
87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

author:Book Society
87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him
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87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

In Guangzhou's art scene, a jaw-dropping story is quietly circulating. The 87-year-old Zhang Jisheng has insisted on serving as a "naked model" for more than 20 years, regardless of the world's vision.

What's even more incredible is that this silver-haired old man actually lives with a 24-year-old woman. However, the twist of the story is far from over. Zhang Jisheng has eight children under his knees, but none of them are willing to take care of his old age.

What kind of twists and turns and bizarre life trajectory are hidden behind this seemingly absurd story? What kind of circumstances made the elderly choose such a different lifestyle? Why did his children cut ties with their blood fathers? Let's unravel this astonishing mystery and explore the human nature within.

More than 20 years ago, Zhang Jisheng, who was over the age of six, came to the bustling Guangzhou alone with the desire for the right. However, reality dealt the old man a blow in the face.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

Due to his age and lack of professional skills, Zhang Jisheng struggled in this unfamiliar city, and eventually had to make a living by scavenging. Every day before dawn, he dragged his tired body through the streets and alleys, looking for recyclable waste products, and barely made ends meet.

A twist of fate slipped on an ordinary afternoon. A kind-hearted art school teacher, out of sympathy, donated the mountain of waste at home to Zhang Jisheng.

In the process of carrying items, the discerning teacher was attracted by Zhang Jisheng's flowing beard. He was keenly aware that despite the old man's modest clothing, his unique temperament was quite artistic.

So, the teacher made an unexpected suggestion to Zhang Jisheng: to become a mannequin in an art school. At first, Zhang Jisheng only needed to show his upper body and get 50 yuan a day.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

For an elderly man who makes a living by picking up waste, this is undoubtedly a considerable income. After some consideration, Zhang Jisheng decided to accept the job. After all, in this strange city, no one knows him, and there is no need to worry too much.

In the communication with young art students, Zhang Jisheng has a deeper understanding and love for art. He no longer sees the job as just a means of making a living, but is truly immersed in it and enjoys the process of making art.

For more than 20 years, Zhang Jisheng has witnessed the growth of batches of students full of dreams, and has gradually won a reputation in the art world.

However, when Zhang Jisheng's story was exposed by the media, it caused an unexpected storm. His seemingly peaceful nude model career hides embarrassing family entanglements behind it.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

This once unknown old man has now become a legendary existence in Guangzhou's art circle.

In Zhang Jisheng's career as a nude model, the appearance of a 24-year-old woman named Ajuan was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing layers of ripples.

Ajuan's life trajectory is also full of ups and downs, and her story seems to be an interpretation of fate to the impermanence of life.

Young and ignorant, Ajuan was deceived as a teenager and taken to the remote mountains of Guangdong Province to become the daughter-in-law of someone else's family. In those dark years, Ajuan never gave up her desire for freedom.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

Day after day, she searches for an escape, hoping to get back on her life.

Finally, by a coincidence, Ajuan seized the fleeting opportunity given by fate and escaped from the suffocating environment. With a vision of a better life, she embarked on the journey back to her hometown full of hope.

However, what awaits her is not the warm embrace of her imaginary parents, but the eyes full of doubt and indifference. After experiencing unimaginable hardships for ordinary people, Ajuan became an "ominous person" in the eyes of her family.

Disheartened, Ajuan once again chose to leave her hometown and return to Guangdong, the land that once brought her painful memories. At this moment, the gears of fate turned again, and she met Zhang Jisheng.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

When Zhang Jisheng learned what happened to Ajuan, he couldn't help but feel ripples in his heart. In this young woman, he seems to see his former self - lonely, helpless, pushed by life and unable to find a direction.

Out of pity for similar experiences, Zhang Jisheng reached out to Ajuan and treated her as his own.

In this way, an 87-year-old man and a 24-year-old young woman, two souls who have experienced vicissitudes of life, find each other in this strange city. The originally cold rental house has a warm atmosphere because of their mutual support.

Regarding the relationship between the two, the outside world has different opinions. Some people think that it is a simple adoptive father-daughter relationship, while others speculate that there is a love between them that transcends their age.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

However, in the face of these speculations, Zhang Jisheng has remained silent and unwilling to explain more. No matter how the outside world judges, Ajuan always stays firmly by Zhang Jisheng's side, and proves the deep affection between them that transcends the worldly vision with her actions.

In this relationship, Zhang Jisheng found the long-lost warmth of family affection, and Ajuan finally got the first real love and protection in her life. Two souls who were once lonely have found their own harbor in the interweaving of fate.

They take care of each other, live together, and hold up a piece of the sky for each other in this world full of prejudices.

