
90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

author:Extraordinary elves
90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

Text/Extraordinary Elves

Edit/Extraordinary Elves

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?


Think about it, the meadow 90 years ago is really chilling! When the Red Army was on the Long March, this meadow was like a monster with a bloody mouth, devouring countless heroic lives. But now? What has become of it? Let's take a look at this thrilling history and see the vicissitudes of this grassland.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

The Red Army's Long March: A life-and-death struggle on the meadow

Speaking of the Red Army's Long March, it is really a blood-boiling history! In order to get rid of the encirclement and suppression of the Kuomintang army, the Red Army resolutely embarked on this arduous long march of 10,000 miles. Along the way, they climbed snow-capped mountains and crossed grasslands in order to find a new base and continue the revolutionary cause.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

But who would have thought that what awaited them would be a huge "death trap"! The Red Army came to the Songpan steppe in Sichuan. This seemingly flat meadow actually hides murderous motives, and it is simply a devilish place that "eats people and does not spit out bones"!

Imagine that you are walking on a seemingly flat meadow, and suddenly your feet fall and the whole person is engulfed! This was the situation faced by the soldiers of the Red Army in those years. The Songpan grassland looks green, but in fact it is full of bottomless swamps. If you're not careful, you could stay here forever.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

Not only that, but the weather in this meadow is particularly "naughty". The sun is still hot in the morning, it may rain heavily at noon, and there will be a snowstorm at night! This capricious weather could choke the Red Army soldiers.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

What's worse is that there's nothing to eat here. The Red Army had long since run out of food, and could only satisfy its hunger by chewing belts and gnawing on tree bark. Some of the fighters were so hungry that they even gnawed on their shoes! Can you imagine that feeling of despair? It took the Red Army seven days to cross the meadow. The suffering they endured during these seven days is beyond words.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

Some of the warriors collapsed on the road from hunger and disease and never got back up; Some people accidentally fall into the swamp and are swallowed up without even having a chance to struggle; Others were frozen, cold corpses...

Even Comrade Zhou Enlai almost stayed on this grassland forever. It is said that at that time, he almost fainted in the swamp due to physical exhaustion. Fortunately, a comrade-in-arms found him in time and rescued him. This history is really poignant! The soldiers of the Red Army could sacrifice even their lives for the revolutionary cause without hesitation. Their spirit is truly worth remembering forever.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

90 years of vicissitudes

Time flies, 90 years have passed. What has become of the "man-eating" grassland back then? You may not believe it, but this meadow, which once made the Red Army soldiers smell and change, has now become a beautiful tourist attraction! That's right, just like you think, there are many tourists who come here to sightsee!

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

This is not a miracle, but the result of the hard work of the government and the local people after the founding of the People's Republic of China. They have carried out large-scale remediation of the grasslands, built drainage canals, planted plants that absorb water, and changed the way of life of local herders.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

After 74 years of unremitting efforts, today's Ruoergai grassland and Riganqiao swamp have changed greatly. Those swamps that once devoured life are now lush meadows. Where it was once difficult to walk an inch, the road is now paved with a smooth road.

What is even more touching is that on this grassland, there is a "China's first golden monument". This golden monument not only commemorates the Red Army soldiers who died here, but also symbolizes the rejuvenation and rebirth of the Chinese nation.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

Red tourism boom

Now this meadow has become a popular spot for red tourism. Every year, a large number of tourists come here to reminisce about history and remember the martyrs. Tourists can visit the Red Army Long March Memorial Hall and learn about the heroic deeds of the Red Army soldiers. You can also experience the simulated "crossing the meadow" activity and feel the hardships of the Red Army soldiers in those years.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

After visiting, some tourists sighed: "Standing on this grass, thinking about what happened to the Red Army soldiers 90 years ago, and then looking at the current scene, it is really emotional!" Indeed, standing on this grass, it seems that you can hear the footsteps of the Red Army soldiers 90 years ago, and feel their determination to sacrifice for the sake of ideals and beliefs. This spirit is always worth learning and inheriting.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

The story of this meadow doesn't end there. In recent years, due to climate change and overgrazing, the Songpan grassland has faced new challenges. Dust storms and grassland degradation have become new "enemies". If left unchecked, this hard-won beauty of the grassland may turn into a "death trap" again.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

Fortunately, the government and the local people did not sit idly by. They have taken a series of ecological restoration measures, such as limiting the number of grazing and planting plants to prevent wind and fix sand. These measures have achieved remarkable results, and the ecological environment of the grasslands is gradually improving.

A local herdsman said: "We must be as brave as our ancestors of the Red Army and not flinch in the face of difficulties. Protecting this grassland is not only for ourselves, but also for future generations. "

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

Revelations of history

Looking back at this history and looking at the changes today, what can we learn? We must always remember those martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the revolutionary cause. It was they who exchanged their lives for the happy life we have today. We should cherish the hard-won years of peace and continue to contribute to the development of the country.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

We must learn to be as resilient as the Red Army soldiers. You see, they didn't give up in the face of such a difficult situation back then, and finally overcame many difficulties. This spirit is equally important in our lives now. When we encounter difficulties, think about those Red Army soldiers, what reason do we have to give up lightly?

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

This meadow is the "land of death" that everyone avoids, but now? It has become a place that many people want to go! I heard that a large number of tourists come here every year to "re-walk the Long March Road". They put on Red Army uniforms, packed their bags, and experienced the hardships of the Red Army soldiers of those years. Although it is an "experience", it is a world of difference compared to back then!

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

Now on the "Long March" road, there are tour guides to explain in detail, guides to escort, and emergency rescue is on standby at any time. If you are tired, you can take a sightseeing bus, and when you are hungry and thirsty, you can have dry food and mineral water... This treatment is simply incomparable with the Red Army soldiers back then!

It is precisely because of this personal experience that many people truly understand the difficulties of the Red Army in those years. A young man who participated in the "Re-walking the Long March" activity said: "After completing the journey, I realized what it means to 'gamble on your life at every step'. Now when I see the deeds of the Red Army, I feel completely different. "

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

The grassland is now also attracting many researchers. They study grassland ecology and explore ways to live in harmony with nature. What was once a "death trap" has become a hot spot for scientific research. This grassland carries not only a piece of history, but also a spirit. It tells us that as long as we have faith, we can overcome even the most difficult situations; As long as you work hard, even the barren land can be turned into fertile soil.

90 years have passed, what is the "cannibalistic" grassland of the Red Army's Long March?

I believe that this grassland will become more and more beautiful. Perhaps one day, it will become a world-class eco-tourism destination, allowing more people to understand the history of China and feel the charm of nature. But no matter what it becomes, one thing will never change: the spirit of the Red Army it carries. This spirit will always inspire us