
The Earth is getting farther and farther away from the Sun, when will it "wander the Earth"?

author:Small and Small Explorers


The nine planets in the solar system are the celestial bodies we are familiar with, and they all move around the sun, forming a cosmic landscape that we are familiar with. Have you ever thought that these planets are not stationary, but in constant motion, and are gradually moving away from the sun every year? How did this happen? Why do these planets gradually move away from the Sun? Today, we're going to unravel this intriguing scientific mystery and explore why planets are moving away from the Sun.

The Earth is getting farther and farther away from the Sun, when will it "wander the Earth"?

Why do planets move away from the Sun?

Start by understanding the following concepts:

1. The gravitational pull of the sun

What we need to understand is that the phenomenon of planets gradually moving away from the sun is actually caused by a combination of factors. The first is the gravitational pull of the sun, of course. As the central body of the solar system, the gravitational attraction emitted by the sun is very huge, and this huge gravitational force will affect the planets moving around it, so that the planets are attracted by the sun, so as to make an elliptical orbit around the sun.

The Earth is getting farther and farther away from the Sun, when will it "wander the Earth"?

2. The initial velocity of the planet

In addition to the gravitational pull of the Sun, the initial velocity of the planet's motion is also an important factor affecting its orbit. In the early stages of planet formation, planets move around the Sun at a certain initial velocity due to various complex celestial dynamics. Once this initial velocity is determined, it will affect the motion of the planet, so that the planet will move according to a certain orbit and speed under the gravitational pull of the sun.

3. The radiation pressure of the sun

In addition to gravity, the sun emits intense light and heat, which can have a certain effect on the planets. In astronomy, we refer to this effect as the sun's radiation pressure. Although the radiation pressure of the sun is very weak compared to gravity, because it is generated by the momentum of photons, it also produces a small impetus on the planet, causing the planet to change its orbit in the solar system.

The specific process by which the planets gradually move away from the Sun

Now that we understand these factors that affect the movement of the planets, we can analyze in detail why the planets are gradually moving away from the sun under the combined effect of these factors.

The gravitational pull of the sun

Of course, it's the gravitational pull of the sun. The gravitational pull of the sun is the fundamental reason why the planets make elliptical orbits around the sun, but as the planet increases from the sun, the gravitational force of the sun will also decrease, just like we pull a rope with our hands, and the pull force will be smaller when the distance from the rope is smaller, so when the planet is farther and farther away from the sun, the gravitational force of the sun will become weaker and weaker, which makes the planet gradually move away from the sun.

The inertial motion of the planets

In addition to the gravitational pull of the Sun, the initial velocity of a planet also has an effect on its orbit. Because the planet is affected by various complex celestial dynamics processes in the early stage of formation, it will move around the sun with a certain initial velocity, and once this initial velocity is determined, it will make the planet produce an inertial motion, which is commonly known as "centrifugal force", even under the gravitational action of the sun, it will continue to move in accordance with the original direction and speed, which makes the planet in the orbit of the solar system, gradually moving away from the sun.

The radiation pressure of the sun

In addition, the radiation pressure of the sun also has a certain effect on the orbit of the planets. Although the radiation pressure of the sun is very weak, because it is generated by the momentum of photons, it will also exert a small impetus on the planet, causing the planet to move outward in the orbit of the solar system, so as to gradually move away from the sun.

The Earth is getting farther and farther away from the Sun, when will it "wander the Earth"?

The planets are gradually moving away from the meaning of the sun

Now that we understand why planets are moving away from the Sun, we may wonder what the implications of this phenomenon are for the solar system.

Effects on the stability of the solar system

The phenomenon of planets moving away from the sun may have some effect on the stability of the solar system. We know that the solar system is a system of dynamic equilibrium, and the motion of each celestial body is mutually restrictive and mutually influenching, if the motion state of one of the celestial bodies changes, it may have a certain impact on the entire solar system, so the phenomenon of the planets gradually moving away from the sun may bring some challenges to the stability of the solar system, which also puts forward an interesting research topic for astronomers.

Inspiration for the future evolution of the solar system

In addition, understanding why planets are moving away from the Sun can also give us some inspiration and help us better understand how the solar system evolved. The formation and evolution of the solar system is a very complex process, which involves the interaction of various celestial dynamics, and understanding the reasons why the planets are gradually moving away from the sun can give us a deeper understanding that the various celestial bodies in the solar system are not stationary, and their motion is affected by a variety of factors, resulting in a variety of interesting astronomical phenomena.

Inspiration for human exploration

Understanding the laws of movement of these celestial bodies in the solar system may also give us some inspiration, especially for the future settlement and exploration of human beings in the solar system, we can better plan and arrange human exploration tasks by studying the laws of these celestial movements, and find more suitable places for exploration and settlement, so as to promote greater progress in the exploration of the universe by human beings.


Through today's sharing, I believe you have a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of planets gradually moving away from the sun. The laws of celestial motion in the solar system contain rich scientific mysteries, and the unraveling of these mysteries is inseparable from the unremitting exploration and research of astronomers. I hope that in the future, more and more people will have a strong interest in astronomy, uncover these interesting scientific mysteries together, and contribute to the cause of human exploration of the universe