
A new round of "seeding" of the head drama company began

author:Rhino Entertainment

Rhino Entertainment Original

Text: Shen Wanting Editor: Pu Fang

As the dust settles on the Magnolia Award, this year's Shanghai TV Festival has also come to an end.

During the Shanghai Television Festival, a number of drama companies such as Huatsekton Group, Xinli Media, Ningmeng Film and Television, Perfect World Film and Television, Xixi Films, Stellar Gravity and other drama companies appeared with many new key projects to display their high-quality drama inventory and prepare for a new round of "fighting" in the drama market.

So which seed players will the top drama companies play next? Below Rhino Jun has sorted out some of the company's key reserve dramas, or will give birth to popular works in the next year or two.

Huace: The costume and the main theme are correct

In the first half of this year, Great Aim has had a number of urban dramas such as "Our Translator", "Chenghuan Ji", and "Please Fall in Love with Me Like This" to meet the audience. At this year's Shanghai TV Festival's new drama release recommendation meeting, the annual key projects such as "Taiping Year", "National Beauty", "Our Rivers and Mountains" and "Guarding Tibet" were newly unveiled. From the perspective of genre style, the dramas released this time are mainly costume dramas and main themes, involving historical dramas, costume heroines, modern revolutions, cultural relics and legends and other subdivided themes.

A new round of "seeding" of the head drama company began

The upcoming filming of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television's major historical TV series "Taiping Year" officially announced the main creative team for the first time, co-directed by Yang Lei and Lu Beike, the two collaborated on last year's word-of-mouth sci-fi masterpiece, and the series "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World", of which Yang Lei is one of the directors, is on the air; The screenwriter is Dong Zhe, who has created many excellent movies such as "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party" and "Outwitting Tiger Mountain". The play is set in the middle of the Five Dynasties to the early Northern Song Dynasty, telling the story of Wu Yueguo's completion of the historical initiative of "Returning to the Song Dynasty" in the third year of the Taiping Rejuvenation of the Kingdom, and it is also a special support project for the development of the cultural industry of the Central Propaganda Department in 2024.

The costume legend drama "National Beauty", which has been promoted many times before, is being filmed intensively and is expected to be completed in mid-to-late July, and has been attracting the attention of the industry and the audience since the start of filming. The play is adapted from the novel of the same name by the starting point reader Yi Qianzhong, starring Yang Zi and Li Xian, telling the story of He Weifang, the daughter of a merchant in the Tang Dynasty, planting flowers and starting a business, showing the characters under the prosperity from a richer perspective.

"Our Rivers and Mountains" and "Guarding Tibet" are new projects released to the outside world for the first time, both produced by the Koi Studio under Huace, the former is a modern revolutionary drama dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, written by Liu Gejian, directed by Mao Weining, starring Wang Lei; The latter is adapted from the novel of the same name by contemporary fiction writer Xuan Se, which won the gold medal in the literary track of the 2021 Top Ten National IP Selection and Awards Ceremony, and will focus on the legendary story of the southward migration of cultural relics in the Palace Museum.

Xinli: The head of the multi-track is continuous

In the first half of the year, Xinli Media, which was popular in the drama market, has produced explosive models in the two major tracks of ancient costumes and urban reality, and this time during the Shanghai TV Festival, Tencent Video released a list of major dramas, and there are also many blockbuster works.

In terms of ancient costumes, following "Walking with the Phoenix" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", Xinli will also successively launch high-quality male frequency IPs under China Literature such as "Da Feng Beat the Guard" and "Son-in-law 2", as well as the fantasy drama "Dumb House" adapted from Xuan Se's novel of the same name, and the ancient puppet "Jiangmen Duhou" adapted from the novel "Rebirth of Jiangmen Poison Queen" by Xiaoxiang Academy writer Qianshan Chake. The costume historical figure biographical drama "Zhang Juzheng at the End of the Wind and Grass" is adapted from the work of Xiong Zhaozheng Mao Dun Literature Award, which is a key support project of the State Administration of Radio and Television.

A new round of "seeding" of the head drama company began

Among the urban themes, "The Story of the Rose" has just ended, and another Yishu IP has surfaced, that is, the urban emotional drama "Single Woman" starring Tang Yan and Zhao Youting, directed by Zhang Xiaobo and written by Qin Wen, both of which have rich successful experience in the urban realism track. Another much-related urban drama "Life at the Moment" is adapted from Wang Xin's work "Undesirable Wife", starring Song Qian and Ke Jiayan.

A new round of "seeding" of the head drama company began

In addition, "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" focuses on the theme of spy warfare in the Republic of China, and will be written by Wang Ti and Jin Haishu, and it is also in this "Goose Factory 2024 Drama List".

Moe Kusu:

There are different types of ancient puppets, detectives, national security, and fantasy

Ningmeng mainly brought four key drama projects, including "Midnight Return", "Crime Hunting Guide 2", "Confrontation" and "Ten Days of Ending", with different themes and genres.

