
The old town is rejuvenated
The old town is rejuvenated

In February this year, Aunt Liu, a resident of Luoyangxi Community, Heyangcheng Street, Hechuan District, Chongqing, reported in the WeChat group of the building: The kitchen fan of the barbecue restaurant downstairs is noisy, which seriously affects the residents' rest at night, and hopes that the community can help solve the matter.

After Yi Hongjin, secretary of the community party committee, saw the news in the group, he immediately "sent a ticket" to Hu Wei, the "little housekeeper of party members". Through the way that the property management company took the main responsibility and the community coordinated to solve the problem, Hu Wei effectively communicated with the owner of the barbecue restaurant, and the owner immediately replaced the fan, and Aunt Liu slept a "quiet sleep" that night.

The matter was solved so smoothly, thanks to the results of the contradiction of "entering the circle and joining the group, double network linkage" in Heyangcheng Street, which is also a vivid portrayal of Heyangcheng Street's active construction of the "141" grassroots intelligent governance system of party building and leadership.

Heyangcheng Street is an old city with many single buildings and courtyards and a large population base, and the situation is complicated. In recent years, the street has combined with the party building to lead the grid governance action, actively explored the contradiction of "entering the circle and joining the group, and the linkage of the two networks", deepened the "grid + WeChat" online service, and implemented the offline disposal of "prevention + resolution", and implemented the cloud "big manager" + party member "little housekeeper", so as to realize the discovery of mass demands in the "circle group" and solve them in the grid.

Identify the lesion and prescribe a good prescription for "intelligent treatment".

With the rapid economic and social development, the structure of urban and rural areas and people's ideological concepts and behaviors are constantly changing, which brings major challenges to grassroots governance.

In a survey of the jurisdiction, the staff of Heyangcheng Street found that there are many problems in the governance of the local village (community), which are mainly reflected in: all kinds of problems are difficult to be discovered in time, such as family disputes and marriage disputes involving the privacy of the masses, which are highly hidden and easy to cause the "civil to criminal" incident; The needs of the masses are increasing day by day, but the channels for reflecting problems are not convenient enough, and it is difficult to form an effective closed loop of work in the handling process; The governance forces are scattered and the joint force is not strong, especially the situation that the willingness of the masses to participate is not high exists to varying degrees; Grassroots villages (communities) have "fewer people and more things", and grassroots cadres are unable to cope with a large number of village (community) affairs, and the progress of handling individual matters is slow, resulting in insufficient satisfaction and recognition of the masses.

In order to effectively solve these problems, Heyangcheng Street has further promoted the modernization and reform of grassroots governance led by the party building of "party building piling and governance networking", innovated the contradiction of "entering the circle and joining the group, and double network linkage" and integrated it into the "141" grassroots intelligent governance system, which has played the role of "probe" and "sentinel point" for the intelligent governance platform to find problems, and continuously promoted the resolution of grassroots contradictions.

The old town is rejuvenated

Networking and group membership are fully aware of problems

How to build an "online grid"? Who should be in the "circle"?

In order to facilitate the consultation and service of the masses, Heyangcheng Street set up an "online grid", that is, through the integration of the original work WeChat group and mass contact group, according to the principle of global coverage, appropriate scale and convenient service, 313 online grid WeChat groups were established with buildings as units, and at least one person from each household was invited to join the group to promote full coverage into the group, and the secretary of the village (community) party organization served as the leader of the "online grid" group.

"Notice: Elderly friends over 65 years old are invited to Heyang Health Center for free health check-up in the near future; @所有人: The installation of the gas self-closing valve has been completed, and the installation has not yet been installed. @黄哥: I just asked about your application for the subsistence allowance, and the community has already reported it to the street, and you will be notified after it is passed......"

This is the news released by Zhou Tingting, Secretary of the Party Committee of Honggangshan Community, Heyangcheng Street, in the grid WeChat group. In addition to the position of secretary of the community party committee, she also has an identity, which is the cloud "general manager" of the community. Like Zhou Tingting, there are 22 cloud "managers" in the streets of Heyang City.

