
Financial Security Interview Bank (6) Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank: Use financial living water to irrigate the masses and get rich in the industry

author:Qinghai online network official micro
Financial Security Interview Bank (6) Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank: Use financial living water to irrigate the masses and get rich in the industry

Wenga Ranch

Qinghai Online Network (Wentu/Mi Hailian) At the end of June, I walked into Wenjia Ranch in Haiyan County, Haibei Prefecture, and there was green everywhere I looked, revealing a faint coolness. Grassland scenery, ethnic customs, and red culture are the most representative tourism resources of Wenjia Ranch in Haiyan County, Haibei Prefecture, which is located on the shore of Qinghai Lake, watching over the happy life of herdsmen on the grassland.

Financial Security Interview Bank (6) Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank: Use financial living water to irrigate the masses and get rich in the industry

Yang Jinhao, vice president of Wenjia Ranch, communicated with the staff of Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank

In recent years, with the high-quality development of tourism in Haiyan County, many tourists have come to Wenjia Ranch to check in. In order to improve the infrastructure and develop new tourism projects, Wenjia Ranch applied for a loan of 1.5 million yuan from Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank through the method of "guarantee + credit". "With the financial support of the Rural Commercial Bank, we also have the confidence and confidence to continue to develop." Yang Jinhao, the relevant person in charge of Wenjia Ranch, said.

In Haiyan Xingnong Ecological Grass Industry Co., Ltd., more than 600 fat and strong cattle are scattered in multiple barns, leisurely eating feed. Haiyan Xingnong Ecological Grass Industry Co., Ltd. is a modern enterprise integrating cattle and sheep fattening, livestock product acquisition and forage planting. Since May 2016, the company has borrowed from Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank for enterprise development, during which it has accumulated 5 loans and issued a total of 9.7 million yuan of credit loans.

Financial Security Interview Bank (6) Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank: Use financial living water to irrigate the masses and get rich in the industry

Wang Shengting, head of Haiyan Xingnong Ecological Grass Industry Co., Ltd., communicated with the staff of Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank

"With the expansion of the scale of aquaculture, the supply of funds is sometimes not available, so I applied for a loan from Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank, and the funds arrived quickly, which solved the urgent need." Wang Shengting, head of Yanxing Agricultural Ecological Grass Industry Co., Ltd., said.

Financial Security Interview Bank (6) Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank: Use financial living water to irrigate the masses and get rich in the industry

The rape flowers in Huangcaozhang Village, a triangle town in Haiyan County, show vigorous vitality, which is not only a gift from nature, but also a reflection of the precise drip irrigation of finance and the help of rural revitalization. In 2019, the village established Huangcaozhang Village Joint Stock Economic Cooperative, which is mainly engaged in collective economic operation and management, collective resource development and utilization, agricultural production development and services, financial management and income distribution. In 2022, the cooperative will be in the form of agricultural production trusteeship services, and the Triangle Town Government will assist in the trusteeship of 5 villages in the Triangle Town, 479 households, and 6,180 acres of cultivated land, and carry out large-scale and standardized planting, including 4,100 acres of barley planting and 2,080 acres of rapeseed planting. "In order to better develop the village collective economy and expand the scale of the industry, our cooperative applied for a loan from Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank. Cai Langben, secretary of the party branch and village director of Huangcaozhang Village, said gratefully.

Financial Security Interview Bank (6) Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank: Use financial living water to irrigate the masses and get rich in the industry

Cai Langben, secretary of the Party branch and village director of Huangcaozhang Village, communicated with the staff of Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank

Since 2018, Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank has carried out the credit extension of the whole village in Huangcaozhang Village, and currently has 310 credit grants for the whole village, with a total of 46.25 million yuan of loans issued, covering 93%. In 2022, Huangcaozhang Village Economic Cooperative has business cooperation with Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank, during which the cumulative number of loans is 2 times, and a total of 5 million yuan of credit loans have been issued. In this sea of golden rape flowers, the power of finance is quietly changing the face of the countryside.

Haiyan Rural Commercial Bank focuses on the demand for financial services for rural revitalization, supports the cultivation and expansion of economic entities in characteristic industries and leading agricultural enterprises, stimulates industrial vitality, fully connects the village collective economy with the financial needs of modern agriculture and animal husbandry, innovates financial products, optimizes financial services, and introduces more financial "living water" into the field of "agriculture, rural areas and rural areas".

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