
How does AIGC reshape e-commerce content production and traffic operations?

How does AIGC reshape e-commerce content production and traffic operations?

Produced by Tiger Sniff Think Tank

Visual China

With the continuous innovation of AI technology, the e-commerce industry is ushering in a revolution in content and traffic operation. The rise of AIGC technology has not only changed the content production mode of e-commerce brands, but also brought unprecedented changes in e-commerce traffic operations.

This article will explore how AIGC is reshaping the e-commerce field and demonstrate its practical application through specific cases.

Key takeaways:

1. AI-generated content technology is applied to the automated content creation of e-commerce brands. By training machine learning models, e-commerce platforms can automatically generate multimedia content such as articles and videos that match brand style and audience preferences.

2. In terms of precise traffic operation, AI technology can help e-commerce platforms accurately locate the target audience and achieve precision marketing and traffic conversion by analyzing user behavior and interest preferences.

3. AI technology can also monitor and analyze traffic data in real time, providing valuable market insights and decision-making support for e-commerce brands.

With the continuous innovation of AI technology, the e-commerce industry is ushering in a revolution in content and traffic operation. The rise of AIGC technology has not only changed the content production mode of e-commerce brands, but also brought unprecedented changes in e-commerce traffic operations. This article will explore how AIGC is reshaping the e-commerce field and demonstrate its practical application through specific cases.

AIGC is reshaping the way e-commerce brands produce content and operate traffic

Traditional e-commerce content production often relies on manual writing and editing, which is inefficient and costly. In the traditional mode, the whole process of selling a product includes: taking pictures, art, editing, operating, planting grass and adjusting. Merchants often have to manage a large number of SKUs, and each SKU needs to create beautiful product merchandise. For the best results, merchandising images often need to be taken with real people and live action.

After selecting the product image, the merchant needs to further generate specialized marketing content for the different promotion channels of the product. After completing the content production, the merchant needs to arrange professional delivery personnel to deliver the content to major platforms, adjust the delivery parameters in real time, and closely monitor the delivery effect.

With the continuous advancement of technology and the increasing maturity of the market, the e-commerce industry has gradually entered a new stage of development, that is, the era of "content is king". There are two obvious trends in the e-commerce industry: one is to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Second, the content has become more complex, and the content of e-commerce platforms is becoming more and more volatile. In the past, it was only necessary to refine the content of a single platform such as the Xiaohongshu platform, but now it is necessary to comprehensively expand diversified content forms such as Taobao graphics, live broadcasts and short videos, which increases the difficulty and cost of content production.

With the help of AI, the content production methods and traffic operation strategies of e-commerce platforms are undergoing profound changes.

In terms of automatic content generation, AI-generated content technology is applied to the automated content creation of e-commerce brands. By training machine learning models, e-commerce platforms can automatically generate multimedia content such as articles and videos that match brand style and audience preferences.

In terms of precise traffic operation, AI technology can help e-commerce platforms accurately locate target audiences and achieve precision marketing and traffic conversion by analyzing user behavior and interest preferences.

At the same time, AI technology can also monitor and analyze traffic data in real time, providing valuable market insights and decision-making support for e-commerce brands. For example, major platforms such as Douyin, Taobao,, etc., are all conducting promotional activities, and it is necessary to analyze which platform the product is more suitable for promotion, and how to produce and publish content.

How does AIGC reshape e-commerce content production and traffic operations?

Compared to traditional manual content production, AI-generated content can significantly reduce costs by more than 80%. For example, each image that used to cost as much as RMB 200 was created manually, but now it can be completed with the help of AI technology for only RMB 20. Similarly, video production costs have been similarly reduced.

What's more, AI technology enables content output to be infinitely scalable. In the past, a brand could post up to a few dozen pieces of content in a day, but now, with the help of AI tools, it can easily reach tens of thousands. Not only that, but the organic traffic generated by a large amount of content has also jumped significantly, providing strong support for brands to achieve explosive traffic growth.

AIGC is reshaping the way e-commerce brands produce content and operate traffic

Taking a well-known clothing brand as an example, the platform actively introduced AI-generated content technology to achieve a comprehensive upgrade of content and traffic operations. For example, in terms of automated content creation, AI technology is used to automatically generate articles and video content that conform to the brand style, providing strong support for brand publicity and promotion, and realizing the rapid launch of new products. In terms of traffic operation, based on the ability of AI to automatically generate live slices in batches, it can quickly cover short videos for brands and fully capture free traffic on the platform.

