
Experts are around丨Is "social fear" really a disease? Do I need to take medication?

author:Health Hangzhou
Experts are around丨Is "social fear" really a disease? Do I need to take medication?

Healthy Hangzhou experts are by your side

Experts of this issue

Zhang Lei

Experts are around丨Is "social fear" really a disease? Do I need to take medication?

●Deputy Director and Deputy Chief TCM Physician of the Department of Clinical Psychology (Sleep Diagnosis and Treatment Center) of Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

●The seventh batch of academic inheritors of Zhang Yonghua, a national famous old Chinese medicine doctor

Experts are around丨Is "social fear" really a disease? Do I need to take medication?


He is good at the treatment of sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, somatoform disorders, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, etc., and has good experience in the treatment of amenorrhea, lactation, constipation, weight gain and other side effects caused by psychotic drugs.

Clinic hours

Wulin Campus: Monday (sleep) morning, Tuesday morning, Thursday morning, Saturday morning

Dingqiao Campus: Wednesday morning, Friday morning

Highlights of this issue

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Do "social fears" need to be treated with medication?

How do parents communicate with their children's "social fear"?

Experts are around丨Is "social fear" really a disease? Do I need to take medication?


A 12-year-old child cannot go out to order food on his own

Diagnosed social anxiety disorder

12-year-old Xiao Song (pseudonym) is an extremely "socially phobic" child who can't even go out to order food independently. In desperation, the father took the child to Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and found Zhang Lei for consultation.

After learning about it, Zhang Lei found that Xiao Song had a certain social anxiety disorder, and it was recommended to carry out psychological treatment first, and at the same time, parents should also improve their communication methods and solve their children's problems together.

"Social phobia", also known as social anxiety disorder, is a special form of anxiety disorder, which is mainly manifested by excessive worry, nervousness and fear in social situations and interpersonal contact.

Experts are around丨Is "social fear" really a disease? Do I need to take medication?

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  • Patients are afraid of eating or talking in public;
  • Fear of embarrassment and embarrassment due to embarrassing behavior during gatherings and meetings;
  • Fear of blushing when exposed to people in public, fear of making eye contact with others, or fear of others scrutinizing you and discovering your uneasiness and inner secrets.

In addition to the experience of anxiety, another aspect of social anxiety disorder is avoidance behavior. Patients often avoid certain social situations, and if they cannot be avoided or must be faced, they will experience persistent intense anxiety, distressing symptoms, and avoidance behaviors, which may also significantly affect daytime functioning and reduce the patient's quality of life.


Do I need to take medicine for "social fear"?

In general, social anxiety disorder can be improved by psychotherapy, medication, etc.

Experts are around丨Is "social fear" really a disease? Do I need to take medication?

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It can be treated through psychotherapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalytic therapy, so that patients can correctly recognize negative cognitions and overcome psychological barriers.

drug therapy

If the effect of psychotherapy is not satisfactory, or if the condition is more severe, it is necessary to seek medical attention promptly.

Take anti-anxiety medications under the guidance of a doctor to improve the symptoms of anxiety.

In addition, Chinese herbal decoction can also help regulate the internal flow of qi and blood in the body and the function of the internal organs, relieve psychological tension and anxiety, and can also improve some adverse reactions caused by Western medicine.


Will the child be "socially afraid"?

Parent communication is important

Children are very capable of learning, and what parents say and do is often imitated by children.

If parents feel anxious in social situations and have more avoidance behaviors, such as "not very pleasant with acquaintances" and "not good at words", children may imitate their parents' avoidance, thus lacking basic social skills in social situations, and gradually evolve into social anxiety over time. When children encounter unfamiliar people or events, they tend to withdraw, suppress play and talk, and seek help from parents.

Experts are around丨Is "social fear" really a disease? Do I need to take medication?

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If parents can sense their child's anxiety at this time and give good guidance and encouragement to their child's social performance, then the child will be able to explore more actively when facing it again.

If parents adopt a rejection or distancing attitude when their child is anxious, the child is unable to deal with the anxiety on his own and is more withdrawn in social situations.

Parents should give their children more emotional warmth, reduce the expression of negative parenting styles in the family, set expectations and requirements within a reasonable range, and create a relaxed and friendly family atmosphere.

In addition, parents should not interfere too much with their children's decisions and attempts, and talk to their children on an equal footing, so that they can draw enough respect and security.

Experts are around丨Is "social fear" really a disease? Do I need to take medication?
  • Contributed by: Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Please indicate "Healthy Hangzhou"

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Experts are around丨Is "social fear" really a disease? Do I need to take medication?

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Experts are around丨Is "social fear" really a disease? Do I need to take medication?