
Rubbing the diversion line with a rag was stopped! Workers should be cared for in high temperatures

author:Explanation of the human world


It mentions the importance of employers providing heatstroke prevention measures for workers in high temperatures, especially for labor-intensive groups such as sanitation workers. Workers themselves should also be aware of their rights, such as refusing to be forced to work illegally. Want to know the rights of workers and how to protect their rights? Read on!

Rubbing the diversion line with a rag was stopped! Workers should be cared for in high temperatures

Employer's heatstroke prevention measures

Recently, the hot weather has continued, and relevant heat warning measures have been introduced in various places to remind citizens and friends to pay attention to sun protection and carry water replenishment with them when going out. But we don't see only the people who insist on working in the heat, there are also a large number of workers who continue to stick to their jobs in order to maintain the cleanliness of the city.

According to the provisions of the Labor Law, employers should provide employees with a working environment and conditions that meet the requirements of safety and health, even in case of hot weather. In particular, in the case of continuous high temperatures, employers should provide necessary heatstroke prevention measures according to the actual situation to ensure the health and safety of employees.

If an employee dies due to a sudden illness during working hours, or dies within 48 hours after rescue fails, it shall be regarded as a work-related injury and the employer shall bear the relevant compensation liability. However, in practice, this provision often depends on whether the employee can produce relevant evidence, and if the evidence is insufficient, the work-related injury death is likely to become a non-work-related injury death.

As a basic type of urban work, sanitation workers should not bear too much work intensity, especially when working in high temperatures, they need more attention from employers. Not only out of humanitarian care for workers, but also at a deeper level, if employers can provide workers with necessary measures to prevent heat stroke, they are also protecting themselves.

Because once a worker suffers from heat stroke, not only will he have to bear the relevant liability for compensation, but the progress of the subsequent work is likely to be delayed due to lack of manpower. Therefore, from any point of view, it is necessary for employers to provide heatstroke prevention measures for workers working in high temperatures.

In addition, some netizens questioned the specific operation of sanitation workers, such as why the diversion line should be wiped in a primitive way instead of using mechanical equipment such as washing trucks. In fact, this question is essentially a concern about the working environment of sanitation workers, and the netizens who raised this question obviously want to see sanitation workers be able to complete their tasks in a more relaxed working environment.

We emphasize that the labor laws and regulations have clearly stipulated that employers have the obligation to provide workers with a working environment and conditions that meet the requirements of safety and health. For sanitation workers, if they can reduce physical exertion and ease work intensity, it is certainly a better choice to use mechanical equipment instead of original manual cleaning.

Rubbing the diversion line with a rag was stopped! Workers should be cared for in high temperatures

A way for workers to protect their rights

Have the employers provided the measures to prevent heatstroke for workers? In fact, the workers themselves are very clear, because only when they go deep into the post can they feel whether these heatstroke prevention measures are in place. But even if it's not in place, what can workers do?

We should be clear that it is very dangerous to continue working in high temperatures, and it is very common for workers to suffer from heat stroke or even death as a result, so workers themselves should have the right to refuse to continue working in high temperatures. It is illegal for an employer to force an employee to work in high temperatures without making any arrangements knowing that the work is intensive.

In addition, for sanitation workers, it is even more necessary to remind them to protect their labor rights. As a landscape of urban beautification, sanitation workers actually have more say in the matter, and if they are injured on the job, it is difficult for employers to shirk their responsibilities.

However, even so, work-related injury determination is a very important process that workers must go through to ensure that they receive the relevant compensation. If the employer is mentally prepared and provides the employee with the necessary measures to prevent heatstroke, then it is best for the employee to comply with the employer's arrangement and try to avoid accidents.

However, if the employer does not take into account the employee's heatstroke prevention measures, then it is necessary for the employee to understand his or her rights when facing hot work. For example, there is a legal basis for refusing to enforce work, and the worker can report it and seek legal support.

In the event of a labor dispute, it is advisable for the employee to produce relevant evidence to prove the employer's wrongful actions. And if you insist on working in high temperatures and cause heat stroke, it is possible to have sequelae of heat stroke if you are diagnosed with it later.

At this time, if the worker cannot prove that he or she was forced to work in a hot environment and suffered from heat stroke, then the subsequent treatment costs will still have to be borne by himself. Therefore, we emphasize that it is advisable for the worker to gather sufficient evidence before a dispute arises.

The rights that workers should enjoy

Rubbing the diversion line with a rag was stopped! Workers should be cared for in high temperatures

Workers should be aware of their rights when facing hot work, and be able to refuse and seek legal support if there is an illegal forced operation; If an accident occurs at work due to continuous hot weather, medical assistance should be sought immediately and relevant evidence should be retained to facilitate the application for work-related injury determination;

In addition, we emphasize that it is illegal for an employer to force an employee to work in a high temperature if he or she does not make any arrangements despite knowing that the work is intensive. Work-related injury determination is an important legal process, and employees should seek medical help as soon as possible and retain relevant evidence when encountering work-related injuries, so as to facilitate the application for work-related injury recognition.

If it is judged to be an accident that occurred while working in high temperatures, then it should be entitled to work-related injury insurance. In addition, if the employer knows that the labor intensity is high, but does not make any arrangements, and forcibly orders the employee to work in high temperatures, then the employee has the right to refuse such forced work requirements.

Even if there is no accident, as long as it is determined that the work is illegal and forced to work, the worker can still enjoy the benefits of work-related injury insurance.


Rubbing the diversion line with a rag was stopped! Workers should be cared for in high temperatures

Caring for the health and rights of workers is not only the responsibility of employers, but also the core concern of the whole society. In the face of hot work, workers should be aware of their rights and bravely defend their legitimate rights and interests. Let's call out together so that workers can enjoy the respect and protection they deserve at work!

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