
China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

author:Diagnose the lock
China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

While the growth of market demand and the progress of technology will expand the number of gray hair plates, the encouragement of national policies also means that the government may lead the establishment of norms, promote the industry to move towards standardization, and improve service quality and professional level.

China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

Source: Diagnostic Lock Synthesis

Written by: South Wing


China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

The problem of hair loss and gray hair has gradually become a common problem faced by the mainland and even the world. According to the latest data from the National Health Commission, by the end of 2020, there were more than 252 million people with hair loss in mainland China, accounting for 17.7%.

In addition, the State Council promulgated the silver economic policy mentioning "the development of anti-aging industry, deepen the research on skin aging mechanism, human aging model, human hair health, etc., and strengthen the research and development and application of gene technology, regenerative medicine, laser radio frequency and other anti-aging fields." "Scalp health is already on the list, and the public is paying more and more attention to hair loss and gray hair.

Based on iResearch's Insight Report on Hair Loss and Gray Hair, this article introduces the current situation of the mainland hair loss and gray hair therapy market in chapters from the market development overview, institutional operation mode, consumer group portrait and future development measures of the hair loss and gray hair therapy market.

China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

In 2025, the scale of the hair loss and gray hair physiotherapy industry will exceed 10 billion yuan

According to the "White Paper on Scalp Health of Chinese", the number of people with hair loss in mainland China has exceeded 250 million, including about 163 million men and 88 million women. At the same time, gray hair is becoming more and more prominent, especially among people between the ages of 35 and 40. Hair loss and gray hair problems persist persistently. According to a report by Hua Chuang Securities, at present, the proportion of hair loss before the age of 30 in mainland China is as high as 84%, which is 20 years earlier than the hair loss age of the previous generation, and has begun to show a significant trend of younger age.

Starting from 2024, the economic recovery and the growth of image consumption desire, combined with the update and iteration of physiotherapy service technology and product upgrades, the penetration rate of people choosing physiotherapy services is rising. It is estimated that by 2025, the scale of the hair loss and gray hair treatment market will exceed the 10 billion mark, and by 2028, the market size is expected to further climb to 28.90 billion yuan, showing a strong growth momentum.

China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

The causes of hair loss and gray hair vary, and the solutions generally take the form of psychological stress reduction, physical therapy, and gray hair physiotherapy for hair loss. Among them, physical therapy is the main body of rehabilitation treatment, and one is to use functional training and manual therapy as the main means, also known as exercise therapy or exercise therapy; The other type is physiotherapy with various physical factors (sound, light, cold, heat, electricity, magnetism, water, etc.) as the main means, that is, physiotherapy, which refers to the latter.

Hair loss and gray hair treatment is a full-cycle, systematic four-in-one solution based on the concept of "scalp soil remediation engineering". Different from traditional maintenance solutions, the hair loss and gray hair treatment process focuses on the health of the scalp "soil", emphasizing solving the problem from the source, and users can enjoy one-stop professional physiotherapy services covering the whole life cycle of scalp health. This solution has been widely used in the professional physiotherapy of hair loss and gray hair, and has gradually become a useful supplement to the treatment methods at the medical level.

China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

Hair loss and gray hair physiotherapy market development and operation mode

At present, in the industrial chain of hair loss, in addition to the upstream product and equipment manufacturers, franchisees and the majority of hair loss and gray hair physiotherapy service consumer groups, the core institutions in the midstream can be roughly divided into three categories:

(1) Professional medical institutions: such as Yonghe Hair Transplant and Barley Hair Transplant, etc., emphasize the importance of doctors and the importance of diversified technical aspects, and are committed to providing customers with more accurate and personalized services.

(2) Professional physiotherapy institutions: such as Black Mystery, Shibiman, etc., pay more attention to the refinement and customization of services. For example, the Xiaohei AI intelligent guidance system provided by Black Mystery can provide personalized physiotherapy plans according to the needs and pain points of different users according to the user's scalp problems. This tailor-made service model can better meet the specific needs of different consumers and improve the effectiveness of services and user satisfaction.

(3) Soothing and hair-nourishing institutions: such as private hair-care, doctor's garden, etc. Personalized care solutions and a user-centric service philosophy are the distinguishing features of these institutions, emphasizing the background of the professional team and the high standards of service, focusing on providing a comprehensive range of hair health protection. For example, the Doctor's Garden was founded by Wang Chaogang, who has a doctorate degree in medical aesthetics from Japan, and introduced internationally advanced hair transplantation techniques.

