
Obey the rules and stay healthy! Men sleep and women wash, the most toxic month is particular!

author:Kaifeng Radio and Television News

Obey the rules and stay healthy! Men sleep and women wash, the most toxic month is particular!

Have you ever heard of the "Five Poison Moons"? This age-old concept is making a comeback in modern society in an unexpected way. According to statistics, in the fifth lunar month of each year, the number of hospital visits increases by about 15% compared with other months. Is this a coincidence, or is it true? Let's unveil the mystery of the "Five Poisonous Moons" and explore its impact on modern men and women, as well as those seemingly absurd but potentially plausible rules of survival.

Obey the rules and stay healthy! Men sleep and women wash, the most toxic month is particular!

1。 Housing Alert: Don't let hormones ruin your summer

In the heat of summer, hormones seem to soar along with the temperature. Interestingly, one survey showed that the frequency of sex in the summer is nearly 40% higher than in other seasons. What's going on? Is it because you wear less and see more?

Obey the rules and stay healthy! Men sleep and women wash, the most toxic month is particular!

Doctors, however, don't think so. Professor Wang, a well-known cardiologist, once half-jokingly said: "The frequency of sexual intercourse in summer makes our cardiology department not enough beds." "It sounds like a joke, but behind it lies a serious health warning.

Imagine, on a hot summer night, Xiao Wang and his girlfriend are in love. Suddenly, Xiao Wang felt a sharp pain in his chest - this was not a heartbeat in the depths of love, but a real angina! This kind of scene is not uncommon in hospital emergency rooms.

Obey the rules and stay healthy! Men sleep and women wash, the most toxic month is particular!

Experts advise, especially for people at risk of cardiovascular disease, to pay extra attention to summer sex. So, how can you tell if you're overdoing it? To put it simply, if you feel exhausted rather than refreshed afterwards, it's overdone.

Of course, we're not asking for complete abstinence. Moderate intimacy not only strengthens the relationship, but also releases stress. The key is to find the right balance for you. Perhaps, instead of sweating profusely in bed, why not have a cool movie night?

2。 Women's torment: Bathing has also become a technical job

"I take a bath three times a day, and my skin is still itchy like being crawled by ants!" This is a summer complaint from a female friend of mine. In this "Five Poison Month", even the most basic cleaning activities have become a science.

Let's make an interesting comparison: the ancient woman's view of bathing vs the modern woman's bath.

Ancient women: bathing on a fixed day every month, paying attention to the right time and place.

Modern women: I can't wait to wash 800 times a day, just to be fresh and comfortable.

Obey the rules and stay healthy! Men sleep and women wash, the most toxic month is particular!

Modern life may seem progressive, but it can bring unexpected health risks. Dermatologist Dr Lee warns, "Excessive cleansing can disrupt the skin's natural protective barrier and make it more susceptible to bacterial attack. ”

So, how do you find a balance between heat and hygiene? Expert Advice:

1。 Control the frequency of bathing: 1-2 times a day is appropriate.

2。 Choose the right water temperature: not too hot, slightly below body temperature is best.

3。 Wait for your body to cool down after exercise before showering.

4。 Use a gentle cleaning product and avoid excessive degreasing.

Remember, your skin isn't a greasy kitchen spatula and doesn't need to be polished every time. Give it some respite, and maybe it will reap unexpected health dividends.

3。 Detoxification cheats: the counterattack of boiled water and wormwood

In this "Five Poisons Month", it may not be high-tech products that will save us, but the simplest boiled water and roadside weeds - wormwood.

Boiled water: This "mediocre" king of health is quietly changing people's health. A follow-up study showed that people who drank enough 8 glasses of water a day had a 20% lower incidence of chronic diseases than those who didn't. However, under the siege of "Internet celebrity drinks", boiled water is facing an unprecedented crisis.

Obey the rules and stay healthy! Men sleep and women wash, the most toxic month is particular!

Wormwood: The road from "roadside weed" to "health star" is legendary. Professor Zhang, an expert in traditional Chinese medicine, explained: "Wormwood is rich in volatile oils and flavonoids, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. "But don't think you're going to be lucky with some wormwood from the side of the road. Many wormwood products on the market have undergone strict quality control, which is more secure than self-collection.

Interestingly, the use of these two "antidotes" is also evolving with the times. For example, some innovative companies have launched portable moxibustion patches that allow you to elegantly "moxibustion" in the office. Imagine that when your colleagues are drinking all kinds of bells and whistles, you are leisurely drinking boiled water and sticking moxibustion patches, that picture must be interesting.

The "Five Poison Moons" may be just an old saying, but it reminds us to pay more attention to the impact of seasonal changes on health. Instead of blindly following the so-called "rules", learn to listen to your body and find a lifestyle that works for you. Remember, true wellness isn't about following trends, it's about being rational and moderate. The next time you hear someone talking about the "Five Poisonous Moons", you might as well smile mysteriously and take a sip of your boiled water gracefully. After all, in this "poison moon", the most precious antidote may be your wisdom and sense of humor.

[Disclaimer]: This article is for health popularization only and does not constitute medical advice. It aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

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