
Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

author:The lamb has something to say
Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

Speaking of the couple Xiao S and Xu Yajun, everyone thought they were very affectionate and a template for happiness at first. Especially Xiao S, the days after marriage have been nourishing, and he feels very lucky. However, after the second decade of this marriage, problems began to emerge. There are often scandals such as domestic violence and cheating, although Xiao S seems to be trying her best to maintain this marriage, but in the eyes of outsiders, she is actually quite hard.

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

Xiao S often gets drunk at night and pours out all the pain in his heart. She always pretends to be very happy in front of the public, and tries hard to maintain her husband's image, this strong appearance is really distressing. Although Xiao S always behaves tough and proud outside, whether it is making a statement or showing affection on social media, her inner pain can only be vented in the dead of night.

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

In fact, Xiao S at that time may have begun to doubt this marriage, because the worries brought by love are like a glass of liquor in the middle of the night, and the more you drink it, the more uncomfortable it becomes. What outsiders see is a chaotic marriage, but in reality she just wants more understanding and support.

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

Now, Xiao S's three daughters are slowly growing up, and her role in the family is quietly changing. The eldest daughter is about to go to college, and the second daughter is also emerging in the entertainment industry, showing her youthful vitality and talent. The youngest daughter, her eccentric personality always brings a lot of joy and ease to the family.

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

At every stage of a child's growth, we can see the efforts and dedication made by Xiao S as a great mother. Her pain and stress have been reduced by the growth of her children, which has given her time to re-examine her life and make new plans and preparations for the future. What she is thinking about is not only the growth trajectory of the children, but also her new path and expectations for her future development.

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

Although her career is solid and full of unknown challenges, the emptiness and anxiety in her personal life are slowly being filled by new pursuits – whether it is pursuing artistic dreams, or devoting herself to social causes, or simply looking for a way to express her deep emotional needs. No matter how tortuous and difficult the road ahead is, the growth of children has undoubtedly become one of the most solid backing for her to face the possibilities of life.

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

This transformation is not just a change in identity, but more importantly, a maturity of mindset and an increase in emotional strength. Perhaps it is this expectation and hope for the future that makes Xiao S eager to make more of his own life decisions - to get rid of the shackles of the past and find true happiness after everyone's expectations.

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

First of all, we have to know why Xiao S suddenly announced that she had slept in a separate bed with her husband Xu Yajun for more than half a year? This is not a trivial matter or an occasional occurrence, but it is a sign that something is wrong with the relationship between husband and wife! No, in a certain TV show, she directly told everyone that the two of them have been sleeping in separate beds for more than half a year now!

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

At the time, maybe they slept separately for convenience.

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

In fact, sleeping in separate beds is a problem with the relationship between the two of them, and it is quite serious! What's even more puzzling is that Xiao S actually said the news in front of the public this time, which makes people can't help but think, is she really just trying to share her living situation with everyone, or does she have other problems at home that have not been solved?

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

Xiao S's behavior this time is to send a message to everyone: her marriage with Xu Yajun may not be as stable and happy as before.

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

Recently, Xiao S's various public remarks make people feel as if she has completely changed as a person, and has reached a new understanding and depth of thinking about her long-term married life. It was on a certain show that she unexpectedly revealed an extraordinary secret - she was not so happy to live her married life. This statement is in very obvious contrast to the little S we knew before who was smiling and always calm whenever and wherever he was.

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

When she spoke, she was no longer as vague or secretive as before, but frankly admitted that she was not so envious of those who were married, but more longed for the free life of being single. This genuine mood makes her words sound particularly sincere and frank.

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

When someone asked her what her ideal husband should be, she replied that it was a "disappeared husband", which caused a big stir. Such a straightforward expression, coming out of the mouth of a little S who has been in the entertainment industry for more than 30 years, not only shocked people, but also made everyone begin to notice that she has undergone earth-shaking changes in her relationship and attitude towards marriage.

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

We can't help but ask: what is the reason that a woman who once firmly believed that it is important to maintain the image of the family now dares to break the silence? Through these words she said, can we see the determination and courage in her heart that has changed from love to resentment, from dependence to letting go?

Xiao S continuously released divorce signals, completely disappointed in Xu Yajun, and upgraded his 3 moves one by one

Such a change may mean that more things will happen in the future, such as Xiao S will take new actions to realize her new plans and choices for her life. Will she work harder to pursue personal independence or find new emotional sustenance? What we can expect is that behind her fading marriage, there is a more mature and stable heart that bravely pursues her dreams.

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