China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

Scalp physiotherapy under the third-order development is a closed loop of health ecology

Now, with the development of polymer, biological enzyme and other technologies in the upstream, the enrichment of physiotherapy experience by portable equipment, and the advancement of Internet technology to promote the innovation of marketing and customer acquisition methods, midstream physiotherapy institutions have slowly developed into a model from a single solution to a comprehensive health management model, and the development of the hair loss and gray hair physiotherapy industry has experienced three significant stages of development in terms of user side, place side and technology side, and the closed loop of scalp physiotherapy health ecology has initially appeared.

First of all, in the initial stage of hair loss and gray hair treatment, due to the limited user cognition and the immature market, the treatment of hair loss and gray hair is relatively simple and simple. At the technical level, the solution mainly stays at the level of traditional Chinese medicine. This stage is mainly characterized by market education and awareness, and consumers' awareness of hair loss and gray hair problems has gradually improved, but the solutions are relatively primitive and limited.

Entering the 2.0 specialization stage, the awareness of hair loss and gray hair on the user side has improved, and the market development tends to improve. The level of specialization and the application of technology in the premises continue to improve, long-term care and comprehensive treatment have become the mainstream, and at this stage, various professional medical institutions and physiotherapy institutions have begun to emerge and provide more diversified and personalized services.

Nowadays, the industry has entered the 3.0 ecological closed-loop stage, and users are no longer satisfied with the stability of the hair, but pay more attention to the health of the scalp. At the service level, scene design and technology application have ushered in more room for iteration and innovation. Hair loss and gray hair physiotherapy services began to cover the whole life cycle, and are committed to creating an ecological closed loop of scalp physiotherapy for users and providing a full range of health management.

China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

Physiotherapy services are both professional and accessible

For people with hair loss and gray hair, various institutions provide unique solutions.

1) Professional medical institutions provide services such as diagnosis, treatment advice and drug treatment with their medical capabilities. This includes the use of medications such as hair growth agents, minoxidil or finasteride, as well as more specialized medical procedures such as hair transplant surgery. The professional level and service unit price are the highest, and the patient accessibility is low;

2) Professional physiotherapy institutions are committed to providing patients with a scientific physiotherapy experience, providing non-invasive therapies such as manual physiotherapy, laser therapy, scalp care, and hair follicle nutrient supply, aiming to stimulate scalp blood circulation and hair follicle activity and promote healthy hair growth. The unit price of the service is relatively low, and the service accessibility is the highest;

3) The soothing hair care institution focuses on providing comfortable and relaxing hair care services, providing massage, essential oil care, herbal therapy and other items to help relieve scalp tension and improve the scalp environment, and more focus on daily hair stem care needs.

At the same time, with the changes in the needs of users in the whole cycle, various institutions are also expanding to the whole process on the basis of their own business, such as transforming the hair transplant needs of users within professional physiotherapy institutions and building a "physiotherapy + hair transplant" business model.

China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

With business scale as the vertical axis, practical competitiveness as the horizontal axis, and more than a dozen excellent manufacturers of various types in the industry as benchmarking samples, iResearch has drawn the Quadrant for Hair Loss and Gray Hair Therapy Business - Enterprise Value. Among them, professional hair transplant medical institutions and soothing hair care institutions have begun to deploy in the field of anti-hair loss and whitening prevention, but they are not the company's main business, while professional physiotherapy institutions have shown more dedicated and in-depth cultivation, which are in a leading position in the market in terms of practical competitiveness and business scale, and continue to promote the development of the field of hair loss and gray hair physiotherapy in the direction of specialization and ecology.

China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30
China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

Crowd portrait and consumption characteristics

According to user search statistics, frequent late nights, mental stress, anxiety and depression, and irregular work and rest have become the three main causes of hair loss and gray hair. The results of the search topic index also show that most people are actively looking for ways to improve hair loss and gray hair.

In the transition of information acquisition and consumption decision-making, consumers tend to pay attention to brand strength and expected intervention effects. The analysis of information acquisition channels shows that online has become the main way for consumers to obtain product information, accounting for 51.6%, followed by family and friend recommendations, accounting for 49.9%. Further cross-analysis with city lines shows that people in high-tier cities are more willing to collect information on online platforms, while lower-tier cities are more likely to trust word of mouth.