The most anticipated is the unit detective drama "Crime Hunting Guide 2", which will return with the original cast, and the high-reputation sequel has its own popularity, but it may also face a stricter trial. The play is still starring Tan Jianci and Jin Shijia, and the two will work together to solve a number of bizarre and mysterious cases in the play, and jointly track down the truth of the mystery, and the current filming and production have come to an end.

A new round of "seeding" of the head drama company began

The costume fantasy romance drama "Midnight Return" is directed by Lu Haojiji, the director of the summer hit drama "Ink Rain and Clouds", adapted from the novel "Mrs. Mei's Favorite Husband's Daily" by Jinjiang author Fuhua, focusing on the story concept of "pure love and strange tan", starring Xu Kai and Tian Xiwei. The fantasy adventure drama "Ten Days to the End" was written by Jiang Feng, and the original novel was ranked TOP1 on the Tomato Peak List, with a total of 24 million readers reading and more than 350,000 readers scoring 9.8 in one year.

The contemporary national security-themed TV series "Confrontation" focuses on the international spy war in the late nineties of the last century, and was selected for the 2024 TV drama list of the main station.

Perfect World: Exploring the Integration of Film and Tourism

At the opening forum during the TV Festival, the relevant person in charge of the company also shared topics such as the integration and development of popular film and television IP and cultural tourism industry, and introduced the main repertoire.

The recently completed "Shhhh The drama "Xianghai" is dedicated to letting young people in the city learn about marine culture and diving sports, while the short drama "Let's Herd the Sheep! "Boss" will be filmed in the grassland, focusing on poverty alleviation.

A new round of "seeding" of the head drama company began

At the same time, the transnational inspirational emotional drama "Happy Grass" is based on Lin Zhanxi, the "father of Juncao", and tells the story of Li Changhuan's team going abroad to plant Juncao; The legendary drama "Skylark Calling Tianlu" is set in Liyuan and tells the spiritual growth history of Peking Opera artist Meng Jinfu's life; "When Garlic Meets Coffee" will show a younger, fashionable and Chinese Harbin. These dramas will show the charm and value of Chinese culture to the outside world from different perspectives.

Xixi: 11 new works win by quantity

During this year's TV Festival, Xixi Pictures joined hands with 12 film and television works to appear in the "TV Market" booth, except for "Fireworks People", the other 11 are all new dramas in planning, covering various themes of ancient costumes, era, city, and youth.

Specifically, in the red carpet session of "TA from the Set, 2024 Tencent Video Goose Drama Party", the two dramas "Huan Yu" and "Six Sisters" were invited to attend, and the main creators also helped in surprise. These two dramas have been completed, the former is adapted from the popular original youth literature IP of Netease Literature, starring Zhang Jingyi and Zhou Yiran; The latter is a family theme of the era, with the background of Huainan, a small city in Anhui from the 60s to the early 21st century in the 20th century, gathering three generations of powerful actors from the old, middle and young generations, and the main creative lineup and production team can be called luxurious.

A new round of "seeding" of the head drama company began

It is worth mentioning that Xixi also focused on promoting three major dramas at the "Shanghai Audiovisual" boutique promotion meeting. Among them, the two series of Shanghai life dramas, "Liang Chen Meijing" and "Shanghai Fireworks", are aimed at Shanghai in the eighties and nineties, and are adapted from the novel of the same name by the eldest girl, taking the audience to review and experience the urban changes of Shanghai under the wave of reform and opening up. The realistic costume drama "Like Brocade" tells the counterattack story of the four girls of Dongping Bofu who returned from "rebirth", starring Jing Tian and Zhang Wanyi.

In addition, Xixi's new dramas this time also include "The Princess-in-White", "Hu Shanwei", "Chengluan", "Drunken Triumph", "Xiaofang Marrying" and "The Right Person".

Stellar Gravity: Carry the Ancient Puppet Fairy to the end

Since last year, the stellar gravity, which has fallen into the "bottleneck period" of ancient puppets, has become more and more courageous, and will still launch an impact on this track.

A new round of "seeding" of the head drama company began

The costume fantasy romance drama "Eternal Night Galaxy" starring Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi released the first heart-warming strategy trailer, which is adapted from the novel "Black Lotus Strategy Manual" by Yu Jiejiao Carving Bow, which tells the story of the girl Ling Miaomiao who accidentally entered the novel task system and must complete the task assigned by the system in order to return to the real world.

"Ancient Music Fenghualu" is the first domestic drama series with the theme of Chinese style and ancient music Xianxia, with "national style and ancient music" as the leading element to build a Xianxia world view. The play is starring Li Yitong, which makes a breakthrough in "anthropomorphizing ancient Chinese musical instruments", and also invites the Central Chinese Orchestra, which has cooperated with film and television dramas for the first time, to serve as the music director, and the integration of tradition and fashion will be a major attraction of the play.

On the whole, consolidating the advantageous track and seeking new increments has become the general consensus of most drama companies in the next stage of content layout. At the end of Q2, who can take the lead in carrying the KPIs in the second half of 2024? See.