang Tiecheng ushered in a turning point in his life. At that time, the tide of reform and opening up was surging, and a wave of re-understanding of history was set off in China. At this time, the film director decided to shoot a film "The River Flows" that reflected the life of Premier Zhou Enlai, and invited Wang Tiecheng to play the role of Premier Zhou. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge, because the image of Zhou Enlai has never appeared in the film before.

In the face of this heavy responsibility, Wang Tiecheng was very excited. He immediately asked his superiors for instructions, and finally got approval to successfully participate in the film. During the filming, he carefully studied the character traits of the prime minister, studied the lines diligently, and used his acting skills to perfectly restore the image of this great man. After watching the movie, the audience was all moved and highly praised Wang Tiecheng's excellent performance.

Go all the way! Before June was over, 5 celebrities passed away one after another, and some people died too suddenly at the age of 68

In 1992, Wang Tiecheng starred again in Premier Zhou Enlai's biographical film "Zhou Enlai". This film shows the prime minister's personality and thoughts more deeply, and Wang Tiecheng's acting skills are more skillful, making the audience feel as if they have seen the prime minister himself. He not only grasped the demeanor and tone of the prime minister, but also vividly presented his noble thoughts and lofty moral character. After watching the movie, many viewers did not know whether they were watching the movie or talking to the prime minister himself.

It is Wang Tiecheng's exquisite performance skills that have allowed generations of audiences to experience the demeanor of Premier Zhou Enlai. He has not only become a representative actor who has created the image of this great man, but also a memory of the times. His departure has made countless people feel sad and reluctant. As an artist of a generation, Wang Tiecheng interprets what a valuable life is in his own way. His spirit will forever serve as a model for future generations to follow.

Mr. Song Xinqi, peach and plum are all over the world

In 1946, a young man was admitted to the Department of Chemistry of Tsinghua University. This young man is Song Xinqi. In the following decades, Mr. Song Xinqi devoted all his energy to the cause of chemistry and became one of the founders of chemistry education in mainland China.

Go all the way! Before June was over, 5 celebrities passed away one after another, and some people died too suddenly at the age of 68

During her studies at Tsinghua University, Song Xinqi showed extraordinary talent and enthusiasm for learning. With his outstanding academic performance, he successfully completed his undergraduate studies and was appreciated by his supervisor, Academician Feng Xinde, and became a graduate student. From then on, he began to study chemistry in depth.

In 1952, under the arrangement of the state, Song Xinqi officially entered the field of teaching and began his long teaching career. In his teaching work, he found that chemistry requires not only theoretical knowledge, but also hands-on practice. As a result, he began to reform his teaching methods and focus on cultivating students' practical skills. This unique teaching method has laid the foundation for the development of the Department of Chemistry at Tsinghua University.

In terms of scientific research, Song Xinqi has also made outstanding contributions. He has made remarkable achievements in the fields of laser-induced fluorescence, multi-channel detection technology, and photochromic system. These innovative studies have greatly promoted the development of chemistry.

However, Mr. Song Xinqi is not limited to his own research field, he is more concerned about the popularization of chemistry education. He edited the "Approaching Chemistry Series" to help students better understand chemistry. Under the influence of Mr. Song, many students have developed a strong interest in chemistry and choose chemistry as their major direction

Go all the way! Before June was over, 5 celebrities passed away one after another, and some people died too suddenly at the age of 68

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Academician Wang Yongzhi is a pioneer of the aerospace industry

Academician Wang Yongzhi, one of the pioneers of China's manned space industry, has made outstanding contributions in the field of aerospace. He was born in a poor family, but with his diligence and talent, he left an indelible mark on the aerospace industry.

Wang Yongzhi has shown excellent learning talent since he was a child, and he has always been at the top of the school. After graduating from high school, he enrolled in an aircraft design major to realize his dream of building an airplane. Later, he was sent to the Moscow Aviation Institute for further study, but in response to the call of the state, he finally chose the unfamiliar field of rocket and missile design.

Go all the way! Before June was over, 5 celebrities passed away one after another, and some people died too suddenly at the age of 68

After returning from Moscow, Wang Yongzhi devoted himself to the development of China's first self-designed rocket. Since then, he has participated in the design of 6 types of strategic and tactical rockets, 2 types of carrier rockets and the "Shenzhou" series of spacecraft. It can be said that Academician Wang Yongzhi's footprints have covered all important aspects of China's aerospace industry.

