
"Tencent Ingot Treasure" AI assistant 3 highlights! Make the content of the official account at your fingertips!

author:Leadership Think Tank
"Tencent Ingot Treasure" AI assistant 3 highlights! Make the content of the official account at your fingertips!

Large-scale model technology in the field of artificial intelligence has ushered in the wide deployment of its applications, and many outstanding consumer-facing applications have emerged in the Chinese market. For example, Tiangong AI launched by Kunlun Wanwei, ByteDance's bean bag, Alibaba's Tongyi Qianwen, and Baidu's Wenxin Yiyan have all won the favor of users with their innovation and practicality.

However, in this race for the application of AI technology, Tencent, as one of the Internet technology giants, has performed relatively more restrained.

However, I'm used to it, Tencent has always dared to be the world, until May 30 this year, Tencent officially launched the "Tencent Yuanbao" App, yes, this Tencent's big baby hurried to catch up with the last train of the first half of the year.

"Tencent Ingot Treasure" AI assistant 3 highlights! Make the content of the official account at your fingertips!

6month20day,Tencent's AI large model application"Tencent Yuanbao"Further upgrade AI search and analysis capabilities,The latest version of Tencent Yuanbao can support a single document up to 10 million words of ultra-long text processing,Well,Let's not talk much about the process of version development,Today I want to reveal to you"Tencent Yuanbao"Those functions that are the latecomers!

"Tencent Ingot Treasure" AI assistant 3 highlights! Make the content of the official account at your fingertips!

1. AI Search:

Everyone has used a lot of AI search products, such as secret tower search, 360 search, Tiangong AI search and so on. These AI search tools are already relatively easy to use, but there is one drawback: they do not include the content of the official account.

"Tencent Ingot Treasure" AI assistant 3 highlights! Make the content of the official account at your fingertips!

However, Tencent Yuanbao can directly read all articles under the WeChat ecosystem, and the 360 million WeChat public accounts are a fertile ground for high-quality content on the Chinese Internet, of which millions of accounts updated daily are producing instant information, and users vote for high-quality content in real time by following, liking, and commenting (in 2023, users voted for at least 79,700 100,000+ articles).

Based on this content production and screening mechanism, Tencent Ingot can provide users with more in-depth and professional information in terms of AI search and AI creation. Moreover, it is directly linked to other products in the Tencent ecosystem, which is incomparable to other AI in terms of database learning.

What's more, Yuanbao's product design focuses on guiding AI search and document analysis, so that each answer can be based on evidence and ensure the latest information.

"Tencent Ingot Treasure" AI assistant 3 highlights! Make the content of the official account at your fingertips!

2. AI summary function

This feature is simply a blessing for lazy people! It supports the recognition and reading of multiple types of files and pictures, whether it is a WeChat official account link, a URL or a document in PDF, Word, TXT and other formats, it can be parsed with one click, and it also supports a long context window, making your information organization more efficient.

"Tencent Ingot Treasure" AI assistant 3 highlights! Make the content of the official account at your fingertips!

I asked him to refine and summarize a 139-page report on quantum artificial intelligence, with relevant information about the application industry, which was refined in 5 seconds and easy to understand.

"Tencent Ingot Treasure" AI assistant 3 highlights! Make the content of the official account at your fingertips!

In addition to summarizing documents, the best thing to use for ingots is his web page information analysis function, and you can also use tables to compare the key content of multiple web pages, which is too convenient to compare performance and price!

"Tencent Ingot Treasure" AI assistant 3 highlights! Make the content of the official account at your fingertips!

In addition to its powerful document parsing and summarization capabilities, Tencent Yuanbao's AI painting function is also worth mentioning. Compared to other AI painting tools, it is much easier to operate. Your instructions don't need to be particularly clear, he can understand and learn in depth according to your context, which is really friendly to novices and WeChat public account pictures!

"Tencent Ingot Treasure" AI assistant 3 highlights! Make the content of the official account at your fingertips!

3. Ingot - the agent in the discovery

General-purpose AI seems to be omnipotent, but if it wants to be accurately applied to specific work, study, and life scenarios, and truly solve practical problems, it often takes a lot of time and energy to adjust and train, and it also needs to master skillful prompt skills, which is not something that ordinary people can easily do. You can understand "AI Agent" as an "AI assistant" for various subdivided needs, no longer need to worry about do-it-yourself tuning, and you don't need to carefully consider the prompt words, but can be used as if you opened a mobile app.

Tencent Yuanbaojia's intelligent body,Focus more on professionals,The homepage main promotion of super translators、PPT experts、Creative stickers、Changeable AI avatars are all AI assistants that improve work and study efficiency。

"Tencent Ingot Treasure" AI assistant 3 highlights! Make the content of the official account at your fingertips!

My favorite thing is the daily oral sparring of English, even if you are a novice in English, it can basically be understood. It corrects my grammar and replaces more local words! It's great to use!

Finally, let's give you 10 commonly used "ingot" instructions for work!

1. Please briefly explain/introduce the definition/function of XXX for me

2. Rephrase the passage with a different linguistic structure.

3. With xX as the theme, help me write a promotional text about xXX

4. Please provide a beginner's guide for newcomers in the XX field

5. Create a Q&A related to the xX topic based on the keywords xX

6. Please help me generate a piece of xXX code

7. Please help me translate this passage in concise text/detailed text

8. Help me extract the core content of this passage and summarize it in concise language

9. Help me generate a PPT outline about xXX

10. I need to recruit for XX position, please help me write a resume

After all, Tencent ingots are Tencent's own sons, the main product, I have tested it for you, the product experience is very silky, go try it.

Of course, in addition to Tencent ingots, there are many excellent AI tools on the market that are worth exploring and trying. Pay attention to Rongmao's AI notes, and share the experience of Li Rongmao's team in using AI to empower ordinary people!

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