
Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

author:Extraordinary elves
Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Text/Extraordinary Elves

Edit/Extraordinary Elves

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Red genes? inexistent

Cai Xiaohong, when you hear this name, you know that he is a master with a background. That's right, he is the "third generation of red" in the middle of the year. His grandparents are all old comrades of the underground party, and they have made great contributions to our new China. His father Cai Cheng is even more powerful and has served as the Minister of Justice!

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

It stands to reason that such a family background has been exposed to it since childhood, and patriotic genes should be engraved in the bones. But who would have thought that this "red third generation" has become a sinner through the ages, and he has lost the face of his ancestors!

Speaking of Cai Xiaohong's "great achievements", we have to start with Hong Kong's return to the motherland. China and the UK began negotiations on Hong Kong. This is a major matter concerning national sovereignty, and the negotiation process will naturally be full of twists and turns. The British are not willing to give up Hong Kong to the United States, and they do everything they can to reap more benefits.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

At this juncture, Cai Xiaohong was sent to the Xinhua News Agency branch in Hong Kong as deputy director. It's a good thing that I came into contact with a lot of confidential information at once. Who knows, this will become the beginning of his path of no return. When Cai Xiaohong came to Hong Kong, he was immediately fascinated by the world of flowers. The high-end and luxurious life made him salivate. At this time, the British spy agency is eyeing him.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Cai Xiaohong befriended a Hong Kong police officer surnamed Liu. This "Officer Liu" is not simple, he is an agent of the British MI6. Through the introduction of Officer Liu, Cai Xiaohong met a group of so-called "real estate businessmen". As everyone knows, these people are spies sent by the British.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

The British are really good at playing, and they are beautiful wines and beauties, serving Cai Xiaohong comfortably. Slowly, Cai Xiaohong took the bait. He began to offer some "inconsequential" information to the British side in exchange for money and enjoyment. One wrong step, one wrong step. Cai Xiaohong fell into it step by step, and could no longer extricate himself.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

After 14 years of lurking, it is difficult to escape the law

For 14 years, Cai Xiaohong was like a soulless machine, constantly transmitting intelligence to the British. It is said that he leaked more than 320 pieces of important information in total and received a "reward" of more than 6 million Hong Kong dollars.

This information is priceless! There is the progress of the negotiations on Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the negotiation tactics of the Chinese side, and even the arrangements for the handover ceremony. What a loss this has caused to the country is simply immeasurable!

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Cai Xiaohong thought that he was seamless and could get away with it all the time. However, Skynet is magnificent, negligent but not leaky. The state security department discovered Cai Xiaohong's suspicious behavior. After careful investigation, he was finally arrested in Shenzhen on the sixth anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Cai Xiaohong is preparing to reveal important information about the handover ceremony to the British side. It's good now, it's directly stolen and captured! The court sentenced Cai Xiaohong to 15 years in prison and deprived of political rights for five years on charges of espionage. This verdict can be said to be very happy, but it is still too light for the huge loss he caused!

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

As soon as Cai Xiaohong's case came out, the people of the whole country were shocked. Everyone discussed: "Such a 'red three generations' is really disappointing!" "How heartbroken his parents must be to have such a son! "This is a typical forgetfulness, it's really hateful! "

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Reflection and warning

Cai Xiaohong's case is a wake-up call. It tells us that the red gene is not innate. Even if you come from a revolutionary family, if you are not guided by the right values, you can go astray. The temptation of money and pleasure is truly terrifying. Once you get caught up in it, it's easy to lose yourself and even betray your homeland.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Cai Xiaohong's case highlights the importance of education, especially patriotic education. We need to reflect: Is our education system really cultivating patriotism in students? Did it give them a deep understanding of what true patriotism is?

What we need is not only slogan-style patriotic education, but also the need for students to truly understand the history of the country, understand the country's development path, and realize the close connection between the individual and the destiny of the country. Only in this way can we cultivate a new generation that truly loves the motherland and is willing to dedicate themselves to it.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Cai Xiaohong's story has taught us a vivid lesson in patriotic education. It reminds us to be vigilant at all times. No matter who you are or where you are, keep a clear head and not be fooled by the temptations of the outside world. It is necessary to strengthen self-cultivation. It is necessary to cultivate correct values and establish a correct outlook on life. Money is important, but we must not sell our conscience for money, let alone the country.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Cherish your job. In particular, people like Cai Xiaohong, who have access to confidential information, must be cautious in their words and deeds, and always remember the responsibilities they shoulder. It is necessary to enhance legal awareness. You know, betrayal of the motherland comes at a heavy price. Everyone is equal before the law, and no matter what your background is, once you break the law, you will have to bear the corresponding consequences.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Cultivate a healthy lifestyle. It's easy to lose yourself by indulging in luxury pleasures. We should pursue a positive, meaningful life rather than being controlled by material desires. National security is no small matter. Every citizen has the responsibility to safeguard national security, and there must be no slackness in the slightest. The legal net is magnificent, negligent but not leaky. No matter how covert espionage activities are, they will not escape the punishment of the law in the end.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Cai Xiaohong's story shows us the complexity of human nature and the importance of national security. Patriotism is not a slogan, but must be put into action. Each of us must always be vigilant, take a firm stand, and must not be blinded by immediate interests. Let us work together to contribute to the security and prosperity of our motherland. The interests of the Motherland are above all else!

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Cai Xiaohong's case is like a mirror that reflects disturbing social problems. It is not just a tragedy for one person, but also a warning for an era. In this era of globalization, various ideologies and cultures collide with each other, and values are intertwined. Everyone faces a variety of temptations and challenges. How to maintain the original intention and stick to the bottom line in such an environment is a problem that needs to be considered.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Cai Xiaohong's story tells us that patriotism is not a slogan, but an action. It requires each of us to persevere and pay bit by bit in our daily lives. Both ordinary citizens and senior cadres should always bear in mind their responsibilities and contribute their own strength to the development of the country.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

This case also reminds us to be vigilant and strengthen national security education. While opening up, we must also keep a clear head and guard against all kinds of infiltration and sabotage activities. Only in this way will our country be able to make steady progress in a complex international environment and achieve long-term peace and stability.

Sell the country for glory! The "Red Third Generation" became a spy and was finally arrested after 14 years of lurking, why?

Let us remember this lesson, cherish our hard-won environment for peaceful development, and work hard to build a more prosperous and powerful motherland. Let's work together to ensure that tragedies like Cai Xiaohong's do not happen again, and let the spirit of patriotism burn in everyone's heart!