Customer core pain points:

It is a well-known domestic head women's clothing brand, a multi-brand pan-life fashion retail group, with more than 2,200 stores nationwide and strong development of online e-commerce channels. It has a number of stores on different e-commerce platforms on the whole network, and the annual number of new products reaches 10,000+, and the demand for marketing material production is huge, so it is facing the inefficiency of manpower to produce the main image and detail page of goods, the difficulty of cross-platform and cross-department circulation of product information, and the difficulty of realizing the requirements of different platform rules for new content across platforms.

With the development of the Internet industry, in order to reach more consumers, the layout of online stores is also an important initiative of the group.

How to carry out unified and systematic management of stores on different platforms is a problem that needs to be solved urgently. In addition, with the slowdown in the growth of the e-commerce market, the trend of traffic differentiation is obvious, the competition between platforms is fierce, and the cost and difficulty of merchants to obtain traffic continue to increase.

Solution: Automatically generate store picture materials through E-Shang, unified management of data flow up and downstream, and realize functions such as one-click multi-platform synchronization and management of detail pages. The use of artificial intelligence is convenient for systematic and digital management of multiple platforms and stores.

1. Standardize the content materials of the store

There are 2000+ products on sale in the Tmall store, and there is a huge demand for marketing material production. The traditional manual production method has low efficiency, poor timeliness and uneven effect, and there is great cost waste and uncertainty in manual production.

E-Shang uses AI artificial intelligence technology to generate the main image and detail page with one click according to the production style and tonality of the brand specification, which improves the production efficiency by at least 5 times, and the standardized drawing standard breaks the limitations and instability of artificial aesthetics, and the product marketing materials in the store present a unified visual effect that reflects the brand tonality.

2. Cross-departmental synchronization of product information

For brands with multiple platforms and stores, the time difference between the new product and the inconsistency of the platform rules lead to the fact that the information of the same product is not synchronized in the production and new links, and the pictures and information required by the first platform are often better than those of other platforms. In addition, because vision and operation belong to different departments, it is difficult to unify the delivery time nodes among multiple departments, and it is also difficult to share data between different departments.

Based on the automatic recognition capability of clothing pictures and the integration of third-party SaaS, E-Shang realizes the standardization and unification of product information within the brand, realizes efficient multi-department collaboration through permission setting, convenient internal and external chain sharing, and can track the overall data at any time to reduce communication costs.

3. Adapt to multi-platform rules and automatically update the new ones

The layout of multi-platform stores is a trend, and in order to establish traffic barriers between platforms, the operating rules, mapping requirements, and new rhythm are completely different. For brands with multi-platform layouts, it undoubtedly adds more manpower and time costs.

E-Shang is connected to 13 e-commerce platforms on the whole network, and through AI recognition and RPA automation process, it can automatically backfill product attribute information, automatically map fields on different platforms, and automatically complete the tedious fields repeated at one time.

How does AIGC reshape e-commerce content production and traffic operations?

4. Use live slicing to help the efficient operation of micro-detailed short videos

Based on visual and semantic recognition, it automatically captures the selling point explanation clips in the brand's live broadcast, automatically generates multiple types of micro-detailed short video content such as clothing display, real person try-on, baby explanation, etc., and quickly realizes the coverage of the short video of the whole store through the reuse of existing video resources, and customizes personalized editing scripts for them according to the brand's product characteristics and target customer portraits, generates short videos of product marketing with high selling points, and fully captures the free traffic of the platform.

Based on the above landing cases, Tiger Sniff Think Tank believes that the generation of product shelves and marketing materials is relatively mature. Compared with the traditional model and the AI production process, generative AI assists e-commerce customers in building product posters and generating main images and detail pages with one click, so as to achieve faster and lower-cost product promotion, and reduce costs and increase efficiency. However, at present, the application of AI by e-commerce enterprises is still focused on a single scenario, and there is room for further expansion of business applications.

AIGC still faces challenges in helping e-commerce content generation and traffic operations

Although the application of AI in e-commerce has brought about a leap in efficiency, there are still some challenges, such as the content generated by AI, although efficient, but the quality is uneven. How to ensure that the generated content not only conforms to the brand tone, but also attracts and retains users is an important challenge for e-commerce brands. At the same time, in the field of e-commerce, which pursues content differentiation and personalization, AI-generated content lacks human flavor and is often difficult to attract users' attention.

The rise of AI-generated content technology is leading e-commerce brands into a new era of content and traffic operations. Through the application of AI technology, e-commerce brands can not only achieve efficient and innovative content production, but also achieve accurate and intelligent traffic operations. In the future, with the continuous development and improvement of AI technology, it is believed that the e-commerce industry will usher in more opportunities for change and innovation.

Now log on to the official website of Tiger Sniff Think Tank and click the link below to have a more in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the application of AI in the field of retail consumption.

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