
The Liubei District Warning Education Conference was held

author:Vitality Liubei

On June 28, Liubei District held a warning education conference to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, the Autonomous Region Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee on carrying out party discipline learning and education, study and implement the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", and carry out in-depth analysis in combination with typical cases of serious violations of discipline and law in Liubei District, and educate and guide party members and cadres in urban areas to learn discipline, know discipline, know discipline, and abide by discipline. Earnestly internalize compliance with rules and discipline into ideological consciousness and action consciousness, and promote the study and education of party discipline to be deeper and more practical. Liu Jun, secretary of the district party committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The Liubei District Warning Education Conference was held

Liu Jun emphasized that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction has profoundly expounded a series of major theoretical and practical issues in strengthening the party's discipline construction. All levels and departments in urban areas should stand on the high plane of politics and the overall situation and carry out party discipline study and education in a down-to-earth manner. It is necessary to persist in studying in a down-to-earth manner, so that the process of study will become a process of strengthening ideals and convictions, improving the cultivation of party spirit, and enhancing the sense of discipline. It is necessary to pay close attention to the implementation of the system, strengthen the implementation of discipline and supervision and accountability, and consciously use the party constitution, party rules, and party discipline to restrain and regulate words and deeds. It is necessary to take responsibility and use the practical achievements of high-quality economic and social development to test the effectiveness of party discipline learning and education.

Liu Jun pointed out that it is necessary to promote reform, governance, and construction with cases, and take the cases of Nie Bei, former member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and deputy head of the district, as a mirror for negative examples such as serious violations of discipline and law and typical cases of violations of discipline and law investigated and dealt with at the district level, and consciously examine and introspect against each other. It is necessary to profoundly learn the profound lessons of the typical cases of losing ideals and beliefs and resisting organizational review, and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards". It is necessary to profoundly absorb the profound lessons of the typical cases of wanton arbitrariness and vain attempts to deceive organizations, and resolutely achieve the "four obediences". It is necessary to profoundly draw profound lessons from the typical cases of self-willingness, corruption, degeneration, and abuse of power in one's hands, and resolutely be honest and honest. It is necessary to profoundly learn the lessons of abandoning the original mission and infringing on the interests of the masses, and resolutely ensure that the government serves the people. It is necessary to deeply learn the lessons of ineffective implementation of work, dereliction of duty, and failure to abide by responsibilities, and resolutely take responsibility. It is necessary to profoundly absorb the profound lessons of the typical cases of pursuing low-level interests and personal moral anomie, and always be strict in self-cultivation.

Liu Jun demanded that all departments at all levels in the urban area should strengthen ideological guidance to build a strong line of defense, strengthen theoretical study, firmly grasp the direction of warning education, and constantly deepen their sober understanding of party discipline. It is necessary to adhere to strict supervision and discipline in daily life, strengthen the supervision and management of party members and cadres, especially the "key minority", adhere to the combination of strict management and benevolence, and encourage cadres to dare to take responsibility and actively act. It is necessary to promote both the symptoms and the root causes to form a long-term effect, adhere to the integrated rectification of "wind" and "corruption", adhere to the integrated promotion of not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, continue to strengthen the construction of family education and family style, and guide party members and cadres to cultivate themselves and be honest and self-disciplined. Party committees (party groups) at all levels should conscientiously perform the main responsibilities, the "top leader" should conscientiously perform the duties of the first responsible person, the team members should conscientiously perform the "one post and two responsibilities", the discipline inspection and supervision organs should conscientiously perform the duties of assistance and supervision, and all functional departments should pay attention to coordination and efficient coordination, form a joint force to grasp and manage the work, and jointly push the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to the depth, and constantly consolidate and develop the good political ecology of our region.

At the meeting, Cai Li, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, Secretary of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Director of the District Supervision Commission, reported on the investigation and handling of cases and typical cases in the urban area.

Relevant leaders of the four teams in the district attended the conference.

Source: Liubei District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision

The Liubei District Warning Education Conference was held

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The Liubei District Warning Education Conference was held

Editor: Qin Moyan

Proofreading: Wei Cheng, Rong Jie, Yi Lu

Reviewer: Huang Shaliu

Submissions are welcome to [email protected]

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