
One action a day, the five organs benefit together! Heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, healthy and worry-free!

author:Kaifeng Radio and Television News

One action a day, the five organs benefit together! Heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, healthy and worry-free!

Dirty most fanatical obsession! Once a day, get your guts pumping!

One action a day, the five organs benefit together! Heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, healthy and worry-free!

You may never think that your internal organs also have their own "little quirks". That's right, just as we have a fanatical fascination with food, sports, or a certain celebrity, our internal organs have their own unique "obsessions". A recent study shows that more than 80% of people completely ignore these "little hobbies" of internal organs, leading to frequent health problems. Today, let's uncover these magical actions that will make your internal organs want to stop, and see how to make them a "little festival" every day!

One action a day, the five organs benefit together! Heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, healthy and worry-free!

Rhythm in the lungs: back percussion concert

One action a day, the five organs benefit together! Heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, healthy and worry-free!

Imagine if your back was a giant drum and your lungs were the most passionate drummer. That's right, it's the lungs' favorite "back percussion concert"!

One action a day, the five organs benefit together! Heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, healthy and worry-free!

Whenever you start tapping lightly on your back, especially in the shoulder blade area, your lungs feel like you're entering a party. They dance excitedly, as if shouting, "Do it again!" Do it again! "It's not just an ordinary concert, it's a detox. Each blow is like a deep cleansing of the lungs, helping to expel the phlegm and impurities hidden deep in the alveoli.

One action a day, the five organs benefit together! Heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, healthy and worry-free!

But be warned, this concert isn't always as intense as possible. Imagine if you hit the drum surface like crazy, not only will the concert go bad, but the drum surface may also be damaged. Similarly, back percussions should be rhythmic and dynamic. A senior respiratory specialist once told me: "Tapping on the back is like petting a shy cat, too heavy to scare it away, too light to feel it." Find the strength that makes it comfortable, and your lungs will purr in satisfaction. ”

One action a day, the five organs benefit together! Heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, healthy and worry-free!

Interestingly, in the office of a friend of mine, there was a strange "knock" sound every day at 3 p.m. It turned out that this was the collective "back percussion time" of their department. At first, colleagues from other departments thought they were performing some kind of strange office ritual. Later, this "ritual" spread throughout the company and became a secret weapon to refresh the mind and enhance the feelings of colleagues.

Gentle soothing of the spleen and stomach: rubbing the belly marathon

If our belly is a busy transportation hub, then the spleen and stomach are the "traffic commanders" of this hub. And rubbing the belly is like a comfortable SPA for this tired commander.

Many people may think, isn't rubbing your belly just casually touching? Miss by a mile! It's a marathon that requires skill and stamina. Imagine that the palm of your hand is a small massage van driving slowly down the highway on your belly. Starting at the navel, draw slowly and gently in a clockwise direction. Not only does this help the food to digest better, but it also stimulates the bowel movements and helps those "lost" foods find the right exit.

Interestingly, this marathon is best run half an hour after a meal and lasts about 10-15 minutes. A nutrition expert once joked, "If you can watch an episode of comedy while rubbing your belly, you're at its best." Laughter relaxes your abdominal muscles and rubbing your belly will be better. ”

But beware, this marathon also has "traffic rules". The force should be moderate and the speed should be even. Imagine you're stroking the belly of a cat that's napping, too heavy to wake it up, too light and not working. Find that "golden strength" that makes your spleen and stomach comfortable, and your digestive system will make a "purr" of satisfaction.

I have a friend who felt sick after a business dinner because he had eaten too much. So he quietly began to rub his stomach under the table. Who knows, this little action of his was discovered by the customers at the same table. Instead of feeling embarrassed, the client asked with interest, "Is this a health secret?" In this way, a lively discussion about TCM health unfolded at the dinner table, which not only resolved my friend's embarrassment, but also unexpectedly brought the relationship with the customer closer.

The five internal organs are joyfully mobilized

Dear readers, now you know that our internal organs actually have their own "little habits". From the heart's "pat at music" to the kidney's "jumping moment", each organ is telling in its own unique way: "Please be kind to me, I will make you healthier and happier!" ”

[Disclaimer]: This article is for health popularization only and does not constitute medical advice. It aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

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