
In ancient families, who had a higher status than the concubine who was not an official or a concubine who was a high-ranking official?

author:Boyu Mi

In ancient China, the family was like a small society, and the identity and status of each member was closely related to their origin. We often hear about the "distinction between the descendants and the concubines", which is not just as simple as two words, it carries a deep historical culture and family tradition. Today, let's talk about this topic, and discuss the difference between the status of the son-in-law and the concubine in ancient times, and what kind of story will be staged within the family when the fate of the son-in-law and the concubine is dramatically reversed.

In ancient families, who had a higher status than the concubine who was not an official or a concubine who was a high-ranking official?

The concubine and the concubine sound like characters in a court drama, right? In fact, under the ancient system of monogamy and polygonal concubinage, these two terms had a clear definition. The children born to the main wife are called concubines, and the children born to concubines are concubines. This distinction is not based solely on blood, but more on the identity and status of the mother. The son-in-law carries the glory and expectations of the family from birth, and is regarded as the future leader of the family, so he often receives more resources and cultivation from the family.

In ancient families, who had a higher status than the concubine who was not an official or a concubine who was a high-ranking official?

But ah, the drama of life is always full of unexpected twists. Sometimes, we will see some concubines, with their own efforts and talents, they have just walked out of a different path, and even achieved higher achievements than their concubines. In this case, how will the family view the rise of this concubine?

In ancient families, who had a higher status than the concubine who was not an official or a concubine who was a high-ranking official?

Imagine that when a concubine is soaring all the way in the officialdom and holds great power, while the sister-in-law is still doing nothing at home, there will definitely be some subtle changes in attitudes within the family. While traditional notions of grandeur are deeply ingrained in people's minds, real-world achievements and power tend to be more persuasive. Family members may begin to take a fresh look at the concubine, and his status will be elevated unconsciously.

In ancient families, who had a higher status than the concubine who was not an official or a concubine who was a high-ranking official?

Of course, this does not mean that the status of the sister-in-law will plummet. In ancient societies, identity and lineage were still quite important. Even if he did not achieve much success, he was still regarded as the rightful heir to the family. But at the same time, the family will also respect and recognize those concubines who have succeeded with their own efforts.

In ancient families, who had a higher status than the concubine who was not an official or a concubine who was a high-ranking official?

Time is a double-edged sword, it preserves tradition and brings about change. With the progress of society and the openness of ideas, modern society pays more attention to the ability and contribution of individuals, rather than just looking at origin and ancestry. This means that whether it is a sister-in-law or a concubine, as long as they have enough talent and dedication, it is possible to stand at the pinnacle of success.

Back to our original question: who has a higher status than a concubine who is not an official or a concubine who is a high-ranking official? In fact, the answer is not so absolute. In ancient society, the status of the son-in-law was undoubtedly higher; But in modern society, we value more than the ability and practical achievements of the individual. Therefore, whether it is a son-in-law or a concubine, as long as they have enough talent and hard work, they are worthy of our respect and recognition.

In ancient families, who had a higher status than the concubine who was not an official or a concubine who was a high-ranking official?

In the final analysis, whether we are concubines or concubines, we should not be bound by our own backgrounds. Everyone has their own potential and unlimited possibilities, as long as we bravely pursue our dreams, put in the effort and perseverance, we will be able to create our own wonderful life.

In ancient families, who had a higher status than the concubine who was not an official or a concubine who was a high-ranking official?

In this process, the support and understanding of the family is also very important. Sons and daughters are all part of the family, and they all deserve fair opportunities and resources to develop their potential. Only in this way can the family truly prosper and cultivate more outstanding talents.

In ancient families, who had a higher status than the concubine who was not an official or a concubine who was a high-ranking official?

So, let's get rid of the shackles of outdated notions! Look at the efforts and achievements of each family member with an open mind. Whether they are sisters-in-law or concubines, as long as they are willing to work hard, dare to challenge themselves, and have the courage to take responsibility, they are the pride and glory of our family!

In ancient families, who had a higher status than the concubine who was not an official or a concubine who was a high-ranking official?

Now it's your turn to talk about it: do you think that in modern society, the "distinction between descendants and concubines" should still exist? Or what do you think should depend more on a person's success? Come and leave a message in the comment area to share your views!

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