In accordance with the "1+3+N" grid governance team model, Heyangcheng Street integrates more than 8,200 professional forces such as party members and cadres, "water and electricity news" staff, and law enforcement personnel to "enter the circle and join the group", pay attention to the "cloud network" information on a regular basis, and respond quickly within 5 minutes, answer online to consultation questions, and resolve contradictions and demands in a timely manner. At present, the "dual network linkage" has handled more than 1,800 matters such as policy answers, neighborhood affairs, and dispute mediation in a timely manner, promoting the "circle group" to find problems faster, perceive risks in a timely manner, and handle incidents efficiently.

"As a community policeman, we entered the community WeChat group, which not only shortened the distance with the masses, but also better served the masses." Dong Xing, a police officer in Puhu Community, said, "Some time ago, the police station carried out a verification operation of 'one standard and three realities' (standard address, actual population, actual housing, and actual unit), and the police needed to come to the door. No, after the police entered the group, some people immediately passed the WeChat group @ me, not only reported the name of the police, but also provided the police number to verify with me, and I could reply to them immediately online. ”

Flat command, multi-span collaboration to solve problems

On September 5 last year, the grid staff of the community where the Chongqing Institute of International Business and Economics is located reported the problem of street vendors occupying the road near the university through the Zhizhi platform. The Heyang City Street Grassroots Governance Command Center transferred the matter to the staff of the urban management law enforcement post for disposal in accordance with the procedures for performing their duties. After the urban management law enforcement was dealt with, a new problem was raised: there are many colleges and universities in the jurisdiction, and the front line of hawkers fighting "guerrillas" is long, and they often "press the gourd to float the scoop", and it is not enough to block it alone.

The command center immediately held a meeting to study and judge, made a decision to set up a night market stall area, and launched a multi-cross cooperation mechanism according to the work process: the urban management law enforcement post conducted a thorough investigation of the stalls around the colleges and universities in the jurisdiction - the relevant communities and grids cooperated synchronously to carry out publicity and guidance - the comprehensive coordination post did a good job in providing relevant materials and equipment - the municipal construction post and the environmental protection service post were responsible for the demarcation, pile burying, wiring and sanitation operations of the night market stall area - the economic development post assisted the urban management law enforcement post to register the information of the vendors who were willing to enter the stall area, and signed the " Letter of Commitment for the Operation of Temporary Convenience Stalls in the Temporary Convenience Stalls - Market Supervision Post Guides Vendors to Apply for Filing Registration Certificates and Personal Health Certificates - Community Cultural and Sports Service Posts Cooperate with the Formulation of Interim Regulations on Night Market Management - Urban Management Law Enforcement Posts, Market Supervision Posts and Professional Law Enforcement Forces Strengthen Linkage, Set Up Special Classes for Patrol Zones, and Ensure that Night Markets "Are Not Allowed to Be Liberal, Convenient and Not Disturbing the People".

At present, the "Xueyuan Night Market" built around Hechuan University has set up a total of 4 convenient stall areas and 340 stalls. Vendors operate here in an orderly manner, which not only regulates the order of the city, but also adds to the city's fireworks.

"We have woven a 'small closed-loop network' of circles and a 'large circulation network' of platforms. For the general matters reported by the village (community), coordinate the efforts of all parties to coordinate and deal with them, and form a 'small closed loop' in which problems are found from the grid and disposed of in the grid. For larger matters and difficult problems, after deliberation by the street command center, the leading leadership, responsible positions, and handling time limits are clarified, and the supervision and regular feedback are listed on the intelligent governance platform to form a 'big cycle' of incident research, judgment, disposal, supervision, and feedback. Zhou Xiaobing, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Heyangcheng Street and Commander of the Grassroots Governance Command Center, introduced.

"With the deepening of the work, the enthusiasm of the street masses to actively participate in grassroots governance is high, and the masses and merchants take the initiative to apply to join the 'online grid', and through the 'online grid' feedback problems, consultation, supervision and evaluation, the relationship between the party and the masses and the cadres and the masses is further harmonious, and the property service complaint rate has decreased by 55%." Zhou Xiaobing said that the online and offline dual network linkage can collect the grid situation in real time and achieve more refined and efficient services for residents. In the next step, Heyangcheng Street will continue to deepen the action of "Party Building and Grid Governance", focus on the end of governance, the source of contradictions, and the smallest unit, and vigorously promote digital empowerment and grid intelligent governance, so that residents can have someone to help them at their doorstep.

The old town is rejuvenated
The old town is rejuvenated