
There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

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There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

Editor: Let's talk about it

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

The whole process of the first battle of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the battle of Antonov Airport. The battle was of great significance, demonstrating the courage and tenacious fighting ability of the armies of both sides.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

The war is raging, the smoke is shrouded, and the Antonov airport has become the first battlefield of the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

This military airport near Kyiv was originally a key stronghold for the Russian army to seize the Ukrainian capital, but it was met with heroic and stubborn resistance by the Ukrainian army, turning into a bloody stage of fighting between the two sides.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

Between the swords and swords, a chess-like tactical contest is underway. The elite 31st Air Assault Brigade, on which the Russian army had high hopes, seized the airport runway by helicopter raid. A battalion of the 4th Brigade of the Ukrainian Army happened to be present, and the two armies fell into a desperate struggle. The close-range fire suppression of the Russian armed helicopters failed to completely destroy the stronghold of the Ukrainian army, but was caught off guard by the fierce return fire of the Ukrainian anti-aircraft missiles.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

At this critical moment, Ukrainian artillery long-range shooters bombarded the runway of Antonov Airport indiscriminately, preventing the landing of the second wave of Russian paratroopers. The Russian army's dream of immediately seizing the airfield was shattered, and the 35th Army and the 76th Parachute Division, deployed in the perimeter, had to accelerate their march to reinforcements.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

The situation changed abruptly, and the Russian commandos were forced to hold their positions in several buildings inside the airfield. The two sides were caught in a protracted shootout, stumbling and in a dilemma. The Russian army has strengthened its troops, and the Ukrainian army has also continuously recruited anti-terrorist armed police units. At the touch of a button, the smell of gunpowder permeated the perimeter of the airport.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

The Ukrainian army is strategic, they occupy the tactical commanding heights - the artillery observation post in the apartment building area, monitor every move of the airport from a high place, and provide their own artillery with accurate coordinates for aiming at the target. Although the Russian paratrooper commando is an elite division, it has no choice but to let the artillery fire strafe.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

In the rain of bullets, the two sides suffered countless casualties, and the scene of desperate struggle was shocking. Despite the withering numbers of the Russian paratrooper commandos, there is no cowardice in the slightest. They held their positions with their flesh and blood, while doing their best to clear the runway of the airport and clear the way for subsequent reinforcements.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

At the same time, the Ukrainian army shifted the battlefield to the streets of the city. They skillfully used road facilities to erect roadblocks to intercept Russian reinforcements. The 35th Army of the Russian Army was not on a smooth march and was attacked by anti-tank missile detachments. The ironclad was trapped, and his pace slowed. At this moment of crisis, the commander of the Russian army quickly adjusted his tactical deployment, concentrated firepower to cover the cover, and forcibly broke through the encirclement by means of penetration. The two sides were fighting fiercely, and the smoke of gunpowder was filled, and neither of them was able to occupy an absolute advantage in a short period of time.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

The incessant artillery fire has made the perimeter of the airport non-existent. The Russian paratroop commandos are fighting alone, and food and ammunition are in short supply. They had to risk their lives to break through from the airfield area to the north. At dawn, the survivors joined forces with reinforcements from the 35th Army.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

At this point, the Antonov campaign of the Russian army is over. Although the airport was eventually occupied, it has long since been destroyed beyond recognition. The battle resulted in heavy casualties on both sides, and the Russian army lost most of its elite airborne troops. And the airport, an important stronghold, could not provide support for the follow-up operations of the Russian army, and was forced to abandon the battle plan to seize Kyiv.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

The outcome of this campaign provoked widespread reflection. Many military experts believe that the Russian army's hasty and arbitrary battle plan is doomed to failure. They tried to seize key facilities with a sudden airborne raid, ignoring the stubborn will of the Ukrainian army to resist.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

Although the battle of Antonov Airport is only a small episode in the opening of the Russian-Ukrainian war, its impact is far beyond people's imagination. The result of this battle not only disrupted the strategic deployment of the Russian army, but also became an important footnote to the morale of the Ukrainian military and civilians.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

From a strategic point of view, the defeat of the Russian army here is undoubtedly a heavy blow. They originally envisioned a quick capture of Kyiv with this raid and the initiative in the war in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, the airfield was completely destroyed, and the original offensive plan had to be reformulated. This has brought great trouble to the follow-up deployment and logistical supply of the Russian army.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

In contrast, although the Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses at the material level, they defended the dignity of the country with their blood and lives. The whole army was united as one, fearless in the face of danger, and finally won a tactical victory. Countless civilians have left their homes and joined the self-defense regiments, expressing their firm determination to defend their homeland with concrete actions.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

It is precisely with this determination that the more brutal the enemy and the more tenacious it is, that the Ukrainian army can win and gain prestige in the next conflict. Seeing the indomitable will to fight of the Ukrainian army, Western countries have promised to provide weapons and equipment support to build a solid backing for Ukraine.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

From a purely military point of view, both sides exposed a lot of criticisms in this battle.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

There are serious flaws in the battle plan of the Russian army, and the will of the Ukrainian army to resist is underestimated. They despise the Ukrainian army, and they can make a final decision by conceding that they are an elite division, and this arrogant attitude eventually leads to heavy losses.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

Although the Ukrainian army has shown a tenacious fighting spirit, their tactical deployment and command and coordination capabilities also need to be improved.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

If more troops could be reasonably deployed to attack the Russian army at that time, it may be possible to completely defeat the enemy army.

There are no cowards at the Antonov airport, the Russian paratroopers are all wiped out: 24 hours the truth turns out to be

But in general, the performance of the Ukrainian army is undoubtedly commendable.

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