Even though he has retired, in the face of the needs of the motherland, Wang Yongzhi is still duty-bound to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the manned space project. Under his leadership, China's aerospace industry has made breakthrough progress one after another. In 1992, the mainland sent humans into space for the first time, which was undoubtedly the greatest achievement of Academician Wang's life.

Netizens commented on Academician Wang Yongzhi as "the backbone of the nation and the pride of the country". He dedicated his life to the aerospace industry and achieved world-renowned achievements. Even after his death, his spirit will surely inspire generations of astronauts to make unremitting efforts for the take-off of the motherland.

Mr. Li Chuanrong is the founder of remote sensing

Go all the way! Before June was over, 5 celebrities passed away one after another, and some people died too suddenly at the age of 68

As one of the founders of the ground system of mainland remote sensing satellites, Mr. Li Chuanrong has played a key role in the development of China's remote sensing industry. His death is undoubtedly a great loss in the field of remote sensing.

During his lifetime, Li Chuanrong devoted himself to promoting the construction of the ground system of the mainland's remote sensing satellites. Under his leadership, the mainland has not only established its own ground system for small satellite constellations, but also has a high-resolution remote sensing comprehensive calibration field. These achievements have greatly enhanced the level of remote sensing satellite technology on the mainland and made important contributions to the development of the motherland.

As an important part of modern science and technology, remote sensing technology plays a key role in many fields such as land planning, resource exploration, and agricultural production. As the founder of this field, Mr. Li Chuanrong has undoubtedly made great contributions. His death has undoubtedly cast a shadow on the entire remote sensing industry, but we should cherish his memory with gratitude, and strive to learn from his spirit to promote the continuous progress of China's remote sensing technology.

Mr. Chen Alcohol is an artist of sound

Go all the way! Before June was over, 5 celebrities passed away one after another, and some people died too suddenly at the age of 68

For many, Mr. Chen's voice is a memory of their childhood. As one of the first batch of broadcast directors in the country, Mr. Chen Alcohol has brought countless unforgettable works to the audience with his magnetic voice.

In 1954, Mr. Chen Alcohol broadcast the first constitution for everyone, which is undoubtedly an extremely glorious work, but it is also a heavy burden. In the decades since, his voice has narrowed the distance with the audience again and again, and has become a lingering memory in the hearts of countless people.

Mr. Chen has not only made outstanding achievements in the field of broadcasting, but also made achievements in the entertainment industry. He has hosted many popular novels and has become an unforgettable voice in the hearts of generations. Countless viewers have been immersed in his emotional voice and immersed in the plot of the story.

As a titan in the broadcasting industry, Mr. Chen is undoubtedly extraordinary. His death is undoubtedly a great loss for the broadcasting career. But we should miss him with gratitude and thank him for the wonderful performances he has brought us over the years. His voice and spirit will surely become a model for future generations to learn from.

Go all the way! Before June was over, 5 celebrities passed away one after another, and some people died too suddenly at the age of 68

June's departure will be forever missed

June 2023 is destined to be an extraordinary month. In this short period of time, we have successively lost a generation of outstanding predecessors such as Wang Tiecheng, Song Xinqi, Wang Yongzhi, Li Chuanrong and Chen Alcohol. They are either giants in the film and television industry, or founders of science and education, or pioneers of the aerospace industry, but they all interpret what a valuable life is in their own unique ways.

The death of these predecessors has undoubtedly cast a shadow on our times. But we should remember them with gratitude and learn from their spirit. It is these silent dedication predecessors that have created the prosperity we enjoy today. We should cherish the precious legacy they left behind and contribute our own strength to the future of the motherland.

Life is like a song, and perhaps the ending is destined to be nothing, but in a limited life, everyone is writing their own chapter in their own way. Wang Tiecheng, Song Xinqi, Wang Yongzhi, Li Chuanrong, Chen Alcohol, they interpret what is a valuable life in their own way. We are deeply saddened by their loss, but their spirit will always be our driving force. Let us follow their example and contribute our part to the great rejuvenation of the motherland.