Although their relationship may seem incomprehensible to others, and even attract criticism, for Zhang Jisheng and Ajuan, this emotion is the most precious gift in their respective lives.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

It transcends the boundaries of age, transcends worldly prejudices, and becomes their most solid support in the face of life's difficulties.

When the media reported Mr. Zhang's story, the shocking news sent shockwaves through his eight adult children.

Only then did they realize that their father was living such an unusual life in Guangzhou.

Faced with the fact that the father has become a "naked model", the first reaction of the children is disbelief, and then they are ashamed. In their minds, the job is contrary to traditional morality and a great damage to the family's reputation.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

They felt that their father's choice had made them lose face in their hometown and become a topic of conversation among the neighbors after dinner.

What made it even more difficult for them to accept was that their father, who was nearly 90 years old, was living with a 24-year-old woman. This huge age gap seems absurd and even unethical to them.

They couldn't understand why their father made the choice, and they didn't want to dig into why.

However, what is embarrassing is that the first reaction of the children is not to care about their father's life in his later years, but to ask his father for financial compensation. They seem to think that since their father has been able to live in Guangzhou for many years, he must have accumulated a lot of wealth.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

This way of thinking exposes their misconceptions about their fathers and also reflects their excessive focus on money.

When they learned that their father had not accumulated much wealth, they had no choice but to arrange for their father's retirement. This change in attitude fully demonstrates their indifference and ruthlessness towards their father.

Eventually, the children made a heart-wrenching decision to cut ties with their father. They excuse themselves by "preserving the honor of the family", seeing their father's choice as a betrayal of the family.

In their eyes, the father's behavior has exceeded the bottom line that they can accept.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

This decision undoubtedly brought a huge blow to Zhang Jisheng. He may have expected to spend his old age with his children, but the reality is so harsh. When he needed family care the most, those who were connected to him by blood chose to be indifferent.

This family dilemma not only reflects the conflict of values between generations, but also exposes the challenges faced by traditional filial piety in modern society. Zhang Jisheng's story has become a mirror, reflecting the contradictory attitudes towards family affection and morality in the depths of many people's hearts.

A series of profound questions: How should we view the life choices of older people in a rapidly changing society? To what extent should children's responsibilities to their parents extend? How do we balance personal pursuits with family expectations when they conflict? These questions are undoubtedly worth pondering for everyone.

Despite facing the abandonment of his family and the doubts of society, Zhang Jisheng, who is 87 years old, still insists on his unique lifestyle. The passage of time did not wear out his will, but gave him more courage and determination.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

Even though he is over eighty years old, Zhang Jisheng is still invited to work as a "nude model" in art academies from time to time. His body, which has been through the vicissitudes of life, has become the inspiration for countless art students.

In the process of each swing, Zhang Jisheng can feel his contribution to art, which gives him a great sense of satisfaction.

However, the burden of life has not been completely lifted because of this job. In his spare time, Zhang Jisheng will regain his old habit of collecting waste in the streets and alleys.

This is not only to earn extra income, but also a continuation of the attitude to life. He has always maintained his industrious and thrifty nature, and is not willing to rely on others completely.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

In Zhang Jisheng's heart, although he once had many children, now only Ajuan is his real relative. This belated family affection gave him the motivation and courage to continue living.

Whenever he saw Ajuan's bright smile, Zhang Jisheng felt that all the hard work was worth it.

His life, while it may seem controversial to outsiders, is fulfilling and meaningful to him. Zhang Jisheng uses his own way to interpret what it means to be old and what it means to live with dignity.

At this age, he still maintains his love for life and anticipation for the future, which in itself is a rare treasure.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

Zhang Jisheng's story is far more complicated than it seems on the surface. It is not only a sensational news about "old people as nude models", but also a social phenomenon that touches the depths of human nature.

The story reflects the fierce conflict between traditional morality and real life.

At the same time, it also provokes us to think deeply about family, responsibility and personal pursuits. The children's reactions expose the fragility of family relationships in modern society and reflect the differences in values between generations.

However, the story of Zhang Jisheng and Ajuan also shows the kind and warm side of human nature. It tells us that true affection does not necessarily come from blood, but from mutual understanding and support.

87-year-old Zhang Jisheng: To be a naked model for life, living with a 24-year-old girl, no one pays attention to him

In the difficult situation of life, two people who were originally unrelated found each other's warmth, which is perhaps the most touching part of this story.

This reminds us that before judging other people's lifestyles, perhaps we should let go of our prejudices and try to understand the story behind each person. After all, the truth of life is often hidden beneath the surface.

Zhang Jisheng's experience undoubtedly provides us with a window to reflect on social values and the nature of human nature.

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