
Overnight news: 4-for-1 deal reached, Warriors coerced Wiggins, and the new star reaped a fat contract

author:The cold moon is a little windy wind

On June 29, Beijing time, in the past night, there were three pieces of news from the NBA, let's take a look.


Overnight news: 4-for-1 deal reached, Warriors coerced Wiggins, and the new star reaped a fat contract

Today, according to Shams, the Pelicans and Hawks completed a 4-for-1 trade that specifically gave the Pelicans Nance Jr., Daniels and a '25 first-round pick from the Lakers, and a '27 first-round pick (the one with the lower pick from the Pelicans or Bucks) to get Hawks star Murray. The 27-year-old Murray, who plays as a shooting guard and point guard on the court, is the 29th pick in the first round in '16, played 8 seasons in the NBA, played for the Spurs and Hawks, played in a total of 472 games, averaged 15.4 points, 5.8 rebounds, 5.3 assists and 1.3 steals in 29.1 minutes per game, was selected once as an All-Star and All-Defensive Second Team, and won a steal king.

Overnight news: 4-for-1 deal reached, Warriors coerced Wiggins, and the new star reaped a fat contract

For the Pelicans, the deal was costly, but it was worth it. On the offensive end, Murray has comprehensive skills and can shoot well, which can enrich the Pelicans' tactics, and Murray has excellent organizational tandem skills, which happens to be what the Pelicans lack; Defensively, Murray has both awareness and ability, and it will be difficult for opposing players to bargain on him, and his defensive backcourt with Jones will be a nightmare for many defenders.

Overnight news: 4-for-1 deal reached, Warriors coerced Wiggins, and the new star reaped a fat contract

For the Hawks, Murray had already decided to send him away early to exchange for usable assets. Nance Jr. is a physical interior player with a certain mid-to-long-range projection, and he can add depth to the Eagles' interior; Daniels is a defender with both potential and immediate power, and with enough development time and patience, he will be an important rotation for the team for a long time; The two first rounds are good for both self-use and bundled transactions, and there is a lot of room for operation, which is conducive to the subsequent operation of the Eagles during the transition period.


Overnight news: 4-for-1 deal reached, Warriors coerced Wiggins, and the new star reaped a fat contract

今日‬,据‬美国记者Doug Smith报道‬,勇士‬前锋‬安德鲁‬威金斯‬将‬退出‬奥运‬训练营‬,这意味着‬他‬不会‬代表‬加拿大‬参加‬今夏‬在‬巴黎‬举行的‬奥运会‬。 晚些时候‬,据‬勇士‬随队记者‬Anthony Slater跟进‬报道‬,威金斯‬之所以‬做出‬这个‬决定‬有‬两点‬原因‬,一方面‬是‬他‬上赛季‬饱受‬伤病‬困扰‬,他想‬花‬更多时间‬在‬恢复‬训练‬和‬保持‬健康‬上‬; 另一方面‬勇士‬为了‬升级‬阵容‬,把‬威金斯‬纳入‬了‬谈判‬中‬,并‬以‬合同‬条款‬‬胁迫‬威金斯‬退出‬国家队‬,否则‬一旦‬受伤‬将‬影响‬勇士的‬交易计划‬。

Overnight news: 4-for-1 deal reached, Warriors coerced Wiggins, and the new star reaped a fat contract

Emotionally speaking, in order to promote the deal, the Warriors directly asked Wiggins to give up fighting for the country, no matter how Wiggins has also contributed to the Warriors in recent years, and he is the second hero of the team's 22-year championship. Rationally speaking, Wiggins is indeed no longer suitable for the Warriors, and it would be torture for each other to continue to stay, so it is better to seize every opportunity to make a deal, and it is understandable for the Warriors to let Wiggins withdraw from the national team for the sake of health. That way, as long as Wiggins doesn't get injured, the deal could be done soon, the Warriors get players who can improve their competitiveness, and Wiggins can go to a team that is more personally valuable, which is a better choice for each other.


Overnight news: 4-for-1 deal reached, Warriors coerced Wiggins, and the new star reaped a fat contract

Today, Quickley will sign a five-year, $175 million contract with the Raptors, according to ESPN's WOJ. 上赛季交易截止日‬前‬,奎‬克‬利‬被纽约‬尼克斯交易到猛龙,后‬代表‬猛龙出战38场常规赛‬,场均得到18.6分4.8板6.8助,三项‬命中率‬为‬42.1%、39.5%和‬84.1%。 借此‬,奎‬克‬利‬也‬成为了‬20届‬自‬森林狼‬球星‬爱德华兹‬、黄蜂‬球星‬鲍尔‬和‬步行者‬球星‬哈里伯顿‬后‬第四位‬拿到至少‬3500w年‬薪合同‬‬的‬球员‬。

Overnight news: 4-for-1 deal reached, Warriors coerced Wiggins, and the new star reaped a fat contract

Quickley is a player with great character, speed, impact, strong outside shooting and scoring explosiveness, and has improved his organization over the past season. However, Quickley's shortcomings are also obvious, which is that he is prone to getting up at times, making the team struggle, and being targeted by opponents due to a lack of awareness on the defensive end. Overall, with a new collective bargaining agreement in effect and a surging wage cap, it was worth it for the Raptors to sign rising star Quickley with such a contract.