Among them, the portraits of the main paying groups can be roughly described into three categories.

(1) Women in second- and third-tier cities: women in the age group of 36-55 are the main force, accounting for nearly 7 percent, which is half of the population portrait. Most of the people are working-class, and the general housing pressure is small, and the family financial burden is not large, so there is a strong willingness to pay. This group of people has a strong sense of social belonging, low economic pressure, and a desire to achieve a younger and more beautiful image by improving gray hair, serving emotional needs and interpersonal interactions.

(2) Males aged 31-55: first-tier and new first-tier cities accounted for 41.2% of the total portrait, and the pursuit of higher material living standards and greater living pressure were the main characteristics of this group. 48.1% of the population are business managers, who have high requirements for personal image: professional and technical personnel account for nearly 3 percent, and high-intensity mental work brings greater work pressure, so there is a strong demand for hair loss physiotherapy.

(3) 18-30 years old: This group is distributed in all tier-1 cities, among which first-tier and new first-tier cities account for the largest proportion, and fourth- and fifth-tier cities cannot be ignored. This group of people is in the stage of entering the workplace, and career and love have become indispensable propositions in their lives, so they pay attention to the shaping of personal image.

In terms of consumption frequency and consumption amount, most users choose hair loss/gray hair therapy once a week, and a single consumption is between 151~200 yuan.

China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

The survey results show that more than 40% of people have been spending more than two years in physiotherapy facilities. In terms of effect feedback, 51.8% of users hope to continue to improve hair loss and gray hair through long-term physical therapy, and 47.9% of users say that their hair loss and gray hair problems have been improved, but they still go to institutions for long-term stability maintenance and maintenance. Of these long-term care users, 44.9% visit a physiotherapy facility every two weeks. This shows that professional physiotherapy institutions are highly attractive to users and can effectively maintain customer loyalty.

China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30
China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

Future development needs

Starting from the future development of hair loss and gray hair, on the demand side, the survey results show that users put the introduction of technology products to improve the professionalism of services and physiotherapy effects in the first place, and at the same time, the demand for full-process, comprehensive, customized and other services is becoming more and more prominent. Therefore, the two major directions of more efficient and scientific treatment plans and whole-process services from diagnosis to treatment to follow-up maintenance will lead users to the growing demand for higher quality in the hair loss and gray hair therapy market.

The upgrading of user consciousness and the change of demand are reversed, and the professional and diversified consumption choices will guide the physiotherapy institutions to innovate and expand in the modules of regular maintenance, effect maintenance, hair transplant surgery, etc., the upstream technology will continue to change, the institutional services will be innovated, and the market will enter the development stage of consumer demand reverse pull.

China Hair Loss and White Hair Therapy Industry Insight Report: 84% of people with hair loss before the age of 30

Entering this stage, professional medical institutions, professional physiotherapy institutions and soothing hair care institutions will iteratively upgrade their products and services in terms of professionalism and diversified needs. Specifically:

1) Professional medical institutions will focus on their own professional characteristics and continuously extend their professional capabilities in the medical field;

2) Soothing and haircare institutions are positioned in the daily maintenance needs of users, and horizontally expand their own service types;

3) Professional physiotherapy institutions will make simultaneous efforts in horizontal expansion and vertical extension, on the one hand, they will continue to develop new products and new ingredients to improve the efficacy and effect of services, and on the other hand, they will strengthen technical iteration and foreign exchanges and cooperation, so as to realize the gradual convergence of physiotherapy to quasi-medical treatment, and provide users with more comprehensive and professional solutions for hair loss and gray hair.

In the future, the development trend of the hair loss gray hair physiotherapy market will be affected by many factors, the growth of market demand and the progress of technology will expand the hair loss gray hair plate at the same time, the national policy encouragement also means that the government may lead the establishment of norms, promote the industry to standardize, improve service quality and professional level. For practitioners and investors, it is key to grasp market opportunities and continuously innovate services and technologies. At the same time, paying attention to industry dynamics and changes in consumer demand will also help to better adapt to market development and enhance competitiveness.

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Source of this article: Diagnosis and lock boundary synthesis

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